“Of course it wasn’t sung by my son.”

Hao Jianjun turned off the music, and then he revealed a hint of pride in his tone, “But these two songs were indeed written by my son. He cooperated with the entertainment company and made a lot of money from it.”

As soon as he finished speaking, the villagers around him laughed even louder. They felt that Hao Jianjun was bragging again.

“Hey, I’m telling the truth, but you don’t believe it!”

Hao Jianjun defended himself a little anxiously, “My son got full marks in the college entrance examination essay, so what does writing a few songs mean to him?”

“Jianjun, being able to write essays does not necessarily mean being able to write songs. These two things cannot be confused. One thing is another.” A villager responded.

“That’s right, my son is very good at math. I asked him to guess the lottery numbers, but he just couldn’t guess them right.”

“Yes, let college students study it, and they can’t find anything either.”

The villagers soon talked about lottery tickets. It was almost the New Year, and the villagers got some sugarcane money and gambled more.

Especially during the Chinese New Year, most of the villagers’ homes are gambling dens.

However, the police station did not dare to arrest people during this Spring Festival.

“I really didn’t lie to you. Oh, let me search for you.” Hao Jianjun said, taking out his mobile phone and quickly searching for the lyrics of “Has Anyone Told You?”

He originally wanted to search for “Yu Xi Tan”, but forgot how to pronounce the song title for a while, and didn’t remember the specific strokes.

Not long after, he found the relevant information, handed the mobile phone to the villagers next to him, and said proudly: “Look, is the lyricist and composer of this song called Hao Qiang? It was written by my son.”

Seeing the content on the mobile phone, the villagers showed surprised expressions: “Huh, it’s true.”

“Oh, let me see it too.”

The surrounding villagers came over to see and found that the author of the lyrics was indeed Hao Qiang.

However, some villagers thought that this was just a name and surname. After all, in their opinion, how could Hao Jianjun’s son write a song?

After all the villagers around had finished watching, Hao Jianjun took back his phone and said to everyone, “I didn’t lie, did I?”

He didn’t want to talk too much about his son opening a hot pot restaurant, mainly because he was afraid that the villagers would ask him to arrange a job, which would cause trouble for his son.

Feeling that he had explained enough, Hao Jianjun proudly took back his phone and pushed his suitcase towards home.

It was really too tiring to rush back today, and he was also very curious about how the house was decorated.

His figure gradually went away, and some villagers who liked gossip started to talk about it.

A few minutes later, Hao Jianjun returned home.

Seeing a lot of sundries placed in the yard, his son’s room was being puttyed.

Three decoration masters were busy, and Hao Jianjun gave the masters cigarettes after putting down his luggage.

Having seen houses in the city, he had some experience and knew how to decorate better.

My son said that the tiles should be simple and generous, not too fancy, and the exterior walls would not be decorated. The old house would only be a transition for two years.

After sending his father home, Hao Qiang took Han Qingying to a hotel near Zhengjia Plaza for eight days so that she could work part-time in the store.

She studied computer science, so she was responsible for checking out at the cashier.

He still lived in the rental house, but he didn’t dare to bring Han Qingying to the rental house. In the future, he would try to let Han Qingying come to Zhongda as little as possible.

Han Qingying was a girl who was emotionally conservative. Hao Qiang and her were limited to kissing and hugging. There was no deeper action. He had to take it slowly, and he was not in a hurry.

After the university holiday, the streets around the school became deserted, and the turnover of Renjianyanhuo also dropped sharply, only two-thirds of the usual.

This was already good. Many restaurants that rely on college students to operate had few customers at the end of the day.

Hao Qiang had expected that even if the business was cut in half, it would still be good.

The old store has become famous in the surrounding area. Many office workers come to his store to eat, not just relying on Zhongda students.

Such business makes other colleagues envious.

January 29, morning.

Hao Qiang sat in a booth by the window in his flagship store, drinking coffee and typing silently.

There were a lot of fruit and melon seeds on his table. When he was tired of typing, he would chew some melon seeds and eat some fruit.

When he was hungry, a chef would cook his favorite dishes for him.

This kind of life is really too leisurely.

He had just typed for about half an hour when Yang Qiuhong came to him quickly with two newspapers.

“Boss, you’re on the newspaper!”

Hao Qiang was slightly surprised and took the newspaper.

One was “Nanfang Daily” and the other was “Yuecheng Evening News”.

The flagship store subscribes to newspapers and magazines, which are placed in the waiting area for customers to read.

