That afternoon,

Hao Qiang was about to go to the classroom for class when he suddenly received a call from the financial manager Jiang Ying.

“Boss, Qiao Shan, the president of Zhongda Branch of Zhonghang Bank, hopes to meet with you to discuss loan-related matters. When is it convenient for you?”

“Oh, it’s quite unexpected that he came to my house in person. Manager Jiang, thank you for your hard work. You still have a way.” Hao Qiang was pleasantly surprised when he heard the news.

Recalling that at the end of last year, he had visited various banks many times, but was often coldly treated and failed to successfully borrow a penny.

In the morning, he was still worried about the problem of factory investment funds and even considered selling stocks to raise funds.

Unexpectedly, he only mentioned this matter to Jiang Ying and did not hold any hope, but he did not expect that she came to his house in person.

It’s really a pillow for someone to send to you when you are sleeping!

Things are unpredictable.

Boss, you are too polite. The bank cards of our company employees are all handled by their bank, which is the business of hundreds of people.

In addition, we have two stores with business flow, which are all real achievements.

In addition, we are about to open two new chain stores, the company will have more and more employees, and the business flow will become more and more impressive.

The company is in good operating condition, which is obvious to all.

In addition, it happened that banks had loan tasks at the beginning of the year, and your reputation is well known, so it is not difficult to get a loan.

I mentioned it to their business manager and told them the details, and soon met their president. President Qiao attached great importance to it and wanted to meet you in person. “Jiang Ying explained in an orderly manner. She didn’t know about her boss’s previous experience of hitting a wall when he went to the bank.

Of course, she knew the banking business very well, knew how to communicate with key people, and was well versed in the bank’s operating mechanism and pain points.

Hao Qiang listened to Jiang Ying’s narration and felt that everything seemed not as simple as it seemed on the surface.

Unexpectedly, recruiting Jiang Ying and giving him a big surprise was really a talent.

Sure enough, professional matters should be left to professionals to do, which is wisest and can achieve twice the result with half the effort.

After a little thought, Hao Qiang decided: “Manager Jiang, let’s set it at three o’clock in the afternoon. You can come and help me with some advice.”

“Okay, boss. “Jiang Ying felt that she was appreciated and valued by her boss, and was very happy.

It seems that she has to ask for leave again in the afternoon.

After hanging up the phone, Hao Qiang sent another leave message to the counselor: Teacher Qin, I will discuss business with the bank in the afternoon, so I need a leave.

In fact, it doesn’t matter if he doesn’t ask for leave.

But telling Qin Jian means respecting him.

After a while, Qin Jian replied: OK, got it, Boss Hao.

There are many reasons for Hao Qiang to ask for leave, and sometimes some things surprise him.

In fact, the dean has already greeted him in advance. For excellent students like Hao Qiang, as long as they don’t fail the course, he can arrange other things.

At two o’clock in the afternoon, Hao Qiang came to the company.

He met with Jiang Ying first and revealed some information to her. No matter how much the bank interest is, he will borrow as much as he can.

Jiang Ying thought that the boss just wanted to expand the business quickly through loans.

Afternoon At half past two, Qiao Shan brought a female assistant to Renjian Fireworks Company and brought two boxes of tea as a gift.

It was his first time here, and he looked around and felt pretty good.

For big customers, he would take the initiative to visit them, and he would not wait for the business to come to him.

The kind of loan business that came to him on his own initiative was generally from companies with poor performance, which was not what he wanted.

And those big companies with good performance were scrambled for cooperation by countless banks.

The biggest reason why he could become the president was that he could successfully attract high-quality business.

It can be said that the president of a branch is the biggest salesperson in the bank.

Of course, he also has background connections, otherwise it would not be so easy to become the president.

Unless a family invests tens of millions of yuan in the bank, they can also become the president.

After meeting Hao Qiang, President Qiao Shan was extremely polite. He extended his hand enthusiastically to shake hands with Hao Qiang and said, “Mr. Hao, I have heard of you for a long time.

I like your songs very much and often see your reports on the news. ”

Zhonghang Zhongda Branch is located near Zhongda, and Hao Qiang is indeed very famous in the Zhongda area. President Qiao Shan did not lie.

The female assistant he brought with him also showed admiration after seeing Hao Qiang.

Hao Qiang is young, handsome, talented, and financially strong. He is undoubtedly the dream lover in the hearts of many women.

Hao Qiang greeted them warmly, shook hands with him, and led them into his office.

After both parties sat down, Jiang Ying poured tea for them.

President Qiao Shan took a sip of tea and said directly: “President Hao, your company’s reputation in the industry andWe are all very clear about the performance, and thank you very much for choosing to handle payroll business in our bank.

This time I took the initiative to contact you, hoping to establish a long-term cooperative relationship with you. ”

“Oh, tell me about it.” Hao Qiang pretended to be unaware.

“Our Zhonghang has always been committed to providing excellent companies with a full range of financial services, including loans, financial management, settlement and other aspects.

I believe that through our cooperation, we can bring more development opportunities and financial support to your company. ”

“President Qiao, our company is not short of funds, but large funds. If the loan credit is too low, such as two or three million, I am too lazy to apply for it. I have several million yuan in my account every month, and there will be more in the future. ”

“Of course, we are very willing to provide loan support for your company.

Of course, the specific loan amount and interest rate and other details, the score situation. ”

After hearing this, Hao Qiang’s heart moved. This was exactly what he expected.

Next, the two sides discussed the details.

Hao Qiang did not have any fixed capital to pledge, so he mainly looked at the company’s cash flow. Jiang Ying showed the prepared materials to Qiao Xingxing for review.

President Qiao suggested that if the copyrights of the three songs were used as collateral, the loan credit line would be higher.

Hao Qiang thought about it for a while and had no objection.

Finally, based on the market performance of Hao Qiang’s company and the three songs, as well as his credit status and repayment ability, and combined with the branch’s loan policy, the loan credit line was 20 million yuan.

The loan credit line is the maximum overdraft amount. How much does Hao Qiang want to borrow? All are fine, the total amount shall not exceed 20 million yuan.

The loan period is two years, and the annual interest rate is 6.2%.

Hao Qiang is very satisfied with this annual interest rate, and thought it would reach more than 8%.

Next, Jiang Ying will be responsible for the loan procedures.

President Qiao promised to arrange the loan approval and issuance process as soon as possible.

Hao Qiang and Jiang Ying expressed their heartfelt gratitude to President Qiao for his support and help, and look forward to establishing a closer cooperative relationship with Zhonghang Zhongda Branch in the future.

After watching President Qiao leave, Hao Qiang’s face was full of joy, as this loan could solve his urgent needs.

Factory investment funds are no longer a problem.

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