The next morning, which happened to be Friday, the stock market opened as scheduled.

Hao Qiang bought 2020 lots of Moutai shares at an average price of 96.1 yuan.

Including the handling fee, the total purchase cost was 20.424 million yuan.

After finishing this, he immediately called his mother to ask about the situation at home.

Every time he called his father, he liked to show off to others after the call.

After a while, the call was connected, and the familiar voice of his mother came from the other end of the phone:

“Hello, son, have you eaten?”

“Mom, it’s only ten o’clock, not so fast.”

Hao Qiang felt that his mother had nothing to say. Every time she called, she would ask him first if he had eaten.

Whether it was ten o’clock in the morning or ten o’clock in the evening, it was the same greeting.

His father was more direct in speaking and asked if he had anything to do.

“Oh, are you in class or at the company?”

“At the company, busy with something.”

“Today is Friday, you should have class, you skipped class again, remember to give your teacher more gifts, otherwise it will be bad if your test scores are deducted.”

“Mom, your son’s grades are based on his ability, not on giving gifts to teachers.”

“Why did I hear that the performance score is determined by the teacher?”

“That’s just a small part. I just took the comprehensive evaluation and won the first prize for outstanding students and a national scholarship.”

“Oh, so that’s it, my son is really amazing.” When Liu Fengqing answered the phone, he occasionally talked to his father next to him. They were busy making hot pot base.

There are currently four people, and they only need to be busy for half a day every day.

Every one or two days, a truck loaded with hot pot base, chicken, fish, vegetables and other ingredients arrives in Yuecheng.

Hao Qiang’s cousin and uncle are busy purchasing ingredients every day, and have signed cooperation agreements with farmers and breeders in the village.

Today, hundreds of families in the village have established cooperative relations with Hao Qiang’s family.

Each hot pot restaurant purchases ingredients at a cost of 500,000 to 600,000 yuan per month, or about 7 million yuan a year.

For several hot pot restaurants, that’s tens of millions of yuan worth of ingredients.

If divided into each type of ingredients, the amount is not small.

Let alone these hundreds of families, when there are more restaurants, the whole village will not be able to supply them with planting and breeding.

It can be said that Hao Qiang’s family is now the rich man of their village, and in the future it is even possible that the whole village will work for them.

The villagers in the surrounding villages are envious.

The success of Hao Qiang’s family has not only changed the economic situation of their own family, but also led to the prosperity and development of the entire village.

As Hao Jian’s family was responsible for purchasing ingredients, the family’s economic situation has improved significantly and gradually became wealthy.

The matchmakers in the town introduced young and beautiful girls to Hao Jian.

What’s more interesting is that some matchmakers even wanted to introduce a partner to Hao Qiang, but were ridiculed and teased by the villagers.

“This matchmaker has a problem with her brain. She doesn’t even take a good look at who Hao Qiang is in our village. How could he be short of a partner? Even female stars are lining up to get him.” The villagers mocked the matchmakers who wanted to introduce a partner to Hao Qiang.

“Yes, if you want to introduce someone, you should consider my son first. This matchmaker is really clueless.” A villager couldn’t help but interrupt.

Due to the relative poverty in the village, many bachelors of marriageable age face great difficulties in finding a wife.

Anyway, those girls often look down on their village.

In the past few years, some people have recommended Vietnamese girls, but few of them really get married, and most of them are cheated into marriage.

At least ten bachelors in the village have been cheated. In order to get married, they sold their buffaloes and even borrowed a lot of money, but their wives ran away in the middle of the night.

These cheating women often live with men for only about a month, and when they have cheated the men of their money, they give them drugs at night.

The man slept in a daze at night, and didn’t know his wife ran away in the middle of the night. He found out when he woke up the next day.

When he married her, he knew there was this risk, but he couldn’t resist the temptation.

In his previous life, someone really wanted to introduce a Southeast Asian wife to Hao Qiang, saying that it was cheap there.

In fact, it was a marriage of sale, how could there be love, and very few women really stayed.

At that time, Hao Qiang wanted to go to those countries to find a wife. If he went out, he might get his kidneys cut.

Hao Qiang and his mother often talked about various topics in the village.

Liu Fengqing liked to listen to gossip, and Hao Qiang sometimes liked to listen to his mother’s gossip about the village.

For example, whose family cooperated with their family and made a lot of money this month and paid off the debt;

Whose son was almost 30 years old and had not yet married, and didn’t even have a girlfriend.

But what Liu Fengqing didn’t know was that her son was still single until he was 38 years old in his previous life.The stick has become a joke for the women in the village after dinner.

“Oh, Jianjun’s son is tall, almost 40 years old, but he can’t find a wife. He is so tall in vain.

XX’s son is only 1.6 meters tall, the same age as him, and his children are in junior high school.” This is the sentence that Hao Qiang heard the most from the villagers to evaluate him before, which is really heartbreaking.

Nowadays, with the opening of the village road and the improvement of the economy of hundreds of villagers, everyone is full of hope for life.

The phenomenon of playing cards in the village is much less than usual. In the past, the villagers were really idle, but now they have something to do, and the situation is different.

The success of Hao Qiang’s family has brought hope to the villagers and gradually changed the appearance of their hometown.

It is nothing for one person to make a village, even a town, or a county popular.

It is awesome to be able to make a city popular.

It is unlikely in this year, but maybe it is possible in the era of short videos for all people.

Hao Qiang’s new house is under construction in full swing. It has been under construction for more than a few months. The main structure has been completed and is now entering the decoration stage.

Every day, dozens of people come here to see the style of this luxury villa that costs two or three million.

Its unique design and luxurious decoration have aroused the curiosity and admiration of the majority of villagers.

This is the first villa in the town!

Only the people in the town feel fresh when they see fewer villas. In some provinces, such as Zhejiang, Guangdong, and Fujian, there are many rural villas even in this era.

If they can get the foundation, they will probably be even crazier.

If the transportation is convenient, who would be willing to buy a house in the city!

Fifteen years later, many houses in the city are not selling.

After Hao Qiang finished the call, Han Qingying sent a message saying that the house had been cleaned and she planned to buy vegetables and cook tonight and wanted to have dinner with him.

“Okay, I’ll come over in the evening.”

How could he refuse this invitation?

But just after sending the text message, Qiu Yuqing also sent a message, asking him if he wanted to have dinner together.

“Yuqing, I have something to do tonight, so I can’t have dinner with you. I may not be back tonight, sorry.”

Qiu Yuqing received this message and knew that Hao Qiang went to accompany Han Qingying, and she felt a little disappointed.

This was the first time he told her directly that he was going to accompany other women at night.

However, she was mentally prepared and replied with a message: “Okay.”

Thinking that Hao Qiang had been drained by her every night and could no longer have the strength to plow the land, she didn’t care, but smiled complacently.

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