Two days later, January 25th.

This day is of great significance to Hao Qiang’s family.

The joy of moving to a new villa.

The local banquet may be different from other places. It is said that the banquet will be officially opened today.

In fact, the pigs were slaughtered yesterday afternoon and the work of pressing pork was prepared. The relatives, friends and villagers who came to help had already eaten a meal last night. Some guests also had a raw pork banquet.

This kind of raw pork banquet must be domestic pigs, and they must be eaten shortly after slaughtering. The parts used are all top-grade lean meat, not the kind of frozen pork.

Hao Qiang eats sashimi and raw beef slices, but he finds raw pork difficult to swallow.

Farmers’ self-raised pigs are good, the meat is fragrant, and even without seasoning, the fishy smell is not strong.

People who grew up in cities, especially those born after 1995, probably rarely have the opportunity to taste rural self-raised pork. This kind of pork is completely different from the fast-fattening feed pigs in pig farms.

More importantly, the difference in slaughtering methods also directly affects the taste of pork.

The traditional farmer’s slaughtering method can retain the original flavor of the meat to the greatest extent, which is endless aftertaste.

Today, Hualong Village is immersed in a festive atmosphere, which is more lively than the Chinese New Year.

Hao Qiang’s parents cordially invited the whole village, young and old, to share the joy of moving to a new house and taste fine wine and delicious food.

The total population of Hualong Village is nearly 2,000 people, and the local surnames include Hao, Chen, Lu, Liao, etc.

Today, nearly half of the families in the village work for Hao Qiang’s family and grow hot pot ingredients. They all hope to move towards the road of prosperity under the leadership of Hao Qiang’s family.

Since the cooperation between the two sides, the economic conditions of many families have indeed improved significantly.

It can be said that Hao Qiang’s family is the real local snake in Hualong Village, which is quite similar to the big landlords in ancient times.

Therefore, Hao Qiang’s parents thought that they might as well invite the whole village to a banquet, so as to avoid the villagers who were not invited to the banquet saying that they looked down on them.

Rural banquets usually consist of one meal at noon and one at night.

In this era, even if the food is better, the per capita cost is only 50 yuan.

If the food cannot be finished on the same day, it will continue to be eaten, so there is a saying that “the banquet lasts for three days”.

However, guests from other villages will only attend the lunch and dinner of the day.

If the banquet is held in a hotel, it usually ends with only one meal.

However, most rural people do not like to have banquets in hotels, thinking that only one meal is not enough to enjoy, and although the hotel dishes are beautiful and exquisite, the taste is mediocre and lacks authentic local flavor.

This grand banquet, except for migrant workers who failed to return home, about 1,800 people from the whole village participated.

Including relatives and friends from other villages, the total number of people is expected to reach 2,200.

The round table for the banquet is relatively small, with 8-9 people arranged at each table. If 10 people sit, it will be very crowded. More than 280 tables need to be arranged. Just renting these dining stools and tableware has traveled all over the county, otherwise there will be no so many dining stools and tableware.

Many villagers spontaneously sent chickens, ducks, rice, oil and vegetables to Hao Qiang’s family, so they bought less food, saving Hao Qiang’s family a lot of expenses.

In addition, even if the red envelopes are not much, they may still make some money.

In order to carefully prepare for this grand event, the village specially set up a “expert group” of 40 to 50 people, consisting of the village committee, team leaders and young people with organizational and coordination skills. Each person is responsible for the details of the banquet, saving the Hao family from worrying about it.

“Brothers, we must make this banquet a success and never let people from other villages laugh at us.”

“Yes, this is not only a banquet for the big boss, but also a banner for our Hualong Village to publicize to the outside world. If it is well organized, who in the county does not know our village? In the past, no one outside our town knew our Hualong Village. If Qiangzi had not become famous, no one in our village would know about it.”

“The village’s reputation is getting better and better, and it has brought more and more benefits. You can see that there are many more matchmakers introducing girls recently than in previous years. Of course, the economic conditions have improved.”

“Qiangzi is a famous person and often appears in the news. Maybe there will be media reporters coming to interview his family. I think we have to take care of some bad phenomena in our village, so as not to spread and affect the reputation of the village.”

