Rebirth 2003

Chapter 510: The first trailer released

    In the afternoon, Lu Yang did not leave the hotel anymore, he was at ease in the code word in the room, the room is air-conditioned, the temperature is suitable, there is tea and coffee, the sound insulation effect of the room is also very good, here code word It can be regarded as a kind of enjoyment.     wrote two chapters in one afternoon.     At dinner time, I ordered some dishes with Wang Lin in the hotel lobby, drank a few bottles of cold beer, and while drinking, Wang Lin told Lu Yang that at 7 o’clock tonight, "The Dragon and Snake" "The first trailer will officially land on major video sites.     Starting from tomorrow, this trailer will also appear on some TV stations. At the same time, some newspapers and magazines will also start some advertising, and wait for the entire film to be edited and approved by the radio and television. After the release date is determined, a full range of publicity will be launched.     The total investment of this movie is more than 15 million, so the publicity aspect can't be sloppy.     Satisfied with wine and food, Lu Yang returned to the hotel room. Wang Lin originally planned to come and sit and chat with Lu Yang, but he received a call from his girlfriend and had to dispel the idea.     It was also this call. Lu Yang learned that Wang Lin had already talked about his girlfriend. A woman who was an anchor on a local TV station, Lu Yang casually asked Wang Lin when he would bring it to him. Wang Lin had some I am embarrassed to say: "It's a while! It didn't take long for me and her to start with, and I will bring Wen Da over to Wen Da after the relationship stabilizes!" In this way, Lu Yang went back to the room alone.     When I returned to the room, it was more than half an hour, more than half an hour before the time "Dragon and Snake Fight" landed on major video sites. It is neither long nor short.     If you are in a daze, you will feel a long time when you code words. Maybe half an hour has passed since he just adjusted his condition, so Lu Yang didn't plan to make a cup of strong tea at this time code word, while browsing Tencent news, while quietly waiting for the passage of time.     Just watched the movie for a few minutes. The phone rang.     Lu Yang squinted and took a look at the phone. It was a text message from Zhang Li.     "Open the door! I'll be here right away. Welcome?"    Lu Yang smiled silently, got up and opened the door, concealed it, and returned In front of the computer. It was dark outside, and the lights in the room were not very bright, orange and dim, only the computer screen appeared very bright.     After a while, Lu Yang, who continued to watch the news, heard the door rang, and then a footstep entered the door. The door lock clicked, and there was a continuous sound of footsteps. Zhang Li walked in, wearing a blue and white pinstripe summer dress.     Sleeveless tops, slim cropped trousers, exquisite high-heeled sandals, plus blue and white pinstripes. Zhang Li's devilish figure was completely revealed. Her figure was astonishingly undulating. At the same time, her arms and legs were long. Her skin was dazzlingly white in the orange light.     Seeing Lu Yang after a month or two, Zhang Li smiled without saying a word.     "I didn't come last night. Did you suffer from insomnia?"    Lu Yang lost a smile, and then pursed his mouth with a smile on his face. Patting her thigh, Zhang Li stroked the strands of hair that hung on her cheeks in a charming manner. Lu Yang gave Lu Yang a white look, but he approached with a slap in the face, and sat on Lu Yang with his arms around Lu Yang's neck. On the big`s leg.     Lu Yang, who has not been close to a woman for some days, has a snack `Ape` Yima` for a while, his hands immediately become dishonest, and his face begins to approach Zhang Li. At this time, silence is better than voice. The atmosphere suddenly became attractive.     Lu Yang did not speak, and Zhang Li did not speak anymore. His four lips quickly kissed together.     For a long time, the lips parted, both of them breathed a little bit quickly, and Zhang Li’s beautiful clothes became a little messy. Just when Lu Yang was about to continue, the computer screen suddenly entered the screensaver state. The entire screen went dark.     Zhang Li didn't feel anything, but Lu Yang's head cleared up, thinking that 7 o'clock would have arrived at this time, and the trailer for "Dragon and Snake Strike" should be available online.     With a total investment of 15 million yuan, Lu Yang could not care less about the audience response after the first trailer was broadcast.     Now the left hand is raised, blocking Zhang Li's slightly closer mouth, and whispering softly: "Don't worry! Let's take a look at the trailer of "Dragon and Snake"!"     Zhang Li's shoulders collapsed, he sighed lightly, and gave Lu Yang another white look.     Lu Yang smiled, did not change his mind, tapped on the laptop keyboard with his right hand, the screen lights up again, and held the mouse with his right hand to open the browser navigation page, and click in the video area. Youku.     Before the Youku webpage was displayed, Lu Yang glanced at the time display in the lower right corner of the screen. It was 7:06.     The Youku homepage quickly displayed. In the movie trailer area at the top of the homepage, Lu Yang saw the first trailer of "Dragon and Snake Fight" at a glance.     At this time, Zhang Li has already turned around and looked at the computer screen with Lu Yang.     Lu Yang clicked on the trailer video of "Dragon and Snake Fight". After a short buffer, the video began to play commercials. After 15 seconds of advertising, the first "Dragon and Snake Fight" trailer finally began to play. .     