Rebirth 2003

Chapter 483: Squeeze the wool, find the wrongdoer

According to Lu Yang’s request, Wang Lin had eliminated the famous celebrities and those who had no recent schedules. Lu Yang went to see them one by one. The speed was very fast. For the information, he always glanced at the name, and put it aside as long as it had no impression at all.


   Lu Yang plans to see if he is impressed by any actor who has only become popular after 2008. If there is no such actor, he will look carefully one by one.


In this large stack of materials, Lu Yang has no impression of the names of absolutely some people, and he can't be blamed. Even if he has watched many movies and TV shows in his previous life, many actors will only remember where they are. It has appeared in film and television works, and maybe I can still remember the names of their characters, but he seldom searches the Internet specifically for the specific names of these actors.


One by one piece of information was set aside by him. Wang Lin looked very speechless beside him. According to Lu Yang's selection method, it would take less than two minutes to read this large pile of information. The speed is no different.


   "Huang Haibo..."


Lu Yang's movements suddenly stopped, his eyes fixed on this name. This person was very impressed. He has starred in "Fu Xing Gao Zhao Zhu Ba Jie". The disguised Zhu Ba Jie is very different. In his impression, Huang Haibo’s appearance in this play, I seem to like wearing a pigtail hat, which is not only delicious but also beautiful.


   In my memory, 10 years later, he has starred in dramas such as "A Beautiful Time for a Daughter-in-law" and "Let's Get Married". He should really become famous 10 years later, and now he can only be regarded as a second-line actor at most.


   Lu Yang squinted at the information in front of him. From the data point of view, Huang Haibo actually made his debut quite early. He played a mentally retarded teenager in a movie in 90 years.


   01 years. Appeared in "The Passion Burning Years".


   In 2003, starring in "Fu Xing Gao Zhao Zhu Ba Jie", the last time there was a work, last year (2007), played Ding Li in "New Shanghai Beach".


   In addition, he also appeared in several variety shows.


   is not red!


   At least he didn't become popular. Lu Yang squinted his eyes and imagined in his mind what effect would it be if he played Gu Xiaobai...


   The original "Men Gang". Gu Xiaobai, played by Honglei Sun, has a dull and cute aura, as well as a middle-two aura, these two auras. Huang Haibo should be able to perform. This person is best at these two styles, or one style. Being cute is sometimes in the second grade.


   thought about it for a while. Lu Yang suddenly smiled softly.


   I think Huang Haibo should have no problem with Gu Xiaobai's role. He will play the role, and the script will be slightly changed. In the original version, Sun Honglei played Gu Xiaobai. He was often teased about his small eyes, and replaced by Huang Haibo for his big tongue.




   Lu Yang put Huang Haibo's information aside, and continued to watch other people's information. With Huang Haibo, who is a more suitable candidate, Lu Yang will look at the rest of the information. More casually, after looking through all the information and not finding a second suitable candidate, Lu Yang pushed Huang Haibo's information in front of Wang Lin and said, "It's him!"


   Wang Lin glanced at Lu Yang with a strange look, and asked, "Are you sure?"


Just now when Lu Yang put this information aside, he had read this person's information and found that the person in the photo was not handsome, and his age seemed to be a bit older, not a small meat, let’s look at his qualifications. , And did not see many bright spots, therefore, Wang Lin felt a little unreliable for Lu Yang choosing this person as the leading actor.


   "Don't you find it interesting to let Zhu Bajie play Gu Xiaobai?"


   Lu Yang speeded up his breakfast, glanced sideways at Wang Lin, and asked him with a smile.


   Wang Lin blinked his eyes and thought for a while, then laughed. He has read all the scripts of "The Gang of Men". Thinking about it carefully, Gu Xiaobai's style is indeed a bit similar to Zhu Bajie!


   "Where is the third actor?"


   Wang Lin no longer talks about the problem of the first actor, now there is still a third actor.


   "Let's choose with Wang Wei! An old man in his early forties, look better! A little poor mouth! Also, a bit of an artist's breath! Once you have selected it, just show me the information!"


   The first and second actor has been determined. Lu Yang is not so concerned about the candidate for the third actor. I feel that it should not be difficult to find an actor who is over forty years old.


  Wang Lin nodded, and after cooperating with Lu Yang so many times, he has gradually become accustomed to Lu Yang giving him some less important and trivial matters.




Greater Shanghai is prosperous everywhere. It should not be an exaggeration to say that it is the most modern city in the mainland. It fits the story background of "The Gang of Men". There is no need to choose. Lu Yang and Wang Lin unanimously decided to place the filming location here. As a well-known local wealthy businessman, it is convenient to borrow some venues when shooting.


   Even some high-rise buildings and modern offices that need to be used can directly borrow those properties of Wang Lin's family.


The crew who came from the crew of "Dragon and Snake Fighting" are already preparing various props and setting up various scenes, such as Gu Xiaobai’s large solitary house, male number two and male number three, as well as the residences and residences of the heroines. Workplaces, these commonly used fixed locations, must be arranged before shooting.


