There are a lot of things to do on the first day of school.

After visiting the dean, Hao Qiang went to find the counselor Qin Jian.

Qin Jian saw Hao Qiang coming in, warmly entertained him, poured tea for him, and asked: “Hao Qiang, are you really not going to be the class monitor this semester?”

“No, there are too many things to do and I can’t handle it.”

“Well, that’s true. The student union of the college is going to select cadres this semester, and I wanted to recommend you.

Considering your ability, I think it’s unlikely that you will go. If you have to go, you should go to the school student union.” Qin Jian said happily. Although the cadre selection of the student union of the college is an election system, the final decision is still in the hands of the teacher, which most students are not aware of.

He envied students like Hao Qiang, who were talented, good-looking, successful in entrepreneurship and rich, and naturally attracted the pursuit of many girls.

Unlike him, he is still worried about finding a girlfriend. He is 27 years old this year.

If you don’t look for it well when you are in college, you will look at your hard power after you graduate.

Hao Qiang chatted with Qin Jian for a few words and left, taking the class’s GPA ranking list.

In college, GPA rankings are public, which is convenient for counting students’ comprehensive evaluations.

In middle schools, rankings may be prohibited and made public, saying that it is to protect the self-esteem of fragile students.

Hao Qiang glanced at the GPA ranking list. His GPA last semester was as high as 4.68 (full score 5.0, equivalent to an average score of 96.8), firmly occupying the top position in the professional ranking.

Log in to the campus network and enter the student number to find out your own scores and GPA rankings, but you can’t find out the scores and GPA rankings of other students.

Luo Zhen in this class has a score of 4.41, ranking fifth in the major;

Among Hao Qiang’s roommates in the dormitory, Mu Shi has a score of 4.05, Luo Wei has a score of 3.75, Li Yunfeng has a score of 3.71, Liu Yang has a score of 3.35, and Fei Yang has a score of 3.03.

None of them have particularly bad grades. This group of roommates play around, but they are extremely serious when studying.

Mu Shi works part-time at Renjianyanhuo, but he gets up early and works hard;

Although Li Yunfeng is keen on social activities, he is not careless in his studies;

Fei Yang is the kind of student who likes to play, and hangs out in the art troupe after school.

Hao Qiang’s situation is a bit special. After the college entrance examination, he continued to study, learned college knowledge in advance, and spent weekends typing and learning while typing.

It seems that the part-time job took a lot of time, but he squeezed time to type and study every moment.

In addition, his memory and thinking ability are at an excellent level, and he spends less time on learning English, so it is reasonable to get the first place in his major.

On the first day of school, the first and second classes in the morning were not scheduled, and Hao Qiang discussed with the class committee to hold a class meeting.

At nine o’clock, Hao Qiang walked into the classroom without classes that his classmates had found in advance, and walked straight to the podium. Dozens of students in the audience looked at him.

Hao Qiang quickly scanned the students in the audience and said straight to the point: “Dear students, the new semester has begun. Let me tell you two things.

First, the GPA rankings for the last semester have been released. Please check your GPAs. If there are any mistakes, please register with Luo Zhen.

At the same time, please organize the information about the awards and club activities in the last semester, which will be used to calculate the comprehensive evaluation of the last semester.

The results of the comprehensive evaluation will affect the annual comprehensive ranking, which will in turn be related to the evaluation of the scholarship.

Secondly, we will hold an election for class leaders in a while.

I mentioned last semester that I will not be a class leader this semester. Thank you for your support and cooperation in my work last semester.

After the new class committee is decided, the work will be officially handed over.”

After that, Hao Qiang handed the three GPA ranking tables in his hand to the students in the front row.

The students already knew that Hao Qiang would not continue to serve as the class monitor this semester. At this moment, they suddenly felt a little uncomfortable. Many students couldn’t help but sigh and express regret. Everyone admired Hao Qiang very much.

Suddenly, a classmate saw the GPA ranking list and couldn’t help but exclaimed: “Oh my God, Brother Qiang, you are really amazing!

The GPA is the first in the major, as high as 4.68!”

The classmates around came closer to watch, and they all showed surprised expressions after seeing it clearly.

“It’s amazing, the class monitor is doing business, and his grades are so good, don’t let people live.”

“Didn’t you see that the class monitor usually turns on the computer to study as soon as he enters the classroom, even if he is in the store, he is still studying. Unlike you guys who chat all day, how can your grades be better than his.”

“That’s right, he doesn’t worry about living expenses, girlfriends, and jobs, and can calm down to study.”

“The class monitor’s study is awesome, how can there be so many reasons.”

As the students’ heated discussion about the transcript gradually subsided.

League Secretary Zhang Kai walked onto the podium and announced the official start of the class cadre election.

He first emphasized the importance of class cadres and encouraged everyone to actively participate in the election.Contribute to the development of the class.

After intense and fierce campaigns and voting, the new team of class cadres has finally settled.

