At ten o’clock the next morning,

Hao Qiang came to the school auditorium to discuss the donation with the school in more detail and formally signed the donation agreement.

Today, several school leaders and leaders of the School of Information Science and Technology, as well as some teachers and students of Hao Qiang’s department participated and witnessed together.

Finally, after in-depth discussions and consultations, the two sides decided to establish the “Future Science and Technology Outstanding Student Scholarship” to reward undergraduates with outstanding learning, with a total of 50 places per academic year;

Establish the “Future Science and Technology Inspirational Scholarship” to reward undergraduates with learning motivation, with a total of 150 places per academic year;

Two scholarships, referred to as “Future Scholarship”.

The prize money is 5,000 yuan per academic year and cannot be applied for repeatedly.

200 places, allocated according to the proportion of students in each department.

However, Hao Qiang’s department received more places.

It should be noted that students who have received national scholarships and national inspirational scholarships are no longer eligible to apply for future scholarships, but it does not conflict with the scholarship for outstanding students.

Generally speaking, only the top students in their majors can apply for the National Scholarship and the National Inspirational Scholarship, which are worth 6,000 yuan and 5,000 yuan respectively.

These are also the two largest scholarships of CUHK. Now there is a Future Scholarship, with quite a few places, which enriches the school’s scholarship system and is a great surprise for CUHK students.

Those students who are at the top of the list but cannot get into the top three in their majors now have the opportunity to apply for the Future Scholarship.

After signing the donation agreement, Hao Qiang took photos with the school leaders.

The teachers and students present applauded warmly, expressing their sincere respect and gratitude for Hao Qiang’s generosity.

On the same day, the school actively promoted and promoted the “Future Scholarship” and reported it on the campus website.

At the same time, the school’s bulletin board announced the application details of this year’s Future Scholarship.

Not long after, there was a sensation on campus, especially among those undergraduates who applied for the National Scholarship and the National Inspirational Scholarship but unfortunately failed.

“Brother Qiang, I admire you!”

“Brother Qiang, thank you.”

Walking on campus, Hao Qiang could feel that more students greeted him, and they were more enthusiastic.

That’s 200 places per year, unlike some scholarships, which only have a few per year, and most students can’t count on them.

Moreover, Hao Qiang also said that as the Future Technology Group develops, as long as it develops better, there will be more donations.

Look, the business of the fireworks outside the school is more popular than usual.

It was popular to begin with, and now it’s even more popular. Even at noon, you still have to wait in line.

A group of old customers left, and a group of new students came. They don’t know much about fireworks.

As soon as the news that sophomore Hao Qiang donated one million yuan to Sun Yat-sen University came out, it immediately attracted widespread media coverage and enthusiastic attention from the society.

Hao Qiang, who is only 20 years old, refreshed people’s perception of the younger generation with his amazing generosity and kindness.

Yuecheng Evening News: “Shocked, a sophomore student donated one million yuan to the school”

Yuecheng Education News: “Hao Qiang promised to give back no less than one million yuan to Zhongda every year”

The report said that Hao Qiang was not only excellent in academics, but also had a heart that loved his alma mater and gave back to society.

He knew the importance of education to personal growth and national development, so he decided to donate no less than one million yuan to Zhongda every year to support the school’s education. His behavior showed the responsibility of the younger generation, and he used his actual actions to interpret the profound connotation of “drinking water and remembering the source, giving back to the alma mater”.

After the news spread, all walks of life also gave high praise to Hao Qiang’s good deeds.

With the continuous coverage of the media, Hao Qiang’s story has been known by more and more people.

His growth experience, family background, and company situation have all been presented to the public one by one.

It can be said that it has advertised for Renjian Fireworks and Future Group again.

On the morning of the 8th,

Hao Qiang walked into the classroom to prepare for class, and heard the heated discussion of his classmates about the Future Scholarship.

“Uncle Qiang, you’re in the news again.” Fei Yang approached and joked when he saw Hao Qiang.

Hao Qiang had long been accustomed to this and smiled calmly: “Oh, really, I didn’t pay much attention to it.”