At the same time, hundreds of thousands of viewers across the country are clicking on this trailer. Some of them are pure fans, just out of concern for all upcoming domestic films. Open this trailer.     Some people are fans of actors such as Zhao Wenzhuo or Zhang Li, and some people opened the trailer in the name of director Yuan Xuan.     Of course, there are some Lu Yang’s book fans. Among Lu Yang’s book fans, after hearing the news announced by Wang Lin and others, I will open this trailer at this point in time. I want to take a look. Wen Da and the Master League figured out what kind of movie is this "Fighting Dragon and Snake" with a total investment of 15 million.     "The future world, 4447 AD, the end of martial arts! With the extreme development of science and technology, martial arts is even more useless. Martial arts has really become a means of strengthening the body, rather than killing people. It exists in the World Games, in the official arena and underground boxing arena, but only in those places. Compared with highly developed technology, its lethality is too low! But...any era, There are always some martial idiots! Wu Youdao is one of the martial idiots in this era..."    The trailer begins, and the logos of Lu Yang and Wang Lin’s film companies light up on the dark screen, and Fading away, a voiceover appears first.     The darkness in the picture receded, two pairs of feet appeared in the picture, one pair was traditional black leather shoes, quite satisfactory, and the trousers on the feet were also orthodox black trousers.     The other pair of feet is wearing a pair of thick-soled high-top military leather shoes, and the leg is wearing a pair of camouflage army pants.     The camera slowly pulled up, and gradually began to show the upper body of the two people. Soon two faces appeared in the picture, one old and one young. The old man lowered his eyebrows, like a housekeeper, from head to toe. Dress meticulously.     Little, he is in his early twenties, with a faint fluff on his lips, indicating that he is not old, but his facial lines are rigid and masculine, military shoes, camouflage pants, tight but imposing Extraordinary coat, with a delicate sword in his left hand.     "Uncle Wu! Are you sure Wu Youdao lives here? This is the residence of the number one master in the Dazhong`Hua area?"    As the youth spoke out, the camera went smoothly When the two of them moved their eyes to the opposite side, the wall was mottled and peeled off. On the top of the wall, there were some weeds that moved with the wind. There were tall locust trees in the courtyard, and the white locust flowers were full of branches.  ' Deep in the yard.     "Yes! Master!"    Wu Bo's old voice sounded.     This is not a feature film, but just a trailer. The scene naturally jumps forward. As the picture turns, the young man with sword appears in front of Wu Youdao, played by Zhao Wenzhuo.     "You are Wu Youdao, the number one master in China, Dazhong? Today I will challenge you! Do you dare to fight?"    Zhao Wenzhuo is practicing knife under a pear tree , A simple long knife with a sharpened handle in his hand, suddenly stopped when he heard the sound, slowly received it, turned his head, a scattered shawl hair, eyes restrained, calm and energetic .     Zhao Wenzhuo's gaze fell on the sword in the hands of the youth, and the first sentence of his opening was not to ask the other party’s name, but: "You practice sword? You cannot be my opponent at your age. Go back. Come on!"    The picture turned again, and the two were already fighting fiercely. The shadow of the sword and the sword flashed under the pear blossoms, and the picture turned again. Zhao Wenzhuo’s knife floated across the young man’s neck with a touch of light. Blood spattered.     Uncle Wu's expression changed drastically in the distance and exclaimed: "Wu Youdao! Do you dare to kill my young master? Don't you never kill anyone?"    Screenshot Instantly entering the slow motion, the young man slowly fell down, his murderous eyes gradually tarnished.     Zhao Wenzhuo’s indifferent voice sounded: "Did you not see? He has lost, I spared him, but he attacked behind me... I missed..."     The picture turned again, Zhao Wenzhuo was already shaved off his head, his hands were handcuffed by a pair of flickering future world handcuffs, and under the **** of several heavily armed soldiers, he went to a silver building full of science fiction.     At the same time, a court sentence sounded: "Citizen Wu Youdao, bullying, killing citizen Gong Sun Shaoyang, depriving political rights for life, exiled to another world No. 99, and will not return to the Lord's world for life! This verdict It is the highest verdict and cannot be appealed and cannot be changed! This verdict will take effect immediately! Exile will be executed within 24 hours!"    This is the second time Lu Yang has watched this trailer, so he is no longer so focused , Just looking at it, half-squinting his eyes trying to find a place in it that can be deleted.     Although Zhang Li is one of the heroines of this, it is the first time to watch this trailer. From the beginning of this trailer, she has eyes Watching closely without blinking.     When the film was shot, I couldn't feel the final quality of the film, because when filming, all the plots were disrupted and shot according to scenes.     It was only when she watched this trailer today that she was surprised that the style of this movie was completely different from what she thought. The matchup at the beginning looked very sharp from the trailer Kill. (To be continued)

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