In this competition, Zhang Li, Zhang Kai, and Li Yunfeng, three candidates, all showed their talents and charm in order to compete for the position of class monitor.

In the end, Zhang Kai defeated Li Yunfeng by a narrow margin of two votes and was successfully elected as class monitor.

Li Yunfeng was well prepared, but Zhang Kai was also not a pushover.

Next was the election for the League Secretary. Li Yunfeng ran again and had a fierce competition with Zhang Li.

After fierce voting, Li Yunfeng finally defeated Zhang Li by 12 votes and was successfully elected as the League Secretary.

In fact, for Li Yunfeng, the class monitor and the League Secretary are similar. His ultimate goal is to be a selected student, with excellent grades and good relationships with the school’s department leaders.

He didn’t expect that the competition was so fierce, and there were many students who knew this line.

Most students have never heard of selected students, thinking that it would be good to be able to pass the civil service exam, and the school would not specifically promote this knowledge.

When they plan to take the civil service exam in their junior and senior years, they may not know about the selection of selected students, but it is too late. Those students with connections have already laid a good foundation in their freshman and sophomore years.

The application conditions for selected students clearly require joining the party and serving as a student cadre above the class level for one year in a row during their college studies, preferably a student union cadre.

He glanced at Hao Qiang and thought to himself that he might still need the help of Brother Qiang.

Hao Qiang has a good relationship with the leaders of the college and department, and may even establish contact with the school leaders in the future.

Twenty minutes later, the class cadre election was successfully completed.

Zhang Li served as the cultural and sports committee member, looking a little unwilling;

The life committee member was Wu Mengmeng, a girl with a chubby face and a lively personality.

Luo Zhen is still the study committee member, unshakable, and his grades are so good that no one dares to compete with him.

At 5:30 pm,

Hao Qiang invited five roommates to go to the old restaurant to enjoy hot pot.

The six people sat around a table and talked about the new things in the new semester with great interest.

Among them, Liu Yang and Fei Yang, the happy enemies, were the most active. They complained about each other, and their words were full of humor and joy.

Liu Yang teased Fei Yang, “Fei Yang, last semester, you were the head of Lone Wolf Plan B and also held an important position in the school art troupe. Did you succeed in getting a beautiful girl?” He knew that Fei Yang was currently single, but he deliberately made fun of it.

Fei Yang responded slightly sadly, “Forget it, I’ve seen through the world.”

He was just a chores in the art troupe, and it was difficult for him to attract the attention of girls without any talent.

If it weren’t for Sister Qiu speaking up for him for Hao Qiang’s sake, those girls might not even look at him.

Liu Yang curled his lips and smiled: “Bullshit, you are the most active in getting into the crowd of girls. If you can’t pick up a girl, then you can pick one up. What’s there to be ashamed of?”

Fei Yang retorted: “Liu Yang, I don’t think you even have the courage to chat up with girls.”

Hao Qiang smiled and interrupted: “Liu Yang, what Fei Yang said is still reasonable. There is only one skill to chase girls: be shameless!

I am not laughing at Fei Yang. If you are not active, you will not even have a chance, and it will only be left to those shameless boys.

This is how most people chase girls.

If you see a suitable one during college, it is recommended that you take the initiative to attack, don’t wait until after graduation, after graduation, it depends on the family’s strength.

Don’t consider the possibility of breaking up after graduation, but there are many people who don’t break up and get married.”

“Well, Brother Qiang is right. Even if you fail, it is also a success, which means that you have picked up someone’s girlfriend.” Li Yunfeng agreed very much.

“Well, I’m not as thick-skinned as Fei Yang. What Brother Qiang said makes sense.” Liu Yang thought about it and felt that Hao Qiang was right.

“Yangzi, to be honest, if I was a little more handsome or taller, I would have hooked up with her a long time ago.” Fei Yang sighed.

Although he didn’t hook up with the beautiful girl in the art troupe, he was trained and became thicker-skinned. He is currently hooking up with a girl from another student department.

“Fei Yang, you are implying me and Luo Wei. I’m shorter than you. I don’t think height is a problem.” Mu Shi replied. He usually doesn’t talk much, but since he started working part-time, he has more contact with customers.

Liu Yang added: “Well, he’s still ugly, haha.”

“Get lost!” Fei Yang smiled and replied to him.

The other roommates couldn’t help laughing, and the friendship between the six people became deeper in the laughter.

After a while, the waiter brought the hot pot.

Hao Qiang suddenly received a call from Lin Nan. After chatting for a while, he hung up the phone.

This time, she transferred 3 million yuan and asked him to come to her company to sign and confirm.

ActuallyLin Nan complained to Hao Qiang a little bit, he just took the dividends and didn’t ask anything, he said he would find time to record songs, but it took so long, she was a little impatient.

On Hao Qiang’s side, another 3 million yuan arrived, he was very happy, it just so happened that the next day and the day after tomorrow were weekends, he could find time to record songs.

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