Hao Qiang did not expect that a banquet would be elevated by the village committee to a level that concerns the development and face of the entire village.

If he knew the villagers’ thoughts, he would definitely support them with all his strength, fearing that the villagers would be disunited and lazy.

In fact, they are so active mainly because Hao Qiang’s family has brought hope of getting rich to the whole village.

They are tired of being poor and can’t find a way out, so they don’t want to be poor anymore.

In the past, it was very good to have an annual net income of 1,000 yuan per mu from growing sugarcane.

Nowadays, the annual net income per mu is not less than 2,000 yuan, and the specific income depends on the types of crops required by the cooperation and the harvest.

Every householdThere are several acres of land, and as many as more than ten acres.

But Hao Qiang’s family also has an upper limit and will not purchase without limit.

The purchase volume and price are agreed in advance. The idea of ​​purchasing from other villagers at a low price and reselling at a high price to make huge profits is impossible to achieve.

If the contract is signed but the goods are sold to other buyers, this breach of contract will inevitably lead to no chance to cooperate with Hao Qiang’s family next time.

Of course, the price given by other buyers is lower than Hao Qiang’s family at all, and there is no comparability at all.

Villagers only need to cooperate with Hao Qiang’s family honestly according to the population and labor situation of their family and what crops they are good at planting.

As long as the family has a few acres of land for planting, the annual net income will definitely exceed the 10,000 yuan mark.

According to statistics, the per capita net income of farmers in my country was 3,255 yuan in 2005, while that in ethnic minority areas and eastern regions was only 2,287 yuan and 4,720 yuan respectively.

At the same time, the per capita disposable income of urban residents was as high as 10,493 yuan that year, and the gap between urban and rural areas was huge.

The reality is that the income of many rural families is far from the average level of 3,250 yuan, especially in the area where Hao Qiang’s hometown is located.

As for the level of per capita disposable income of urban residents, the gap is too big compared with this.

If you can find a job in Hao Qiang’s family business, the income of the whole family will undoubtedly increase significantly.

Hao Jian and his father are responsible for purchasing. They are definitely too busy, so they recruited more than 20 helpers from the village, and some of them are responsible for cleaning and packaging ingredients.

Villagers who meet the recruitment requirements of Renjian Fireworks Company can also apply for the job, which provides them with a new employment path without worrying about being deceived by intermediary agencies.

Therefore, when Hao Qiang’s family held a banquet, the villagers were all motivated to participate actively. This is the best opportunity to show themselves.

Hao Qiang did feel the change in the villagers’ attitude towards him. When he greeted him, he was enthusiastic and more respectful.

In order to place nearly 300 tables, Hao Jianjun asked people to level the cultivated land on both sides of the cement road in front of the villa gate and lay waterproof rain cloth, so that such a large venue could be barely vacated.

A dining table can be placed in the courtyard of a villa, but it is not suitable to place a table in a villa for a banquet.

Today, the scene is extremely lively.

In rural areas, it is common to hold a banquet with 20 to 30 tables, but it is rare to hold a banquet with 100 tables.

The scale of a banquet with nearly 300 tables is unprecedented in the history of the entire county.

Starting from six or seven in the morning, the chefs and staff have been busy after breakfast.

At ten o’clock, guests came in like a tide, and the scene was really crowded.

Many guests brought their own firecrackers and set them off outside before entering the banquet venue. The sound of firecrackers resounded through the sky, one after another.

Guests who drove here can only park their vehicles temporarily on the side of the road.

Hao Qiang and his family greeted the guests at the gate of the villa and distributed cigarettes to welcome them.

“Congratulations, cousin, the new house is full of joy!”

“New house is a great joy, and the business is even more prosperous.”

The guests sent good wishes to Hao Qiang’s family.

Seeing the villa for the first time, they all praised its luxurious style.

“Wow, this villa is so beautiful, luxurious and grand.”

“It’s more beautiful than the villas in the city.”

“Of course, Hao Qiang is not short of money, maybe he already has a villa in Yuecheng.”

Before the ceremony began, outsiders could not enter the villa hall temporarily, and could only visit the yard.

Even if it was open, because there were too many guests today, I’m afraid only the first floor could be opened, and the bedroom areas on the second and third floors would not be open to the public, which was not convenient.

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