Li Yunfeng also interrupted: “Brother Qiang is on the news every once in a while, this is almost becoming a normal thing. If he is not on the news one day, it will be big news.”

After Hao Qiang sat down, he turned to Li Yunfeng and asked: “I heard that you joined the Volunteer Department of the Student Union?”

Li Yunfeng nodded and smiled: “Yes, I want to accumulate more experience and add a chapter to my future resume.”

Participating in the school’s volunteer activities is of great benefit to the future path of politics.

At the beginning of the new school year, class committee members stillThe old situation remains unchanged, and he continues to serve as the secretary of the Youth League branch.

Hao Qiang nodded to show his understanding, knowing that Li Yunfeng has the ambition to enter politics and is paving the way for this.

Since he has such an ambition, he will help if he can.

“Next time there is a business activity cooperating with the school, are you interested in being my assistant?”

Li Yunfeng was very excited when he heard this, and thanked him repeatedly: “Yes, of course! Thank you Brother Qiang for your support!”

For him, this is undoubtedly a rare opportunity to get close to the school leaders and add an important chapter to his future resume.

If the operation is good, the selection of selected students will be more stable in the future.

The classmates around him also cast envious eyes and talked about it.

“Old Li, you are really going to take off on the spot by following Brother Qiang this time!”

“Haha, that’s right, with Brother Qiang leading you, it must be!” Li Yunfeng smiled slightly proudly, and was very grateful to Hao Qiang in his heart.

After four classes,

Hao Qiang had lunch and returned to the company for a small meeting in the afternoon.

Store No. 6 has opened, and Store No. 7 is currently under renovation.

Store No. 7 is located in Link Plaza in Liwan District, which is a prime shopping location in Liwan Business District.

At present, the daily revenue of Stores No. 3 and No. 4 has caught up with Store No. 2, and the daily revenue of Store No. 5 is stable at more than 45,000 yuan. Store No. 6 has just opened for 9 days and its daily revenue is just over 30,000 yuan.

At present, the catering company spends a lot of money on advertising.

After Hao Qiang came to the company, he had a cup of tea and took a break.

At 3 o’clock in the afternoon,

Hao Qiang attended the meeting of the catering company on time, mainly listening to the work reports of regional manager Wang Xiaofeng and marketing director Li Feiyu.

His current main focus is on electric motorcycles and lithium battery projects, and he has not paid much attention to the catering company recently.

But he will take time to see the opening of each new store.

Wang Xiaofeng said: “At present, the store resources in Yuecheng Shopping Mall are already quite tight, and it is difficult to find suitable empty stores for leasing.

Therefore, I suggest that you can consider expanding to the surrounding Focheng and Dongguan City.”

Li Feiyu followed closely and agreed: “Boss, I also think this is a good idea.

Our company’s brand reputation is very good now, and every new store can quickly become popular.

So, we should increase our efforts to expand.”

Hao Qiang pondered for a moment after listening. He knew the risks of blind expansion. For example, Hidilao had closed a large number of stores due to excessive expansion.

So, he carefully proposed: “Expansion is inevitable, but it cannot be blindly expanded.

In terms of site selection, we must conduct sufficient field investigations to ensure that each store can be successfully opened.

If there is a suitable empty shop, you can rent it first, and it doesn’t matter if the decoration progress is a little later.”

He further emphasized: “We must ensure the quality of ingredients and the stability of supply.

If the quality of ingredients is not up to standard, or the management and store service can’t keep up, I would rather not open a new store for the time being.

We can’t smash the golden signboard of “Human Fireworks” for temporary interests.

Once the reputation is damaged, no matter how much money and energy is spent on maintenance, it will be difficult to restore to the original level.

I would rather lose a few stores than let the reputation be damaged. I hope you pay attention to this.

Reputation, that is life!”

Everyone nodded in understanding.

They knew that the success of “Human Fireworks” was inseparable from Hao Qiang’s fame and brand effect. Many customers tasted it for his fame, and then relied on ingredients, services and novel experiences to get good reviews from customers.

Half an hour later, the meeting ended.

This meeting officially means that Renjian Fireworks has officially stepped out of Guangdong City and developed towards the surrounding areas. It is an important milestone for Renjian Fireworks.

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