After a while, the two came to the Porsche exhibition.

Wu Hai whispered to Hao Qiang: “Qiangzi, the Porsche 911 car model is so beautiful, with long white legs, wearing it, wow.”

“Well, it’s pretty good, after all, it’s a car model.”

Hao Qiang took a look. The car model’s clothes were a bit transparent, with long hair draped over her shoulders, very sexy, tall, about 20 points in appearance, and a big weapon.

Hey, it seems a bit familiar.

Isn’t this Lu Lu!

Damn it!

I don’t know what this woman has been through. A few years later, she loves to take indecent photos for money.

“Well, super beauties have dropped two levels in your eyes.” Wu Hai curled his lips, thinking that this guy already has two super beauties of school level, Han Qingying and Qiu Yuqing, so naturally he is not so interested in other beauties.

He himself doesn’t have this blessing, and he is satisfied to see more car models.

Wu Hai dare not like car models, just think that Hao Qiang was joking before.

“Why, I think you like this car model.”

“Such a beautiful car model, with a great figure, who wouldn’t like her? Look at all the men around, all of them are staring at her, but they are not as capable as you.”

“Well, okay, you have a point, let’s look at the car first.” Hao Qiang smiled.

Soon, the two of them turned their attention to the car.

There was a sky blue 911, 2005 MT 3.8L, on the booth.

This sports car always has an irresistible charm for young people, and Hao Qiang is no exception.

Even if he already owns a Cayenne, the unique charm of 911 still makes him excited.

In fact, after reaching a certain age and owning a luxury car, the enthusiasm for sports cars is no longer as enthusiastic as when he was young.

Although driving a sports car is cool, the comfort is not satisfactory, the body is low, and the pass rate is also poor.

Hao Qiang took a closer look, and Wu Hai followed closely.

Today, Hao Qiang wore a slim-fitting suit, and with his temperament, he looked like a pure young CEO.

On his chest, there was a sign that said “Exhibitor”. Even if they didn’t know him, no one dared to say anything to him.

Of course, people who didn’t know him might think he was just a salesperson of the exhibitor, and there was definitely no ridicule.

“Hello, Mr. Hao!

Have you ever considered buying a 911 to experience it?” The Porsche booth manager came up, greeted Hao Qiang enthusiastically, and handed him a business card.

At this Porsche Auto Show, the staff of Yuecheng 4S store also participated in the exhibition. As a provincial agency, they had a car purchase transaction with Hao Qiang, so the booth manager recognized him at a glance.

Of course, Hao Qiang’s popularity in Yuecheng is not low, and perhaps other people also noticed his arrival.

Hao Qiang took the business card, looked at it, smiled and nodded, and responded: “Hello, Manager Chen, let me take a look first.”

He was a little surprised that the middle-aged man in a suit and tie in front of him knew him, and then asked curiously: “It seems that there is no such car in the Yuecheng 4S store.”

He has no plan to change the car at present, but just wants to know the situation of this car first.

The last time he went to the 4S store, he did not see this model.

Manager Chen explained: “This car is limited to the port, and it is difficult to buy it even if you have money.”

“Oh, so that’s the case, I don’t know.”

“We give priority to owners who own a Porsche, and they can’t be second-hand car owners, otherwise, it will lower its status a bit.

If Mr. Hao wants to buy it, it’s a rare opportunity.

Of course, this is a show car, but it doesn’t have many kilometers, and the guide price is 1.58 million yuan.” The exhibition manager opened the door and invited Hao Qiang to get in the car to experience it.

Hao Qiang sat in the main driver’s seat, and Wu Hai excitedly sat in the co-pilot seat.

Wu Hai touched the exquisite suede material inside the car and exclaimed: “Brother Qiang, this car is so beautiful!

I think it suits you better than the Rolls-Royce just now.

Anyway, you are not short of money, so you can buy it back as a collection.”

Hao Qiang rolled his eyes at him and smiled: “Why are you not short of money? If I were not short of money, I would have bought all the cars at the exhibition.”

“That’s the same. What I mean is that it’s no big deal for you to buy a few luxury cars.”

“This gentleman is right.” Manager Chen echoed on the side, “With Mr. Hao’s wealth, it is completely no problem for him to buy a 911 back as a toy collection.”

The audience around saw the booth manager warmly entertaining a young man and was a little curious.

Some audience members recognized Hao Qiang and exclaimed: “It turned out to be Hao Qiang!”

The confused audience, even if they didn’t know Hao Qiang, felt that his identity was not simple.

Manager Chen introduced for a while, and just happened to receive a phone call. There was something urgent, so he asked the car model Lu Lu next to himHelp entertain them.

In fact, Manager Chen left on purpose. He just noticed Hao Qiang and Wu Hai discussing the car model and mistakenly thought that Hao Qiang liked the car model Lu Lu, so he simply took the opportunity to leave and create an opportunity for them.

Car model Lu Lu also noticed Hao Qiang, the young and handsome guy. She didn’t know Hao Qiang, but from the audience around and the tone of Manager Chen, she knew that this guy was not short of money, so she enthusiastically introduced the car, even if sales were not her job.

Usually, car exhibitors will also let car models introduce cars.

