An hour after Hao Qiang left, the police station’s phone rang urgently.

“Hello, Hao Qiang? Your friend Qiao Shan is suspected of violating public security management. He has applied for bail. Can you come to Nanzhou Police Station?”

Hao Qiang received the call without much emotion.

In fact, it was he who asked Wu Hai to make the police call.

When he stepped into the lobby of Yuzutang and heard the lobby manager introduce the high-end service package, Hao Qiang keenly noticed the hidden improper service.

During the massage, Qiao Shan’s hands and feet were not honest, and he kept rubbing the female technician with his hands.

So, when he saw Qiao Shan driving back, Hao Qiang already knew where Qiao Shan was going.

So, he secretly instructed Wu Hai to make a report call and told him the process and details of the report in detail.

Hao Qiang’s move was not simply to frame Qiao Shan, but had other intentions.

He knew that even if Qiao Shan was arrested, he could get out with money and avoid detention.

When Wu Hai received Hao Qiang’s call, he was slightly surprised and thought Hao Qiang was so treacherous. However, he followed Hao Qiang’s instructions and called the police without hesitation. He pretended to be deep: “Hello, hello, you are the police station, right? I am Li Feiyu, a reporter from Nanfang Daily. I am currently conducting an undercover investigation at Yuzutang on Nanzhou Road.

I found that someone was conducting illegal transactions on the sixth floor, involving female prostitutes.

Yes, I am a media reporter. I will report this matter to the district later. I hope you can send police to deal with it as soon as possible.”

Hao Qiang guessed that such foot bath shops are often inextricably linked to local relevant departments, and ordinary calls to the police are often difficult to work.

Therefore, he carefully planned a paragraph to let Wu Hai use a public phone to call the police, with the purpose of putting pressure on the Nanzhou Police Station.

Hao Qiang knew that although the personnel of these departments were usually powerful, they were often afraid when facing media reporters.

After all, media exposure and pressure from public opinion were what they were unwilling to bear.

When the police station called, Hao Qiang pretended to be surprised and responded, “Ah, how could this happen!”

Then, he quickly got to the point, “Hello, I’m Hao Qiang, can I talk to Qiao Shan?”

The other party did not hesitate and quickly transferred the call to Qiao Shan.

Qiao Shan felt so unlucky at this time.

He had just finished his work, but he didn’t expect the police to come to check on him.


Shouldn’t such a high-end place have some kind of tacit understanding with the local department?

After being arrested, he felt unprecedentedly nervous.

He was worried that if the unit knew about this, it would have a great impact on his career and might even make him lose face.

What scared him even more was that if his wife knew about this, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Therefore, he could only hope in his friends, especially those who were willing to pay to help him settle the matter.

After quickly screening in his mind, he finally thought of Hao Qiang, who had just left and was generous.

So, when the staff asked him to answer the phone, Qiao Shan couldn’t wait to take the phone and said anxiously: “Mr. Hao, something happened here, please help me.”

“Mr. Qiao, what happened? The police station said you violated the public security management regulations.” Hao Qiang responded with surprise.

“Oh, it’s hard to explain, Mr. Hao. I just wanted to go to the foot massage shop to relax, but I couldn’t resist the temptation of the female technician and made a mistake that men are prone to make.” Qiao Shan’s voice revealed some helplessness and regret.

“Oh, so that’s it.” Hao Qiang tried to hold back his smile and said seriously, “Mr. Qiao, how can I help you?”

Damn, this Qiao Shan is really good at making excuses. It was obviously the fun he took the initiative to find, but he said that he was seduced by the female technician.

“I applied for bail, and I need to pay a bail of 20,000 yuan to get out immediately.

But all the cash I have on hand has been confiscated, and I don’t have my bank card with me, so I can only ask you for help.” Qiao Shan’s voice was full of urgency and pleading.

Hao Qiang was a little surprised when he heard this. The bail was really a lot.

In his impression, such things usually only need three or four thousand yuan to solve.

It seems that the situation is different. If you are in a hurry to get out, the bail will rise.

“Mr. Qiao, any problem that can be solved with money is not a problem.” Hao Qiang comforted, “I will bring the money here immediately. Please wait a moment. You can tell the staff first.”

“Okay, thank you Mr. Hao.”

The two could only chat briefly, and the staff didn’t have time to listen to their nonsense.

After Hao Qiang ended the call, he quickly drove to Nanzhou Police Station.

After arriving, he turned off the engine and parked the car, and took out the cash that had been prepared long ago.

Hao Qiang has always been accustomed to keeping cash in the car and villa in case of emergency.He asked the staff about Qiao Shan’s situation and soon came to the office in Room 108.

After paying the bail and completing the relevant procedures, he waited quietly.

These days, similar illegal cases are common, and the police station does not have enough small dark rooms to detain everyone.

So, this is not a big deal.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, Hao Qiang finally saw Qiao Shan, who looked dejected.

“Hey, Mr. Hao, thank you so much this time. I will return the money to you as soon as possible.” Qiao Shan said gratefully, and the police said he could leave.

“Mr. Qiao, you are too polite. We are friends. It is right to help each other. Let’s not talk about money.” Hao Qiang smiled and waved his hand, “Did the staff make things difficult for you?”

As he spoke, he handed a cigarette to Qiao Shan.

“It was a bit of a hardship, but it’s okay.” Qiao Shan took the cigarette, lit it skillfully, exhaled a puff of smoke, and cursed, “It’s really unlucky. I don’t know which bastard reported it. It’s usually very safe.”

He also complained that the foot bath shop was usually very safe, but this happened today.

“Yeah, there are so many such things, there’s no need to report it.”

Hao Qiang nodded shamelessly, anyway, it wasn’t him who reported it.

After leaving the police station, he asked him: “Mr. Qiao, where are you going now?”

“To that foot bath shop.”

“Still going?”

“My car is parked nearby, please take me there.”

“Oh, okay.”

Hao Qiang responded, opened his car door, and the two got in the car.

After a while, the car left the police station.

The two sat in the car and were silent for a while.

After a while, Qiao Shan broke the silence and said, “Mr. Hao, if your company needs a loan, I can try to help you get it.”

Hao Qiang was a little happy to hear this, but pretended to be calm and said, “There is a demand. We are currently expanding new stores. How much can we borrow?”

“I don’t know the details yet. I will try my best to get it. Let’s go through the process first.” Qiao Shan replied that the two new stores opened by Renjian Fireworks were doing good business, which was one of the reasons why Renjian Fireworks could continue to borrow money.

“Okay, thank you, Mr. Qiao.” Hao Qiang knew in his heart that Qiao Shan was going to repay the favor.

Sure enough, his trip was not in vain.

Alas, I just said sorry to Qiao Shan in my heart.

“You’re polite. We are helping each other. Your company has a good cash flow. We hope to cooperate for a long time.

However, when it’s time to pay the interest, you have to pay it back in the near future, otherwise it will affect the next loan.”

“Don’t worry, I know this.” Hao Qiang sent Qiao Shan to the destination. After getting off the car, he drove away in his own car.

This guy parked his car several dozen meters away from Yuzu Hall, and he still felt a little nervous.

Hao Qiang drove away, and after driving for a distance, he finally couldn’t help laughing.

“Hahaha, you’re so funny!”

This Qiao Shan is quite similar to Qiao Shan who performed the foot-washing city joke with Dapeng in the future. They both look very serious on the surface.

At the same time, he was a little looking forward to how much money he could borrow this time.

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