Rebirth 2003

Chapter 500: The first person to comfort Lu Yang

Day by day, there are still aftershocks in Wenchuan from time to time. The news is reporting on the disaster there every day, attracting the attention of the whole country. Kind of daily necessities.


   The maximum intensity of the earthquake has been determined-the magnitude 8 earthquake is the largest after the Tangshan Earthquake.


   Countless people are concerned about the disaster over there and how many people have been injured or killed.


As time passed, the determinable disaster situation there became more and more serious. In the original time and space, the earthquake directly claimed the lives of nearly 70,000 people, more than 10,000 people were missing, and more than 370,000 people were injured. The total casualties were , The number of missing exceeds 400,000.


This time, because of Lu Yang’s warning, many people are alert, and the number of casualties has dropped a lot, but it is still a huge number. Thousands of people lost their lives directly. The live broadcast images are shocking and emotional. heavy.


The filming of "The Gang of Men" has continued, but Lu Yang did not follow the crew anymore. He stayed in the hotel room every day, staying in the hotel room, occasionally following the news, occasionally logging in to q`q, looking at the chat records of the book fans, and seldom interacting with people. Communication, whether on the Internet or in reality, Lu Yang has become reticent.


   He hates himself, why would he forget that Wenchuan is only the epicenter area, and there are more places around it that will be affected? If he hadn't forgotten this, the number of casualties this time would have been even less, but unfortunately, it was too late to be upset. In just a few days, the number of casualties announced on the news was approaching 100,000.


  Wen Chou in the primitive group. Several readers sent him private messages, telling him about his 7 book fans. All fans are suspended to add newcomers. Those who have already quit will not be allowed to come back.


  Lu Yang was not provoked to chat, but told them that he picked some people from the other groups into the original group, and then reopened the other six groups. This time, the book fans lost so much. Can't blame them, there are those who are willing to come back. Let them join those 6 groups!


   These days, Lu Yang is mostly in codewords, just. The state of mind is not good, the state of the codeword is very poor, and I get upset when I write it, and then delete all the manuscripts that have been written, and then rewrite it. The codeword time every day is much longer than before, but the manuscript written is No more than before.


   He did extract himself from the center of public opinion. At present, most people's eyes are attracted by the disaster and casualties of the Earthquake. Some people are still wondering who the person who provided the earthquake forecast to Wen Chou is, and occasionally someone will say: "That author is really brave! I don't know if this kind of earthquake forecast will happen in the end. I dare to explode it by my real name. , And spent so much money on hiring Internet naval forces to spread the news over the world, if the earthquake does not come, that guy will be miserable!"


   The police are also looking for the "expert" who provided information to Lu Yang. The general call from the outside world is that the expert will take the initiative to stand up. Make greater contributions to the country.


   The earthquake zone is not only Wenchuan, but also makes Lu Yang safer. Because in the early warning posts, although the time forecast is relatively accurate, the scope of the forecast is obviously too small.


  The warning post only says that there will be an earthquake in Wenchuan, but the fact is that a large area around Wenchuan belongs to the earthquake zone. This is the most mistaken part of the warning post. If it is not bad, it will not make people think that this warning is too accurate.


   Unfortunately, every time I heard the live broadcast, the female reporter said regretfully: "It would be nice if the pre-earthquake warnings were more accurate..." Lu Yang felt very self-blame in his heart.


Speaking of it, it was too late when he remembered the earthquake. It was already in the early morning of the 11th. He didn't have much time to think deeply, and he didn't have much time to recall more information about the earthquake. I only remembered the approximate time of Wenchuan and the earthquake.


   More than a week passed in a blink of an eye. Search and rescue work is still going on in the disaster area. Wang Lin finally returned to Shanghai. All the materials he prepared before the earthquake have been donated.


   On the afternoon of May 21, Wang Lin knocked on Lu Yang's door. After opening the door, the two of them were speechless.


   Lu Yang was in a depressed mood, and he hadn't got rid of his self-blame, while Wang Lin was heavy because he had seen too many miserable scenes in the disaster area these days.


   "Wenda! It's too miserable over there!"


   For a while, Wang Lin said in a low voice.


  Lu Yang silently, he has been following the news over there these days, and he has seen those scenes on TV a long time ago. The news shows only the epitome of the earthquake area. The scene must be more shocking than the live broadcast.


That night, Tong Yaqian knocked on Lu Yang’s door and she came to see Lu Yang. These days, she had known on the phone that there was nothing wrong with Lu Yang, and she didn’t need to come, but every time she talked with Lu Yang recently. , She could feel Lu Yang's low mood through the phone, and the tone of each call seemed to lose its color, and she no longer joked with her casually like before. She called him your majesty and claimed to be a concubine and wanted to make him happy. There is no effect at all.


   She didn't know what happened to Lu Yang, and she was very worried. If it hadn't been for these days, she would have come over.


   "Lu Yang! What's wrong with you?"


