A few days later,

On the 80 mu of industrial land purchased by Hao Qiang, two brand-new steel structure factories have stood tall and majestic.

The total construction area of ​​the two factories has reached 10,000 square meters, the floor height is 10 meters, the maximum span is 32 meters, and the overall cost is as high as 4 million yuan.

In order to ensure the quality, Hao Qiang specially invited a professional to participate in the acceptance work, and the contractor Chen personally accompanied him.

In the early stage, Hao Qiang had already inspected the quality of materials and foundations. Before assembly, he sent someone to inspect the welding quality of steel structures.

When signing the contract, he clearly required that the welding of steel structures must be carried out by professional welders to ensure the quality of welding, and not to weld as ugly as dog chewing shit, with many welding defects and insufficient strength.

Many steel structure factories are made with particularly poor welding.

If Hao Qiang did not make any request, Boss Chen would still send a welder with little level to weld.

This time, the quality of the steel structure workshop was comprehensively inspected, including welding, riveting, bolt connection and other processes, and whether the fire prevention and anti-corrosion treatment of the steel structure workshop was in place.

During this acceptance inspection, Hao Qiang and professionals still found some problems.

“Mr. Chen, the exposed iron parts must be painted with anti-rust paint. Some of them have not been painted properly and have rusted. When you clean them, you must do a good job of rust removal and anti-corrosion. Don’t paint directly.” Hao Qiang said seriously.

After hearing this, Boss Chen was speechless and could only nod and agree: “Okay, we will arrange personnel to deal with it immediately.”

It is not easy to get the money for the final acceptance, and there is also the final quality assurance stage.

Two days later, on August 26,

Hao Qiang’s two steel structure workshops successfully passed the acceptance and were officially put into use, and the equipment installation work was immediately launched.

At the same time, supporting facilities such as employee canteens and dormitories are still being renovated in full swing, and it is expected to be put into use in another month.

The dormitory building covers an area of ​​1,200 square meters, with five floors and a construction area of ​​about 6,000 square meters. There are 200 rooms in total, which are simply decorated, equipped with independent bathrooms and balconies, and can accommodate three to four hundred employees.

After the completion of the first phase of construction, Hao Qiang plans to hold a grand factory relocation ceremony to celebrate the official opening of this site that truly belongs to him.

Unfortunately, the office building has not yet been built and will be built in the second phase.

In the final analysis, it is still short of money.

In his spare time, Hao Qiang sorted out his financial situation.

At present, his personal wealth is 46.4 million yuan, but he also has a loan of 40 million yuan.


The first phase of the factory investment is about 30 million yuan, including 12 million yuan for industrial land costs, 4 million yuan for steel structure plant investment, 4.2 million yuan for employee dormitory buildings, 1.8 million yuan for canteens, guard buildings, ground hardening and greening, and 8 million yuan for equipment investment budget.

6 stores, with a total investment of 19.85 million yuan;

About one million yuan for buying a car;

Bank interest, factory rental, villa and other house rentals, 3.3 million yuan a year;

Equipment purchases have cost 3 million yuan;

High-end talent recruitment fees, etc., also cost a lot of money.

This does not include gifts, donations and other expenses, the above expenses are about 55 million yuan.

Therefore, including stocks, his disposable funds reached 31.4 million yuan.

The stock investment cost is about 28.8 million yuan, in fact, Hao Qiang does not have much disposable funds.

At present, the stock price has risen to 8 Hong Kong dollars, with a book value of about 45.23 million yuan.

If Hao Qiang sells the stocks, there is indeed a profit of about 16 million yuan.

In fact, Hao Qiang is not short of money.

The five hot pot restaurants are doing a booming business, which can bring him more than 3 million yuan in profits every month.

However, to promote the second phase of construction, funds are still stretched.

That’s a budget of 70 million yuan!

Fortunately, the first phase of the project is sufficient to meet the current arrangements.

As the start date approaches, students are returning to campus one after another, and the school has gradually resumed its former hustle and bustle.

During this holiday, five students in Hao Qiang’s class found part-time jobs in his hot pot restaurant.

For graduates of Zhongda, it is not difficult to find a formal job, but it is not easy for non-graduates to find a part-time job during the holidays.

Although tutoring is expensive, the tutoring market around colleges and universities is extremely competitive, and most students find it difficult to find tutoring jobs.

Parents tend to prefer students who are good at communication and have high emotional intelligence.

In contrast, the situation of students at normal universities is different.

Most of them learn various skills in order to engage in teaching in the future, so they are relatively more cautious when looking for tutoring jobs.Easier, and more experienced to deal with various situations.

In fact, the job of tutoring is not as easy as imagined.

Faced with some naughty children, they often ask all kinds of ridiculous questions, which make teachers feel a little overwhelmed.

For example, some children will ask: “Teacher, why do you want to be a tutor? Are you ugly, poor and have no boyfriend?”

Faced with such questions, tutors can’t lose their temper easily, and you have to talk to him nicely.

If you say that he doesn’t study hard, what will happen in the future, the child will say that his family has more than a dozen houses.

Or, specifically ask you very picky questions, even the teacher doesn’t know.

Therefore, the job of tutoring is really not so easy, sometimes it even makes people feel that it is better to do some physical work.

Hao Qiang’s salary for part-time students is not low, 40 yuan a day, and he can earn a lot of living expenses in a month.

Those students who have worked part-time for two months in the summer vacation don’t even need to ask their families for living expenses.

However, the new school year is a time for parents to worry again.

Tuition and accommodation fees are five to six thousand yuan per school year. Many families cannot afford it and can only borrow money from everywhere to make up for the cost.

Those who are neither poor nor poor can’t apply for scholarships at all.

Five days later,

Sun Yat-sen University officially opened. With the arrival of the new semester, the atmosphere of youth and vitality are everywhere.

The freshmen entered this university with a long history and profound cultural heritage with dreams and expectations.

Among this group of energetic young people, there is a name that is frequently mentioned, that is Hao Qiang.

Especially since Hao Qiang just appeared on the Super Girl program, his popularity on campus is even hotter.

The freshmen are full of curiosity and admiration for Hao Qiang, eager to see the style of this celebrity, listen to his stories, and feel his charm.

If it were more than a decade later, Hao Qiang might become a campus spokesperson. He could introduce the university on the short video platform like this: “Our school campus has beautiful scenery, the food in the cafeteria is delicious, the seniors are also very beautiful, and you can drink Pu’er tea every day.

Oh, the introduction is wrong.

Zhongda welcomes you, and welcomes younger students to apply for the exam.”

An Internet celebrity can make a university popular, and can also make a city popular.

In fact, those senior high school students also want to apply for Zhongda, but the problem is,

They can’t get in!

For those who can get in, there are many colleges to choose from, so why must they apply for Zhongda?

Only two days after the start of school, the college leader called Hao Qiang and said he had something important to talk to him about.

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