The news of Hao Qiang’s album release spread quickly to every corner of the campus, sparking a buying craze among students.

The main reason was that Hao Qiang was willing to make an appointment for a weekend to sign.

This was a benefit for students, just in case his autographed album was valuable one day.

For Hao Qiang, signing was equivalent to gaining experience and making two kinds of money at the same time.

The students of the school gave him face, so he also gave them face.

After a few years, he believed that his autographed album was valuable, after all, he would not release it in the future.

And those students who did not buy his album would definitely regret it.

At the same time, many media rushed to report and praised Hao Qiang’s extraordinary singing level without hesitation.

Of course, this was not without the hype of Lin Nan’s company.

However, the people who heard Hao Qiang’s singing expressed their admiration.

Each of his three songs is a wonderful work. Even if the praise in the media reports is a bit exaggerated, it is difficult to conceal his outstanding musical talent.

Many music media gave highly consistent praise to Hao Qiang’s three songs, making his musical talent more widely recognized.

On March 10, Hao Qiang received a call from Lin Nan, bringing exciting good news-his record sales have exceeded 200,000 copies.

Of course, this includes the inventory of record stores.

Excellent songs can always transcend regional and cultural boundaries, and Hao Qiang’s singing is just like that.

His songs are not only warmly welcomed in China, but also popular in areas such as Hong Kong, and even famous in Southeast Asian countries.

Personal performance, coupled with Hao Qiang’s legendary color, many consumers who buy his accounts do so out of curiosity.

The impact brought about by this time has made the business of Renjian Fireworks even more popular.

Zhang Fu, the owner of Muxiangyuan, and Liu Guilai, the owner of Yipin Guo, can only express heartfelt admiration after witnessing the prosperity of the Renjian Fireworks flagship store with their own eyes.

Zhang Fu was filled with emotion. He looked at the bustling flow of customers and sighed that his youth had passed. At the same time, he could not help but be impressed by the brilliant prospects of Renjian Fireworks: “This momentum is really unstoppable!

If we can open a few more branches and each business is so hot, Hao Qiang will definitely be among the rich!”

“Yes, Lao Zhang, Boss Hao is going further and further, and we are still struggling in a small pond.” Liu Gui said, “They rely on their own fame to become popular, and we can’t count on them.”

The catering colleagues on the sixth floor of Zhengjia Plaza witnessed the increasingly prosperous business of Renjian Fireworks for more than a month, and their envy was indescribable.

They roughly estimated that Renjian Fireworks’ turnover in February may be as high as 2 million yuan, and the profit is more than 1 million yuan.

This is their estimate based on the overall turnover rate of Renjian Fireworks, and the difference will not be too big.

In fact, the guesses of these colleagues are quite accurate.

In February, the Renjian Fireworks flagship store had a revenue of 2.181 million yuan, a pre-tax profit of 1.118 million yuan, and a post-tax profit of about 1.08 million yuan.

Last month, during the Spring Festival, the company paid employees double wages, and from the first to the third day of the Lunar New Year, it paid triple wages. The labor cost of employees was relatively high, up to 200,000 yuan.

The performance bonus formulated by the flagship store is that if the monthly turnover reaches 1.2 million yuan, an additional bonus of 15% of the basic salary will be given;

If the monthly operating income reaches 1.5 million yuan, 20%;

If the monthly operating income reaches more than 2 million yuan, 25%.

Under normal circumstances, even if a 25% performance bonus is added, the labor cost is about 150,000 yuan.

Of course, the company pays more wages to employees, and Hao Qiang also earns more.

According to the current business situation, it can be recovered in three months.

Taiwan Province,

When Zhou Lun’s agent mentioned Hao Qiang’s EP, he also became very interested.

So he bought Hao Qiang’s EP and listened carefully.

After listening, Zhou Lun was also deeply shocked. He exclaimed: “What a genius!”

He has been in the music industry for many years. He had a world tour in 2002 and appeared on the stage of YTV Spring Festival Gala last year. He has a great influence in the Chinese music scene.

Hao Qiang suddenly appeared, but he didn’t seem to plan to enter the music scene. He was more of a playboy. Instead, he devoted himself to the catering industry. According to media reports, his catering business is booming and even makes as much money as in the entertainment industry.