Standing at the door just opened, Tong Yaqian watched Lu Yang worriedly, stepped forward slowly, stretched out her slender jade hand and gently stroked Lu Yang’s face, Lu Yang managed to squeeze a little smile, and closed the door without saying a word. , But hugged Tong Yaqian tightly in her arms, feeling the breath of her body, and gently sniffing Tong Yaqian’s hair. Cao Xue also made a few calls these days to care about him, but maybe it was her clothing factory. Can't do without her! Tong Yaqian was the first one who never came to see him.


  Man is a very strange animal!


   The care given by others on weekdays will not be very much in my heart, but when someone is depressed, if someone cares and greets, even if it is just a greeting, there will be a warm current in my heart, and it is easy to be moved.


These days, Cao Xue didn’t come, Rui Xiaoxiu didn’t come, and Xing Xinxin didn’t come either. On weekdays, only Zhang Li, who lives in this hotel, came to accompany him occasionally. Therefore, for the first Tong Yaqian who came to see her specially, at this moment Lu Yang felt very kind, and never felt that Tong Yaqian was so gentle like this moment.


   "Miss me?"


   Being embraced by Lu Yang, Tong Yaqian was a little surprised, and at the same time, he felt that he had come right this time. He was in an unprecedented depression and really needed some comfort.


Lu Yang still didn't speak, but slowly started rubbing Tong Yaqianguang's smooth and moist face with his cheeks, and slowly kissed her lips with the clear line of cherry lips. Tong Yaqian did not resist, nor made a sound. , She could feel Lu Yang looking for comfort, and slowly, she began to respond.


   Nearly an hour later, the movement in the bedroom calmed down. Lu Yang was lying on his upper body, covered with a thin air-conditioning blanket, staring blankly at the ceiling above, his brows still slightly frowned.


Tong Yaqian lay quietly on his chest, her hair that had been unraveled, like silk and satin draped over the dazzling white skin. She raised her head slightly and saw the folds of Lu Yang's brows. She stretched out her white jade fingers and gently stroked her. Ping, said softly: "What's wrong with you? You've saved a lot of people this time."


   "It's nothing, but every day I see that the number of casualties on the news is increasing, and I feel a little heavy."


Lu Yang replied lightly. The secrets in his heart were destined to be buried in his heart forever. Even Tong Yaqian and Cao Xue could not tell them that he had another memory of time and space. It could not be said that what he did this time was not good enough. The warning information is not accurate enough.


Tong Yaqian did not doubt Lu Yang's answer, and Shun Luyang said: "If that's the case, don't watch the live broadcast anymore! I didn't expect you to be so sympathetic! Don't think about it so much! No one will stop the earthquake. No, in my opinion, this time is you. If you change the author, you may not dare to warn in advance, such as the expert who provided you with the news! I have been thinking recently that that person has withdrawn from your book fan group after giving you a warning. He hasn't shown up yet, and probably just doesn't want to take this responsibility. He should also be afraid that if the prediction is not accurate, he can't get rid of the relationship!"


Lu Yang's attention was attracted by Tong Yaqian's seemingly reasonable analysis, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said, "Really? Then analyze and analyze again. The earthquake has already occurred, why doesn't he dare to stand up? Standing up now, he can gain a lot of fame! Countless people will be grateful to him!"


Seeing that Lu Yang finally said more, Tong Yaqian hurriedly continued: "There must be a reason! I guess he is not confident that he can predict an earthquake every time. There was a scream of curse! It is possible that this time he just discovered the earthquake omen by accident!"


   Lu Yang suddenly looked at Tong Yaqian with admiration.


"These are all analyzed by yourself?" Lu Yang couldn't believe it. Although he knew the truth himself and knew that the so-called expert did not exist, the reasons that Tong Yaqian analyzed seemed to make sense—if There is indeed the expert's words.




Tong Yaqian laughed: "Why! It's what I see from the Internet these Recently, many people on the Internet are analyzing why that expert has not come forward until now. There are various reasons for the analysis. A few, but I think it’s more reliable!"


  Looking at Lu Yang's stunned expression, Tong Yaqian suddenly changed the subject, seemingly excited, and said: "Hey! Tell you a good news! Do you want to listen?"


   "What good news?"


   Lu Yang is a little uncomfortable with Tong Yaqian's jumping thinking. He was still talking about the earthquake, why suddenly there is good news?


  Tong Yaqian was very satisfied with Lu Yang's blank expression at this time, and suddenly reached out her hand to pinch Lu Yang's nose, and said happily: "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms of Mengjiao Niang" is about to be published! Hey, is this good news?"


   Lu Yang was even more confused.


   "Isn't your book unfinished? Can it be published if it is unfinished?" (to be continued)


  Ps: Thank you for rewarding 1888 points for the flower appreciation. Sorry, today I was asked to amend the previous chapters by the editor. Today’s second chapter is late, sorry everyone!

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