At noon,

The number of tables opened at the Renjian Fireworks flagship store reached 50, with a total of 145 guests.

Seeing that the business suddenly improved, all the staff were filled with joy.

The flagship store has clear business goals, and once these goals are achieved, they can get generous performance bonuses.

“Manager Wang, it still depends on the boss’s reputation.” Yang Qiuhong sighed sincerely.

Wang Sicong nodded in agreement: “Indeed, the boss’s influence is extraordinary.

Just through a TV report, our company’s popularity has been greatly improved, and revenue has also risen accordingly.

Last night’s TV report is still fermenting. Next, we have to work hard to maintain this popularity.”

He had to pay attention. If he couldn’t keep this popularity, he might eventually face the risk of being fired.

In such a good situation, if he messed up, even he would feel regretful and angry.

At 5 o’clock in the afternoon, Hao Qiang stepped into Zhengjia Plaza and prepared to enter his own flagship store.

However, as soon as he stepped over the threshold, he was keenly captured by two media reporters waiting nearby, who rushed to ask for an interview.

“Hello, Mr. Hao, can you accept the interview?”

“Boss Hao, I am a reporter from Yuecheng Evening News, can you give me a few minutes for the interview?”

The two reporters rushed to ask questions, and the people around them gathered around, their curiosity was completely ignited.

Some sharp-eyed viewers recognized the handsome young man who appeared on TV last night.

“Look, isn’t that Hao Qiang on TV last night? He is even more handsome in real life than on TV!”

“He has earned tens of millions of yuan at the age of 19, sharp and versatile!”

“Son, look at that brother, he is the person on TV last night. Remember, learn from him and strive to get into Zhongda!”

Facing the camera and the onlookers, Hao Qiang was calm and confident.

At noon, he received a call from Yang Qiuhong, saying that several waves of media reporters came to interview him, and even proposed to interview him.

Hao Qiang didn’t expect that these uncrowned kings would act so quickly after the broadcast on Guangdong Satellite TV, which surprised him a little.

He didn’t rush over, but was thinking about countermeasures.

Although Hao Qiang was disgusted by the behavior of some unscrupulous media reporters, thinking that they often reported without permission and only cared about their own interests, he also understood that in the business world, it was crucial to maintain a good relationship with the media.

Fortunately, he was not in the entertainment industry, so there was no need to indulge those reporters for some things.

However, don’t offend if you can avoid it. A good pot of soup is ruined by a rat dropping.

So, if you can respond, try to respond.

Otherwise, avoid it and avoid unnecessary conflicts with reporters.

“Two reporter friends, please sit down in the store. I will only give you three minutes each for the interview. After all, I am busy. Please understand that there are some sensitive questions. I hope you can avoid asking questions. Do you understand?” Hao Qiang said with a smile.

“Okay, thank you Mr. Hao for accepting the interview.”

The two media reporters didn’t expect Hao Qiang to be so calm, not like a young man.

Some interviewees were very excited when they heard they were going to interview them, but unlike Hao Qiang, he didn’t want to be interviewed.

Well, he is indeed qualified now. He is young, handsome, rich, and talented. He has no worries about interview opportunities. As long as he wants, he can be a guest of honor on TV shows.

After entering the store, Hao Qiang sat in an empty booth and signaled the waiter to pour hot tea for the two reporters.

The questions raised by the reporters mainly revolved around his entrepreneurial experience and whether he had released new songs. When it came to emotional privacy, Hao Qiang cleverly avoided the topic.

When the time was up, Hao Qiang ended the interview and asked the store manager to give each of the two media reporters 300 yuan in consumer coupons.

After watching the media reporters leave, Hao Qiang observed the business situation in the store. The opening rate has reached more than 90%!

You know, today is Monday, not the weekend!

This can be seen from other aspects. Many customers greeted Hao Qiang and asked for autographs, as if Hao Qiang was already a hot star.

Hao Qiang always remained humble and enthusiastic, greeted these customers, and readily agreed to sign autographs.

Although he is not a star, these customers come to his hot pot restaurant to consume, and they are considered his fans.