  While setting up these scenes and preparing various props that need to be used by the crew, a special team specially formed by Wang Lin is also working hard to implement the ideas that Lu Yang thought about at the barbecue restaurant on the night of the 16th.


   Find, Taobao, major clothing, catering, and all manufacturers and merchants that can place advertisements to contact sponsors. The subsidy fee must be provided, as well as the sponsored clothing, mobile phones, various decorations, etc., and so on.


   This article was designated by Wang Lin as the most important one. For this reason, more than a dozen talents in promotion and marketing were specially recruited to do this.


In addition to this, Wang Lin and the others are also busy signing contracts with the leading actors and supporting actors, and contacting the cast of "The Girls We Chased Together in Those Years", those actors who echo the characters in the script will come to the "Men Gang". Friendship cameo.


   I have to report to the Shanghai Municipal Government that "The Gang of Men" is about to be filmed in Shanghai. All kinds of trivial matters have made Wang Lin dimly busy, but at the same time, the preparation work of all aspects of the crew is indeed progressing rapidly.


   Characters and actors in each play are also coming from all over the world.


   As for sponsors, Pizza Hut was the first to agree to sponsor pizza, various drinks in the store, and a sponsorship fee of 300,000 yuan.


   Then there are clothing, shoes, mobile phones, cars, etc. These items that are bound to appear frequently in the camera, and soon have been taken advantage of... Uh, sponsors!


   I have to say that the promotion and marketing staff that Wang Lin has hired are good, and they even look for sponsors for Gu Xiaobai's bathing room.


   The good news came one after another. After the above items have found sponsors, the laptop often used by male protagonists and female actors has also found a sponsor-Lenovo Notebook, with a sponsorship fee of 2 million.


Those who have watched "The Gang of Men" should remember that there is a plot in "The Gang of Men", which involves the ** space of the mobile phone 360 ​​guards. There is a heroine who is in love with Luo Shuquan, who is nicknamed "Harry Potter". At that time, she was still entangled with another man. This woman put the other man’s mobile phone number in the 360** space. Usually calls and text messages appear directly in this ** space, and most people can’t open it without a password. .


   Well, so much, I just want to say that the promotion and marketing staff recruited by Wang Lin also captured 360 and received a sponsorship fee of 500,000.


The agreement between Wang Lin and these marketers is that they work more and earn more, and their salaries are mainly deducted from the sponsorship fees they pull. Therefore, these guys who have tasted the sweetness not only follow the list provided by Wang Lin, but also look for them. Sponsors also use their brains to find new sponsorship spots, such as jewelry stores.


   A salesperson named Qian approached Wang Lin and asked if jewelry should be used in the script? In urban emotional dramas, the male protagonist should buy jewelry for the female protagonist, right?


  Wang Lin was a little surprised. He took out a list he had left behind, pointed to the ring item on the list, and said, "Isn't it written on the list?"


The marketer surnamed Qian laughed at the time, scratched his head, and said: "I know! We have found the sponsor of the ring. What I want to say now is that for the jewelry store, we can also go to sponsor! For example, directly Look for Lao Fengxiang or Zhu Dafu. These shops are all national chains, and the thieves have money! The competition is fierce. Whoever pays us more sponsorships can let whose shop signs appear in the TV series!"


Wang Lin looked at the kid in a daze for a long time before he showed a smile, patted the kid on the shoulder, and praised: "Okay! Nice job! You can think of double charging for a ring! You already have a few mobile phones! The operator’s shameless demeanor! I like it!"


   A week later, most of the indoor scenes have been set up, most of the actors have been put in place, and the largest sponsorship fee has finally been negotiated.


   is not Taobao, but Jingdong Mall! Like the original "Gang of Men", Jingdong Mall became the largest sponsor, naming rights and advertising placement fees of no less than 30 seconds, totaling 6 million.


   The sponsorship fee seems to be very Actually, Lu Yang didn't know that the sponsorship fee was several million lower than the original "Gang of Men". Even if you know it, it's useless!


   After all, the starring roles of this play are not Sun Honglei and Wang Luodan, who are already very famous, nor is the director Zhao Baogang, a national second-level director who has already had many big-selling works.


   Even the investment company is not as good as the original investment company.


this is the truth! The same TV series, different people come to film, different people come to star, even the sponsorship fee is not the same level.


   But for Lu Yang and the others, 6 million is a lot, plus dozens of other sponsorship fees. The "Gang of Men" has not yet started shooting, and the sponsorship fee is close to 20 million, and the specific amount is about 18 million.


  In an instant, a total investment of 30 million yuan will be required, which reduces the investment cost by more than half. (To be continued...)


  Ps: Thank you y`y Fengyuzhong, Suifengju, Xiaozhi for rewarding 100 points, thanks to Ye Se*, for rewarding 688 points, thank you for your monthly pass!

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