He first opened “Nanfang Daily” and followed the page position pointed by Yang Qiuhong.”The composer of “Yu Xi Tan” exposed, he is actually a freshman”

When Hao Qiang saw this title, he knew that his information was really exposed. Lin Nan had already reminded him, and he was mentally prepared.

He couldn’t help but laugh at himself and read the content carefully.

[In today’s society, there are thousands of ways to succeed, but a freshman has written a shocking legend with his talent and hard work.

Shockingly, he is actually a freshman under 20 years old!

In the past three months, the three songs “Yu Xi Tan”, “Has Anyone Told You” and “Cao Cao” have been very popular, and the ringtones have sold very well.

Perhaps many listeners saw that the composer of the lyrics is “Hao Qiang”, but they don’t know who he is, or even that he is actually a freshman under 20 years old!

It is reported that in three months, he earned nearly 10 million ringtones by composing songs.

What is even more shocking is that he has made great achievements in catering entrepreneurship.

Zhongda’s Renjian Fireworks Hot Pot Restaurant is extremely popular in the surrounding area, and its business is booming, with a monthly profit of 200,000 yuan…]

Hao Qiang quickly read the article. It seems that the media does not know about his flagship store.

He then picked up another newspaper and quickly found a report about himself.

The title is “Shocking: A freshman earns millions of yuan a month by selling ringtones”

The content of the article is a bit exaggerated, claiming that he can make nearly 10 million yuan a month, but it is undeniable that his three songs are indeed popular all over the country.

Hao Qiang read the report happily, and then picked up a cup of tea to taste it carefully.

“Boss, you are going to be famous!” Yang Qiuhong took the teapot and smiled and added some tea for him.

It is no longer a secret in the company that the boss can sing and write songs to make money. Most of the employees already know it.

Hao Qiang curled his lips and said cheerfully: “Sister Yang, I am already famous enough in Zhongda. I don’t know how many notes have been stuffed in my car. You don’t know how troublesome it is.”

“Hehe, this shows that you, the boss, are very popular with Zhongda students, especially the girls like you very much.” Yang Qiuhong responded with a smile.

Hao Qiang sighed, there are just too many, which makes him upset.

Yang Qiuhong saw the boss sighing, glanced at the graceful Han Qingying at the cashier, and probably understood why he was worried.

Another Qiu Yuqing, each has his own spring and autumn.

She knew these things about the boss a long time ago, and some of the staff also knew it.

So, she specifically told the staff not to talk about the boss’s emotional affairs casually, especially in front of the two of them.

Hao Qiang is very generous to the employees. Everyone feels that working in Renjianyanhuo is very pleasant and has good career prospects. They all hope to work here for a long time.

Apart from other things, Yang Qiuhong herself is an example. Her position was promoted from ordinary employee to deputy manager of the flagship store, and her monthly salary also increased from 2,300 yuan to 4,000 yuan, which is higher than the salary of many white-collar workers.

Yang Qiuhong pondered for a while and said to Hao Qiang bluntly: “Boss, I actually think we can use this wave of news to attract popularity for the flagship store.

At the same time, you can also operate your personal fame, like a star, and use your influence to advertise for Renjian Fireworks.

If successful, I believe we can replicate the flagship store model in other large shopping malls. I expect that there will be no problem in opening more than a dozen flagship stores in Yuecheng.”

She saw that the boss was silent and was worried that her words would make the boss unhappy, so she quickly added: “Of course, boss, if you don’t want to do this, just pretend I didn’t say it.”

Recently, she and the store manager have also been thinking about how to improve the performance of the flagship store.

At the same time, they feel that if they want to open a chain store, the marketing of Renjian Fireworks must be done well.

She personally thinks that a talented and handsome boss may be a starting point.

Hao Qiang put down his teacup, raised his head, and looked at Yang Qiuhong deeply. He knew that the deputy manager was thinking about him and the future of Renjian Fireworks.

He was silent for a moment, then slowly said: “Sister Yang, your idea is very creative, and I have also considered this matter.


At this moment, his mobile phone suddenly rang, and the caller ID was Wang Li, the manager of the old store.

Hao Qiang answered the phone without hesitation and asked directly: “Old Wang, what’s the matter?”

On the other end of the phone, 35-year-old Wang Li replied: “Boss, reporters from Guangdong Provincial Satellite TV are now in the old store, and they want to interview you.

I want to ask you what you mean, boss, do you accept the interview or refuse them?”

He knew his boss’s personality quite well, and then added, “If you don’t want to be interviewed, IFind a way to politely decline their offer.”

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