Rebirth 2003

Chapter 773: "School Captain Time and Space"

???|-> Chapter 773 "School Captain Time and Space"? There is such an exciting idea in his mind. In the second half of "Avatar", Lu Yang looked even more carelessly, his eyes wearing 3D glasses. The whole squinted, sometimes closed, all thoughts were immersed in the idea that just came out.


   If I didn’t come with Tong Yaqian today, at this time, even if it’s "Avatar" in front of him, he would definitely leave the stage immediately, go back and write down this idea, and then complete it as soon as possible.


   This idea is still an idea, and there are many things that need to be structured and improved.


   In the theater where "Avatar" was screened, almost all the audience watched mesmerized, but Lu Yang felt it was a torment. He wished that the movie would end soon, and then he would go back right away.


   After hard work, until the end of the movie, Lu Yang pulled Tong Yaqian out of the theater and walked straight to the theater gate.


   Tong Yaqian was surprised by his hurried look. As Lu Yang quickened his pace, he asked in wonder Novel w.qul.: "What's wrong with you? Do you want to go to the toilet? The toilet is not in this direction!"


   "Bullshit! Come home with me quickly! I can't help it!"




When Tong Yaqian heard this answer, she whispered, and subconsciously looked around, then leaned close to Lu Yang's ear, stretched out her hand and twisted the meat on Lu Yang's arm, while depressing her voice softly, "Did you die? Not just last night." Have you ever done it? Have you held it so hard?".


   Lu Yang: "……"


   Silently stretched out his hand and patted his forehead, Lu Yang was no longer in a mood to explain to her, inspiration is fleeting, and his thoughts may have been clear just now. In a blink of an eye, something was interrupted and he forgot, Lu Yang closed his mouth altogether. Regardless of Tong Yaqian's eyes, she continued to speed up and walk outside.


   got into the car. The car had been driving for a while, Tong Yaqian couldn't help but touched the crotch of Lu Yang who was driving. After touching it, she wondered and said, "No! You don't look like you can't help it!"


   Lu Yang rolled his eyes and continued to remain silent.


After running two red lights all the way back to the villa, Lu Yang hurriedly dropped the sentence "I'm going to the study! You go to bed first!", and jogged up the stairs, Tong Yaqian stood bewildered in the villa hall looking at Lu Yang in a hurry Back, completely confused. I don't know what kind of wind Lu Yang smoked tonight. After watching a movie well, it became so abnormal?


   But what did he just say? Go to the study?


   Remembering what Lu Yanggang said, Tong Yaqian finally understood something.


   "Miss Tong! Are you back? Do you need some supper? Where's Mr. Lu? Would you like a supper?" The butler came out of the room wearing his coat and asked Tong Yaqian.


   "No need! Go and rest!"


   Tong Yaqian shook her head and followed upstairs.


   When she passed the study door, she found that the study door was not closed tightly. She couldn't help but glanced inside through the crack of the door curiously, and found that Lu Yang, who had just gone upstairs, was already holding a pencil. What was written quickly on the snow-white manuscript paper, the speed of the writing was terrifyingly fast, and a line of text was finished in the blink of an eye. Immediately afterwards, he changed another line and continued to dance.


   Can't help it?


   Tong Yaqian couldn't laugh or cry, shook her head, she didn't push the door to enter. He didn't help Lu Yang close the door, so as not to disturb him. He walked lightly to the master bedroom not far away, and gently closed the bedroom door after entering.




   In the study room. At this time, Lu Yang only had the manuscript in front of his eyes. If he carefully identified it, he could recognize the words written by Long Feifengwu.


   Title: "School Wei in Time and Space"


   Type: Science Fiction


   Author: Wen Chou


  Introduction: In 18272 AD, the expanded human footprint has spread across dozens of galaxies in the universe, completely conquering all the alien civilizations known to mankind! But at the same time, the population has expanded to the point where dozens of galaxies can hardly contain it!


   At the same time, a strong class barrier has been formed between humans!


  The rich can only live in slums with harsh environments.


   As far as the eyes of mankind can be, there is no place to conquer, so some people will look at the aggression to the long river of history!


Extremely advanced technology has proven that both the history of humans and the history of alien civilizations are composed of time and space one after another. Through the soul descending technology, individual souls can be born to any stage in the long river of history. The only problem is that more than 99% of people have insufficient soul strength. After the soul comes, there will be a mystery of reincarnation, unable to remember their original identity, and will not have any effect.


  Only less than 1% of the people have a soul that can grow. Through training, after the soul is born, it can quickly solve the mystery of reincarnation, or even the mystery of no reincarnation.


   Federal Space-Time Captain Academy, therefore came into being!


   There are four major departments in this college, namely the Mythology Department, the Magic Department, the Science and Technology Department, and the most complex comprehensive department!