If Hao Qiang refuses to sign, customers will be very disappointed and think he is too arrogant.

It doesn’t matter to Hao Qiang. Signing can also earn experience and make money, and at the same time improve the business of the store, killing two birds with one stone.

On that day, the number of tables opened at the Renjian Fireworks flagship store set a new high of 210 tables!

The turnover also soared, reaching 36,500 yuan!

From the usual daily turnover of more than 10,000 yuan, directly took off from the ground!

Such an increase is jaw-dropping, as if the store has achieved a qualitative leap overnight.

At the same time, after dining, many customers have applied for membership, which means that these customers have become loyal customers of Renjian Fireworks.

All the staff were excited to see that the business was booming.

The next day, Hao Qiang’s news reports continued to ferment like a tide, causing a strong response and widespread attention in society, and the media competed to chase and report his story.

Undoubtedly, today is the moment when he really came to the fore. Media reports about him emerged like an overwhelming force, pushing him to the forefront.

At the same time, Renjian Fireworks flagship store continued to take off like a wild horse.

At noon, the restaurant was already full, and even a table was hard to find, which was comparable to the grand occasion of the old store.

Faced with such a hot business, Hao Qiang responded quickly. On the one hand, he mobilized manpower from the old store for reinforcement, and on the other hand, he asked the store manager Wang Sicong to urgently recruit and add 20 more staff to meet the demand.

Surprisingly, at two or three o’clock in the afternoon, the table opening rate remained above 20%!

Even in old stores, this time is usually closed.

But this is a large shopping mall, and the flagship store has a relatively longer operating time.

Hao Qiang did not come to the store today. Han Qingying sent him a message to tell him that many media reporters were waiting to interview him today.

At four o’clock in the afternoon, Hao Qiang called to inquire about the performance of the flagship store.

He was shocked to learn that the number of tables opened had reached an astonishing 150.

You know, the evening business has not started yet!

All the staff predicted that the business will be even more popular in the evening.

Some first-time customers like to follow the crowd. When they see which store is doing well, they curiously follow the footsteps of the public to enter the store to consume.

They think that since so many people choose this store, it must have its unique charm.

In fact, when eating in large shopping malls, such customers who like to follow the crowd account for a large proportion, which is why some businesses are willing to spend money to hire people to queue up.

Sure enough, at night, the business of the Renjian Fireworks flagship store was extremely hot, and there were queues.

The number of tables opened on that day soared to 390, and the average turnover rate reached an astonishing 5.2, which is comparable to the turnover rate of the famous Haidilao in 2017.

The turnover also set a new record: as high as 67,860 yuan!

Compared with yesterday, the growth rate reached an astonishing 85.9%!

The popularity of the flagship store can be seen.

Although Hao Qiang was happy about the booming business, he was also a little worried, wondering how long such a grand occasion could last.

The surge in revenue is also related to the approaching end of the year.

According to the feedback from the store manager, many customers choose to have dinner at the end of the year and plan to have a good meal before the New Year holiday.

If such a hot business can be maintained for a month after the New Year, it will be basically stable.

On February 2, the flagship store continued to be hot.

The turnover hit a new high of 75,125 yuan!

On February 3, the business reached a new high, with the average daily turnover rate reaching a terrifying 6.5 times/day.

Moreover, the average number of people per table increased dramatically, which was closely related to the New Year.

The turnover also reached a terrifying 93,600 yuan!

On February 4, all companies were on holiday, and people from other places left Guangdong City, and the flagship store’s business declined.

However, relying on the local people’s New Year dinner consumption, the revenue was also 88,000 yuan.

In just the first four days of the month, the revenue has reached 324,585 yuan, with a gross profit of about 210,000 yuan, and a profit of 40,000 yuan has been realized this month.

Hao Qiang knew that after the New Year, even if the turnover rate reached the current height, the average number of customers per table would definitely decrease, and the turnover would also decrease.

However, the flagship store finally became popular, and he did not appear on TV in vain.

As long as such a business can last for a month, he will start the replication plan and open chain stores crazily!

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