-The novel was taken from the (rolyz) website. Close where you’re reading it and support us on our website for more free novels-
Hao Qiang was quite familiar with the car, but after seeing Wu Hai’s close contact with the car model, he almost drooled, and said to the overly enthusiastic car model: “As long as it can satisfy my brother, I have no problem buying this car.”

After he finished speaking, the phone happened to ring, so he found a place to make a call and let the two chat first.

Wu Hai was a little overwhelmed in front of the beauty, but he knew that Hao Qiang was creating an opportunity for him, so he took the opportunity to chat with the car model.

If the car model Lu Lu succeeds in selling a car, she will also get a lot of commission.

So, she enthusiastically recommended 911 to Wu Hai, mistakenly thinking that Wu Hai was a low-key local tyrant.

Wu Hai has an ordinary appearance, but you can’t judge a person by appearance, especially in Yuecheng.

Seven or eight minutes later, Hao Qiang finished the call, walked back to the 911 car, and asked Wu Dao: “How was the chat?”

Wu Hai shrugged and smiled: “Very good, don’t you have something urgent to deal with, why don’t you go back first.”

He didn’t want to cheat Hao Qiang. It was impossible for Hao Qiang to buy a car worth millions just to pick up a fantasy woman.

Lu Lu was a little disappointed when she saw that the transaction was not successful, but there was nothing she could do.

Hao Qiang and Wu Hai left the Porsche booth and went to other booths to watch.

After a round, they returned to the company booth.

Hao Qiang sat down to drink tea and asked Wu Hai: “Dead Sea, did you get the phone number of the car model?”

“Hehe, I got it. She forced it in. I guess it’s for you.” Wu Hai smiled obscenely and took out a note from his pocket.

“I don’t need it.” Hao Qiang shook his head and smiled, but still took the note and thought for a while, “Give me your phone.”

Wu Hai didn’t understand, but still gave his phone to Hao Qiang.

Hao Qiang took Wu Hai’s opportunity to write a text message and sent it to the car model.

“Damn, Qiangzi, you sent it from my phone.” Wu Hai took the text message back and was shocked when he saw the content of the message.

Moreover, the question was so direct that even if he was thick-skinned, he wanted to find a corner to hide in.

Qiangzi, you are so bad!

But why was I surprised?

Hao Qiang cursed: “Nonsense, a man should dare to think and do, and be afraid of nothing.”

After waiting for a few minutes, the other party did not reply.

Wu Hai was a little worried and self-deprecating, and said self-deprecatingly: “Qiangzi, you see, she didn’t even reply to my text message, she must not like me, and I don’t think that car model is that kind of woman.”

Hao Qiang didn’t answer, he knew the car model’s indecent history too well.

Absolutely impossible!

After waiting for a few minutes, Wu Hai’s phone vibrated, he quickly took the phone, read the message, and said in surprise: “Damn, Qiangzi, she really replied! It’s too outrageous.”

While talking, he was very excited, but didn’t want to spend that money.

Hao Qiang took Wu Hai’s phone and looked at the reply text message.

“Pay in advance, and if you buy that 911 afterwards, you must recommend my name, book a hotel and send a message, I don’t like hotels with bad environment.”

Hao Qiang used Wu Hai’s phone again and texted her directly: “Okay, no problem.”

Selling a 911, if you count insurance and loan commissions, it’s not easy to sell Porsche these days, the total sales commission is estimated to be no less than 5,000 yuan.

How much is it, Hao Qiang doesn’t know.

Car models are recommenders, not salespeople, so their commissions are definitely not as good as salespeople, but even if there is less meat, it is still meat.

Just now, Hao Qiang reported that the appearance fee was 10,000 yuan, which is generous enough.

The car model is not very famous now, and the appearance fee for a day as a car model must not exceed 1,000 yuan.

1,000 yuan in 2005 was a month’s salary for ordinary people.

More than a decade later, the appearance fee of a car model can be 3,000 to 5,000 yuan a day, which is very high, and you have to be famous.

In fact, the appearance fee of a car model is not as outrageous as the legend says.

After sending the message, Hao Qiang returned the phone to Wu Hai, and at the same time took out a stack of money from his computer bag, and then took out twenty hundred-yuan bills, a total of twelve thousand, and stuffed them into Wu Hai’s arms with a smile: “This is the activity fund, you can’t save it, you have to spend it all tonight, pay attention to safety measures, don’t say I cheated you if something happens.

After tonight, you have to calm down and learn how to open a dental hospital, and don’t think about the car model anymore.

As long as you make a lot of money, you can have fun however you want.”

“Okay, I understand”Wu Hai was very excited.

I didn’t expect that the super beauty in my imagination was conquered by money.

At the same time, it made him more motivated to make money.

He didn’t say anything to thank Hao Qiang. They were good friends and they should repay each other in the future.

Wu Hai wanted to say something polite, but Hao Qiang laughed and scolded him: “Get out early and don’t delay my work.

Report the results to me tomorrow.”

After being scolded twice, Wu Hai left quickly with passion.

Watching Wu Hai leave, Hao Qiang showed a cunning smile: Dead Sea, I can’t let you know that I’m two-timing and I don’t have any trouble.

He can only feel relieved if he drags Wu Hai into the water.

This is called a counter-surrender.

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