   Graduates from the Mythology Department focus on the age of ancient mythology. Through the birth of the soul, they go to the age of ancient mythology to plunder the magical techniques of the age of mythology, as well as the weapon of the gods.


   Students who graduated from the Magic Department, focus on the magical era of humans and alien civilization...




   Each of the four major departments has its own characteristics!


   Graduated students have plundered a large number of practice methods and various resources through births in all ages, constantly changing the world.


   Guo An is just an ordinary teenager in the 21st century who strayed into 18272 AD. An unexpected encounter made him a time-space captain.




This profile is probably the longest profile written by Lu Yang since his code. It’s not that he deliberately wrote such a detailed profile, but these are the inspirations that came out of his mind when he was in the cinema and returned to the study. For the first time, he just wanted to record all these inspirations in words as soon as possible.


   As for whether this brief introduction is too long, he has not considered it for the time being.


   The origin of the name "School Lieutenant in Time and Space" was inspired by the profession of "School Lieutenant Touching Gold" mentioned in "Ghost Blowing Lantern" and other tomb robbers.


   In Lu Yang's view. The tomb thief can be called the Captain Touching Jin. Then, travel through time and space to steal people who rob various exercises and various resources. It should also be called "School Lieutenant".


   When thinking of this idea, Lu Yang flashed many titles in his mind, and finally decided to name it: "School Captain Time and Space". He didn't know whether his fans liked the name, but he liked it very much.


   The world of "Avatar" is a human being's soul descending on an avatar through the linker of thoughts. From this, Lu Yang thought of more. Web text is different from movies!


A Pandora planet, you can make an "Avatar", but a web essay with millions of words at every turn, if only one planet can descend, it seems too thin, it is difficult to write a book with millions of words work.


   So, how about more worlds that can descend?


  The age of mythology, the age of warring states, the age of martial arts, the age of magic, the age of science and technology, the various ages in alien civilization...


   Lu Yang feels that these can all be regarded as an era in which the soul can descend.


   When he first wrote "Magic Sword Eternal", he thought of using the soul to descend to unfold the whole story. He later abandoned it.


   But now combined with the idea of ​​space-time aggression and plunder, he finds it very interesting!


  The novel Federal Space-Time Captain Academy, the four novel colleges and departments, and the incredible capabilities of the Space-Time Captain. For example: a certain time and space school captain has the ability to kill people; someone has the ability to go back in time; someone can be genetically alienated... and so on.


   Before the names of the four major departments were listed, there were dozens of names in Lu Yang's mind that could be used as the special abilities of the Temporal Captain.


  This story is destined to need to build many magical worlds in advance. As a copy of the time and space school lieutenant's soul coming again and again, in Lu Yang's conception. The protagonist can go to time and space to plunder various techniques and resources, or encounter other time and space school captains. And produce conflict and confrontation.


   Thinking divergent, the theme of "School Captain Time and Space" is somewhat similar to the theme of "Infinite Killing" he wrote before! It is also barely possible to say that it is also an infinite flow.


   But it is different from the well-known infinite stream!


Infinite flow, there is space for reincarnation, the supporting role of the protagonist in the infinite flow needs to exchange various exercises, resources, etc. in the omnipotent world of the main god, but "School Captain Time and Space" is different, it has a main world, that is AD 18272 The world after years.


If we say that the world of infinite flow is a world of data, and everything is data-oriented, then the world of "School Captain Time and Space", everything seems more real, there is no data, whether it is the world after 18272 AD or the long history. In each time and space in the setting, everything is real!


   Even, the things that each time and space captain can plunder are different.


In the works of Infinite Stream, everyone must fight and fight constantly to survive, but the time and space school lieutenant can plunder the exercises and various resources, or the soul can be born into the peaceful age of the 21st century, and bring that era. The literary works brought back to the world in 18272 and sold for money.


   In short, the time and space captain does not necessarily need to keep killing.


Lu Yang has not dared or wanted to write about the traditional infinite stream, because the original "Unlimited Killing" brought him copyright Now he is no longer short of money, there is no need Go to the muddy water again, and "School Captain Time and Space" is a completely new idea. He doesn't need to worry about any copyright disputes. After writing it out, adapting games, or movies and TV shows, he can do it with confidence and boldness!


   Even, he has already thought that before the book is released, he will find someone to make the first film in a series! So many time and space where the soul can descend, it can be made into a series of movies! The first one is a time and space, and every time and space after that, a movie can be made.


   Lu Yang believes that as long as the film is well-made, many films in this series can be made, and each one will not make movie fans feel that they are cooking cold rice, because each world is different! Characters, techniques, and abilities are also different!


(Ps: This idea was originally intended for me to write a book, but I have been reluctant to release it, but in order to write this book more sincerely, I used it here. What do you think of this idea?) To be continued...)





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