Rebirth 2003

Chapter 506: Dao Xinyi's thanks

  &Nbsp;   At around nine in the morning the next day, Lu Yang woke up to the ringtone of his mobile phone, and fell asleep all night, and his energy was restored. Picking up the phone on the bedside table last night, the name of Dao Xinyi displayed on the phone screen.     Seeing the three words Dao Xinyi, Lu Yang remembered the Dao Xinyi text message he received yesterday afternoon when he was watching the first four episodes of "The Gang of Men". In the text, Dao Xinyi would like to ask He had dinner and was pushed by him until this morning. I remember Dao Xinyi said in a text message yesterday that she had no role in the last two or three days.     Thinking of this for an instant, Lu Yang knew what Dao Xinyi should call at this time.     The call is now connected.     "Good morning beauty!"    Lu Yang, who just woke up, was in a relaxed and happy mood, and his words seemed very casual.     Dao Xinyi chuckled on the phone and said, "Mr. Lu! You won't get up yet? Yesterday, you said I invited you to dinner today. Do you remember?"     Lu Yang smiled, sitting up from the bed, while opening his eyes and talking nonsense: "How is it possible? I've got up already! But now I have something to do, and it will take half an hour to finish. Can you wait? "&Nbsp;   Dao Xinyi: "Oh, then you are busy! Tell me on the phone when you are done, let's see you in the lobby downstairs, how about it?"     Lu Yang: "Okay! Of course no problem!"    Hang up the call, Lu Yang casually threw the phone by the pillow, rubbed his face with his hands on his face, lost a smile, and then stood up. Dress, wash, and eat breakfast in a hurry.     There is no need to order for breakfast. There are more than a dozen kinds of food ready-made in the room. Lu Yang took a piece of bread and a carton of milk on the food rack.     When everything is done, it looks like just half an hour has passed.     Beige cotton and linen trousers, white background with black dots, black placket, collar, cuff casual shirt, brown casual leather shoes, this is what Lu Yang wears today. When he went out, he picked up his mobile phone and wallet. Today, he can no longer see the rusticity for several years. Even if he has no ornaments all over his body, anyone who sees it at a glance will not treat him as a poor `*`silk.     Men before the age of twenty. Even before the age of twenty-five, there is a difference between superior and inferior. People who compare each other are often handsome or not, and when they get older, they compare. It is often temperament.     The so-called emigrating body and raising qi, whether a man is good or not, can be seen from the temperament, there is a folk saying that wearing a dragon robe is not like a prince!     Is talking about temperament.     A man, if you are in your twenties or even thirty years old, and someone praises you for being handsome, it is likely that you have nothing else to boast about and are no longer worthy of pride.     As mentioned above. Lu Yang's appearance is not outstanding. Standing with some handsome guys before, he would always be concealed by others. But now, even if he still has that appearance, even if he still doesn't speak much, no matter where he appears, it is basically impossible for anyone to overshadow his sense of existence with his face alone.     Lu Yang walked towards the elevator entrance. While calling Dao Xinyi, he told her on the phone. I am going downstairs, see you in the lobby downstairs later.     On the phone, Dao Xinyi told Lu Yang that she was already waiting in the lobby.     This is a novel feeling for Lu Yang!     why?     Before dating girls, Lu Yang always waited for girls in advance, but today, it is Dao Xinyi, a beautiful woman who is waiting for him.     Out of the elevator, it was the hotel lobby. To Lu Yang's surprise again, Dao Xinyi was waiting outside the elevator door, wearing a pale green dress, white and round arms, Holding a lady's wallet in both hands, and on his dazzling white left wrist, there is a red string tied with a gold bead the size of a yellow bean. This is the bracelet of Xinyi Dao, the only one on his body Ornaments.     There are no high heels on your feet, just a pair of flat shoes.     Very simple dress, full face, but still beautiful, so that Lu Yang feels bright, the man who came out of the same elevator with Lu Yang couldn't help but walk and look back, frequently eyeing Xinyi.     Lu Yang swept his eyes and found that no matter men or women nearby, they frequently look at Xinyi.     This is the return rate of stunning beauties!     Lu Yang found that every time he saw Xinyi, no matter how she was dressed, he could discover the different beauty in her and never tire of it.     "Have you waited for a long time? Let's go! Today I have a treat!"    Lu Yang came out of the elevator, smiled and said to Xinyi, Xinyi is beautiful A light smile appeared on his face, and his red lips lightly opened his lips and said, "Okay! But it's still my treat! You can't deprive me of the opportunity to thank you!" Lu Yang smiled and didn't talk to her Arguing over this issue, stretched out his hand to signal, let Dao Xinyi please first, Dao Xinyi turned sideways slightly, and also signaled him to please first.     The two looked at each other and smiled, Lu Yang nodded and walked ahead, Dao Xinyi followed lightly in his footsteps.     All the way out from the hotel lobby, anyone who sees Xinyi Dao can't help but look at her more. It's really better than Huajiao!     "How many days can I rest this time?"    On the way to the hotel parking lot to pick up the car, Lu Yang casually asked Xinyi, along the way, the two of them said nothing While chatting casually, it can be seen that after nearly two months of adjustment, Dao Xinyi's mood has gradually adjusted from the shadow of his father's death.     