For this kind of genius, who is only a few years younger than himself and is also a top student, Zhou Lun sincerely admires him.


Lin Jie plans to release his third creative album “No. 89757” on March 25, but his agent told him that it might have some influence. Recently, the EP released by the newcomer Hao Qiang in Huaguo has sold well and his singing ability has been highly praised.

He was a little curious. In the previousHe had heard of the name Hao Qiang.

After listening to Hao Qiang’s songs, he had to admit that the three songs were indeed sung very well, especially the song “Cao Cao”, which set off a craze with its unique oriental rock style.

After listening to this song, Lin Jie even felt that the style of the song “Cao Cao” was more suitable for his voice and singing style.

Hao Qiang’s songs came out with their unique charm, and the record sales were extremely hot, which naturally attracted widespread attention from his peers in the music industry.

It is worth mentioning that the mobile phone ringtones of these three songs were originally very popular. Now with the launch of better versions, the sales of ringtones have risen and continued to be popular.

Nowadays, Hao Qiang has gradually reduced the number of inspections of hot pot restaurants.

The two store managers called to report that recently many media reporters have been squatting in the store, hoping to interview him.

Unable to interview Hao Qiang, these media reporters had to take a few photos of fireworks and go back to report.

However, some witty media reporters learned that Hao Qiang had the habit of attending classes at CUHK, so they squatted at the campus gate, hoping to catch his figure.

On the afternoon of March 11,

A Porsche quietly drove into the campus, followed by two sharp reporters.

When Hao Qiang turned off the engine and got out of the car, the two reporters immediately swarmed up and eagerly asked questions: “Mr. Hao, I am a reporter from Xinlang, can I accept the interview?”

“Boss Hao, after your record is released, are you interested in entering the entertainment industry? What new songs are planned to be released next?”

Faced with this sudden interview, Hao Qiang seemed a little surprised and had to stop.

After a while, more than a dozen passing students gathered around curiously.

“I can only answer three questions for each of you. I have to go to class later.

Here at CUHK, I am just an ordinary student. I don’t want our communication to affect other students’ studies.

I understand that your work is not easy, but I also hope that you two can understand that it is not easy for me either. What if I fail the course?” Hao Qiang made up a lie. Among the students watching, the students who knew that he had good grades couldn’t help but laugh secretly when they heard him say that.

If he fails the course, it is estimated that all the students in the major will fail the course.

But I have to admire that Hao Qiang handled the interview with reporters very naturally.

Hao Qiang paused and turned to the reporter who asked questions like a machine gun. “I want to make it clear that I will not enter the entertainment industry, and I am not a star.

I may not release new songs again. You can understand that I am just playing this time.

“You sing so well, do you plan to hold a concert?”

Hao Qiang thought for a while and replied: “There is no such plan at the moment.”

“Then why did Mr. Hao refuse to enter the entertainment industry? Do you think it is too complicated? ”

Hao Qiang smiled calmly and replied: “I am an engineering student. My future focus will be on scientific research and I will not get involved in the entertainment industry.

I hope you can accurately convey my meaning when publishing the report.

I am not a fish or a dragon. I don’t know how deep the entertainment industry is. I have no interest in exploring it.”

After that, he quickly and orderly answered each reporter’s questions, and then hurried away, saying that he had to rush to class.

Seeing this, the reporters also stopped chasing him.

After class, when Hao Qiang was about to drive away, he found that there was another media reporter waiting for an interview.

In order to promote the new song and Renjian Fireworks, Hao Qiang just had time, and he was happy to accept the interview, not all of them resisted the interview.

It was not easy for these media reporters to squat on him.

After the interview, he drove away.

Before, after Guangdong Satellite TV and the media reported Hao Qiang, there were several people in China who Millions of people knew “Hao Qiang” for the first time.

But then, the reports about Hao Qiang soon died down.

Not to mention him, even celebrities need to keep hyping to maintain exposure.

And in the past few days, the hype and media from all sides have been chasing and reporting frantically, and Renjian Yanhuo and Hao Qiang have become more and more famous.

It is estimated that more than 100 million people know “Hao Qiang” and Renjian Yanhuo.

After all, Hao Qiang is a freshman, and his deeds are too legendary, a grassroots counterattack. People like to watch this kind of news, and the media also cater to the public’s preferences and increase coverage.

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