After class, Hao Qiang left the classroom and came to the parking lot. He saw many students watching the Porsche 911.

“Brother Qiang is here!” a student exclaimed.

“It turned out to be Brother Qiang’s car. I thought it belonged to some rich second-generation.” Another student said enviously.

Hao Qiang opened the door, threw his backpack into the co-pilot seat, and then started the engine. A low roar sounded, and under the envious eyes of the students, he flexibly left the parking lot.

At noon, Hao Qiang and Qiu Yuqing had a healthy hot pot at an old store outside the school.

Usually there is more cultivated land, so it is still useful to make up for it.

When the two were eating hot pot, they happened to see a customer celebrating his birthday.

Suddenly, Hao Qiang felt that this birthday party lacked a little atmosphere.

That’s right!

That’s the birthday blessing song of the store.

In an instant, Hao Qiang remembered the birthday blessing song of Hi Di Lao, which was quite popular.

Of course, it was also quite embarrassing.

However, the customers will be very moved, which increases the stickiness of customers to the brand store.

“Today is your birthday, I send you my blessing;

Special days, have a bright smile;

Say Bye~Bye to all the troubles, say Hi~Hi to all the happiness”

Since it has been verified and can still be popular, Hao Qiang plans to apply it to his own fireworks and let employees learn to sing this song.

If the members who come to dine happen to find that it is the customer’s birthday, then arrange a birthday blessing program and send a birthday cake and a small gift.

After dinner, Hao Qiang sent the lyrics and music of the song to Lin Nan, and asked a female artist to sing it, and the fee can be deducted from the song revenue.

When Lin Nan received the song, she was a little surprised: “Hao Qiang, why do you suddenly want to write a song? To be honest, the song you gave me is really not good.”

“Hey, I have no inspiration, otherwise I would like to write a few more new songs.” Hao Qiang said nonsense.

“Okay, I’ll give it to you after the song is recorded. The income from your three songs is getting lower and lower, which is a pity.”

“I’ve been making money for a year, anyway, I feel quite satisfied.” Hao Qiang replied happily. The three songs earned him 33 million yuan.

Excluding corporate income tax, and reasonable tax avoidance, there are more than 25 million yuan.

Hao Qiang also pays himself a salary in several companies, but the salary is not high, enough for normal expenses.

If a large amount of funds is withdrawn from a personal income account, the tax payment will definitely be different.

No boss will withdraw profits from the company account at will. All expenses are reported to the company account, such as meals and hotel stays, which are all included in the company’s operating costs.

Regarding taxation, Hao Qiang knows a little, but he is definitely not as proficient as the financial manager Jiang Ying. She knows a lot of tax avoidance methods.

But it is not reasonable tax avoidance, Hao Qiang does not want to do it. Born in this land, companies should bear social responsibilities, instead of evading taxes like some stars.

Jiang Ying did not recommend doing that, and she did not want to go to Tilanqiao to work on a sewing machine.

A few days later,

Hao Qiang received another song income, a total of 2 million yuan.

His personal wealth rose to 72.3 million yuan.

Currently, there are 7 hot pot restaurants in operation. After deducting corporate income tax, the monthly after-tax profit is about 4.25 million yuan, about 140,000 yuan a day.

Hao Qiang personally makes money by typing, with a system income of about 25,000 yuan a day.

The order income of the electric motorcycle F1 has not been included for the time being and will be settled only when the final exchange is settled.

Hao Qiang also got the song tape of “Birthday Blessing Song”. He brought the song to Qiu Xueya and asked her to arrange it to each store, requiring each store to select personnel with good singing skills to learn this song and arrange birthday programs.

Of course, employees who specialize in singing this song also have additional commissions.

Yang Qiuhong, the manager of Store No. 3, knew that singing the birthday song was an order issued by the boss, so he personally led the team to learn and arranged activity props.

She arranged it in just two days.

October 29th was a Saturday.

Li Cai was a member of Renjian Fireworks Store No. 3. In the evening, she and her boyfriend had a hot pot meal at Store No. 3.

She preferred the free manicure service of Renjian Fireworks, but sometimes she couldn’t get in line.

The two of them had eaten hot pot for about five minutes, and the store manager of Store No. 3 came over with three employees and gave her a small cake and a small birthday gift as a souvenir.

“Hello, Ms. Li, you are an old member of Renjian Fireworks Store No. 3. Today is your birthday. All the employees of our store wish you a happy birthday!” The store manager said enthusiastically.

Li Cai was surprised: “Ah, how did you know it was my birthday today?”

Her boyfriend and other customers who were dining around were also surprised.

Yang Qiuhong explained: “When you registered as a member, you registered your birthday information.It just so happens that you are dining here today, and our staff discovered that it is your birthday today.

We specially prepared this birthday gift, and hope you like it.

We will give gifts to every member of Renjian Fireworks who comes to Renjian Fireworks for consumption on their birthday. This is a new rule of our company. ”

“Thank you, thank you so much, your service is so good. “Li Cai was overjoyed and extremely excited.

When the customers around heard Yang Qiuhong’s words, they also felt that Renjian Huohua was too humane.

Next, the waiter lit the candles on the cake.

At the same time, four employees sang “Birthday Blessing Song” together.

“Today is your birthday, I send you my blessings;

Say Bye~Bye to all the troubles, say Hi~H to all the happiness…”

When saying “Bye~Bye”, they also applauded.

I have to say that the atmosphere was really awkward.

The whole process caused the other customers in the store to look at them in surprise: it turned out that they could celebrate the birthdays of customers in this way, Renjian Huohua was really fun.

Of course, some customers felt it was awkward, especially Li Cai, who was a little embarrassed to see the customers around her looking at her.

But no matter what, she experienced the special care of Renjian Huohua, and she was very grateful in her heart, and she and her boyfriend couldn’t help laughing happily.

“Oh my God, it can be played like this. “Li Cai’s boyfriend laughed even happier than she did, slapping his thigh.

Some customers around took out their low-pixel phones to take photos of this funny scene.

Some customers who had not yet registered as members also planned to recharge their membership.

In the following days, Renjian Fireworks continued to perform birthday programs for customers, and more and more people knew about this.

More and more customers recharged their memberships, and the reputation of Renjian Fireworks was further improved.

A few days later, it was November 1st.

The 9th branch of Renjian Fireworks began to be renovated in Wancheng.

In another half a month, the 8th branch, Focheng Oriental Plaza Store, will open.

Now, Renjian Fireworks can open as long as it finds a good empty store. Try to negotiate and start decorating.

Yue Neng, the boss of Yuecheng Sumei Decoration Co., Ltd., is busy decorating the stores of Renjian Fireworks every day.

The two companies have established a cooperative relationship. Sumei Decoration Co., Ltd. continuously optimizes the decoration, hoping that Renjian Fireworks will open more and more branches.

During this period, Hao Qiang drove a Porsche 911 and received too many confession notes every day.

One day, he parked his car in the parking lot of Tianhui Plaza, and a woman with a non-mainstream hairstyle flirted with him.

With a face value of about 16, if Hao Qiang agreed, it would not be a problem to roll the sheets for free.

However, he was really not interested in these women.

After the Cayenne was repaired and brought back, he switched back to the Cayenne, and the 911 was only used for occasional driving.

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