Lu Yang drove and didn't specifically look for a restaurant, so he drove along the street, planning to park when he saw the favorite hotel.     In the car, ask Dao Xinyi what you want to eat, Dao Xinyi said what you like to eat, go wherever you like, and let Lu Yang call the shots.     Finally, the two walked into a Sichuan restaurant.     Knife Xinyi comes from y province. Since childhood, he is used to spicy dishes. y province is adjacent to s province. The dishes are similar to Sichuan cuisine in terms of method and taste.     Lu Yang took care of her taste, and when he saw this Sichuan restaurant, he parked his car on the side of the road.     After entering, the two asked for a small private room. Lu Yang handed the menu that the waiter had handed to Dao Xinyi. Dao Xinyi pushed it in front of Lu Yang and said with a smile, "Today I Please order the food! As long as it is not too expensive, I can still afford it!"    Lu Yang smiled, thinking about an excuse to go to the bathroom for a while, and settle the bill by himself , There is no rejection. Scrolling through the beautifully crafted menu, the waitress in big red clothing, reporting the names of the dishes one by one, hurriedly took notes next to her.     I ordered five dishes and one soup in one go. Lu Yangcai put the menu in front of Dao Xinyi, smiled and said: "What do you want to eat, order a few yourself!"    Dao Xinyi nodded with a smile, flipped through the menu, and ordered three more. Daocai, at this time she hadn't realized that Lu Yang had planned to help her settle the bill when she was not paying attention. I thought it was her treat to show sincerity. All three dishes she ordered cost more than one hundred yuan.     Such dishes are definitely expensive dishes for her!     She is not from a wealthy family, and she has just graduated from college. Did not make much money.     When the dishes are ordered, the waiter exits the private room. While waiting for the dishes to be served, Lu Yang and Dao Xinyi chat freely.     "Have you been acting well recently? Has your acting skills improved?"    Lu Yang holds a teacup in one hand, drinks Pu'er brick tea in a Sichuan restaurant, and opens the topic with a smile .     "Alright! How about you? I haven't seen you in the crew for a long time. What have you been up to lately?" Sitting there quietly with the tea cup. There was always a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, and he was asleep on the way to Wenchuan last time. The memory of unconsciously squeezing into Lu Yang's arms caused her to face Lu Yang again, and that scene always subconsciously appeared in her mind.     At this time, I felt a little strange, so I didn't dare to look at Lu Yang.     "I? I’m writing a new book recently, so I’m not too busy, right! How is your family now? What are the difficulties. You can tell me! I may not be able to help with other tasks. Life is tight. You can tell me at any time if you are short of money!"    Lu Yang knew in his heart that after Dao Xinyi’s father passed away, there would be problems in her family life. There were grandpa and grandma in her family. With my younger brother, my mother may not have emerged from the shadow of her husband's death, and may still be recuperating at home.     Under such a situation, a family of children only relies on Xinyi, who has just graduated from university, to make money and support. Naturally, the pressure on Xinyi is not normal.     "Thank you! Ah yes! Last time you helped me so much. I spent a lot of money on lodging, refueling the car, and tolls. Bring it home, I’ll give you the money!" Dao Xinyi suddenly remembered this, and quickly opened the handbag and drew a wad of money out of it, which is about three or four thousand yuan. She deliberately took it out of the bank this morning in order to return Lu Yang's favor.     "Hehe! No need! I don’t need this money! Keep it for yourself! It’s not easy for you to earn some money!"    Lu Yang refused with a smile However, Dao Xinyi was still blushing and counting money there. After counting a dozen pieces, he put it back in his handbag, and prepared to save it for a while to pay for the meal. He placed the remaining 2,000 yuan in front of Lu Yang with his hands.     "This is a little bit of my heart! You helped me so much last time, and I can’t let you contribute and pay. This time when I returned to Shanghai from home, my mother told me repeatedly, You must pay you back. You can see if these are enough. If it is not enough, I will go to the bank to get it for you!" Say.     Lu Yang didn’t take the money on the table in front of him. He only glanced at Dao Xinyi and shook his head slightly. If you don’t treat me as a friend, then I will accept the money. Now, do you still want me to collect the money? His mouth opened slightly, and he couldn't advance or retreat for a while. He didn't know how to continue to persuade Lu Yang to accept the money.     She is not the kind of girl with a sharp tongue. At this time, she didn’t know how to persuade her. She persuaded Lu Yang to accept it. Lu Yang agreed, but Lu Yang understood very well that he could accept it. The money, but once accepted, the two are no longer friends.     Seeing her froze there, Lu Yang smiled a little, and pushed the money in front of him back to Dao Xinyi, and said softly: "Take it back! Your life is not easy now, and neither do I Lack of this money! When you live well in the future, thank me in other ways!" Dao Xinyi's long eyelashes Low response With a sound, the eye circles are reddish.     It has been so long since my father passed away, and she has never received such real care from anyone. At this time, she feels warm in her heart. (To be continued)    ps: Thank you Zhang Gen`shuo, who looks like a good young man for the reward of 588 points.

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