Regarding the cost of F1 electric motorcycles, the company has not yet conducted a detailed calculation, but there is a rough estimate.

The mass production cost is about 2,000 yuan.

Among them, the cost of lead-acid batteries accounts for a considerable proportion.

The cost of a 60V20AH lead-acid battery is about 500 yuan,

and the sales price on the market is about 800 yuan.

The main materials of lead-acid batteries include lead and acid. Among them, lead, as the main plate material of the battery, accounts for more than 60% of the total cost of lead-acid batteries.

At present, the international lead price is stable at about 15,000 yuan per ton, and there will not be much fluctuation in the next ten years.

The recycling of lead-acid batteries mainly recycles this kind of metal lead, and the recycling price is not low.

The cost of F1 electric motorcycles is just a preliminary forecast.

The cost of F1 is just a forecast. It will be more accurate after the product is truly finalized, and the tooling and fixtures are produced and the actual mass production is carried out.

If production efficiency cannot be improved and there are many quality problems, production costs will definitely be high.

In addition, Hao Qiang began to let technical personnel apply for technical invention patents, and the ownership of course belongs to the company.

Some technologies are not convenient to apply for, and they can be kept confidential, so they will not be applied for.

Applying for patents also means public data, and detailed content can be seen.

What surprised Hao Qiang was that the core technology of the technology in the technology store would not be covered by the technology patents in the real world.

Generally speaking, when applying for patents, you must be familiar with the patent coverage principle.

For example, A applies for a patent with protected feature A;

If B also applies for a patent with protected feature A1 or An (BMW X3 changes color), it will definitely not be applied for.

However, B optimizes on the basis of A, and the protected features are AB (BMW X3 has an extra pair of wings), and can apply for a patent.

Of course, you can apply for a patent, but you cannot use AB, and you must obtain authorization from A.

Similarly, A cannot use AB without authorization from B.

Some companies are more disgusting. I can’t use A, but I can develop inventions such as AB, ABC, AD, etc., which adds a mountain to A’s research and development road.

If the protected feature of B is B, which is quite different from A, then there is no problem of patent coverage. This is a new patent.

Before, Hao Qiang didn’t know these patent knowledge.

He only understood it after asking the professor for patent knowledge.

The development of electric motorcycles was initially successful. After the optimization was completed, small-scale production began, and the fixtures for debugging were manufactured.

The new factory is planning the workstation area and installing debugging equipment, and the progress is relatively fast.

After the relocation, the leased factory will be sublet for the remaining lease period.

Sichuan Province, Jian City, Haidilao Company.

Starting from the first hot pot restaurant in Jian City, the hometown in 1994, to the second hot pot city in the ancient capital Chang’an in 1999.

At present, the company has opened the third hot pot restaurant in Zhengcheng, and a branch in the imperial capital. The company has a total of 9 hot pot restaurants.

In March this year, the company launched the second phase of the “Employee Reward Plan” and used the third store in Zhengcheng as an employee reward store to allocate shares to outstanding employees.

In August last year, the boss Jiang Yong went to Ouzhou for a half-month inspection and gained a lot.

Today, he returned to the company for a meeting, and all the company’s senior and decision-making levels participated in the meeting.

“Recently, I saw a news that a peer has developed very well in Southern Yuecheng, and the operating model is somewhat similar to ours.”

Some senior executives did not know which brand Mr. Jiang was talking about, and did not dare to say more.

“Mr. Jiang, are you talking about Renjian Fireworks?” The company’s vice president asked curiously, “Their boss is Hao Qiang, a sophomore who is just 20 years old.

The media reported that his Renjian Fireworks is very popular, with a monthly profit of one store reaching one million yuan, and several stores have been opened so far.”

Jiang Yong was slightly relieved when the vice president mentioned it. If you don’t pay attention to the development of your peers, it means that your vision is too narrow.

“Yes, Renjian Fireworks has developed very rapidly. It was only established last year, and now it has opened so many stores.

One day, we will compete in the same city.” Jiang Yong said solemnly. He has the idea of ​​opening branches across the country, but due to various factors, he has not yet been able to expand to the south.

At present, the company’s main firepower is in the capital, Zhengcheng and Rongcheng.

What he didn’t know was that Hao Qiang had been paying attention to and studying Hidilao, and regarded it as the biggest competitor.

“Mr. Jiang, Renjian Fireworks can become popular mainly because of the popularity of their boss, who has a star effect.

In the final analysis, this is aThere is no need for us to learn from the hot pot restaurants that rely on Hao Qiang’s personal fame.

Of course, we still need to learn from the good ones. ”

“Well, whether it is Renjianyanhuo or other hot pot restaurants, we should humbly learn from and learn from their good points.

Our core concept is still high-quality service, which is also the way to survive.

From the initial focus on the standardization of customer and employee management, to the current implementation of the master-apprentice system and rotation system, combined with the standardization of performance appraisal, we have gradually explored a development path that suits us.

If we just blindly imitate others, we will lose our own characteristics and advantages and cannot really find our own way. ”

At first, Jiang Yong was a little confused about why Renjian Fireworks expanded so quickly. It took them 11 years to own 9 hot pot restaurants.

After in-depth research, he roughly understood the reason.

It often takes a long time for their own hot pot restaurants to go from opening to stable profits.

The hot pot restaurant in his hometown has accumulated today’s popularity after years of operation.

Renjian Fireworks is different. It relies on Hao Qiang’s personal fame to greatly shorten the period from opening to popularity.

That is to say, the payback period of the two hot pot brands is completely different, and the gap is significant.

Jiang Yong envied the success of Renjian Fireworks, but he was a little confused about Hao Qiang.

It is obvious that Renjian Fireworks ‘s development momentum is so rapid, but Hao Qiang chose to get involved in other industries.

Could it be that Renjian Fireworks has no plans for full expansion?

Jiang Yong was full of doubts. For him, it would be best if there were no plans for national expansion.

Renjian Fireworks developed too fast, and he was a little worried.

The brand peers who studied Renjian Fireworks are not only Haidi Lao, but also many more.

Like Xiabuxiabu, which became popular with the “one person, one pot” business model, after studying Renjian Fireworks, they found that it was not good to follow the trend and insisted on going their own way.

Every brand of hot pot has its own characteristics, and it is difficult for others to imitate it.

On the afternoon of September 15,

Qiu Xueya, the group’s human resources director, called Hao Qiang and said that an investor from a venture capital company was looking for him.

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