Time flies,

The five-day Canton Fair Spring Fair soon came to an end.

During the exhibition, Future Motorcycle Company successfully signed an export order, including the export of 5,000 F1s and 2,000 F2s, with a contract value of 2.06 million euros and a delivery period of 6 months. The customer is Motoguild, a large motorcycle sales chain from Eagle Country, which has many stores in Eagle Country and other European countries.

At present, the exchange rate of the euro to the RMB is 9.825.

The FOB price of F1 is 306 euros, and the export FOB price of F2 is 260 euros.

Motoguild has no competitive relationship with Hao Qiang’s old German customer Motoadventure, otherwise Hao Qiang needs to consider it.

Of course, Future Motorcycle Company did not sign an exclusive competition agreement in its cooperation with Motoadventure.

The order volume and price of Motoadventure are not enough for Hao Qiang to sign such an agreement.

In addition to overseas orders, the company also received orders for 2,000 motorcycles in China.

Overall, the harvest of this Spring Fair is very good.

A few days later, on April 23, it happened to be Sunday.

At 8:30 in the evening, Phoenix TV’s interview program “Celebrity Face to Face” was broadcast as scheduled.

The interview with Hao Qiang had already ended, and the post-production editing and production had been completed. This episode will be broadcast as scheduled.

At this time,

In front of the screen, a familiar mobile phone ringtone sounded, followed by another song, and then the picture of Hao Qiang appeared, and the picture quickly stopped.

The camera quickly turned to the host Xu Gehui, who first introduced the interviewee Hao Qiang in this issue: “I remember a year ago, I heard a beautiful melody from the radio, and I was curious to search for this song. I learned about “Yu Xi Tan” and the lyricist and composer Hao Qiang, but I didn’t expect that he was actually a freshman.

From then on, I began to pay attention to the legendary deeds of “Hao Qiang”.

Soon, Hao Qiang released his first record, and so far, he has sold a full 1 million records.

It is said that it is no longer possible to buy his records now.

But Hao Qiang never considered himself a figure in the entertainment industry. Writing songs, singing and releasing records are just for fun.

Perhaps, this will be his first and last record. ”

“Hao Qiang’s legend is not only in writing lyrics, composing music and singing. He is not only a super student, but also the chairman of Future Technology Group.

In less than two years, he started from scratch and his company has nearly two thousand employees. His personal wealth is a figure that countless people can hardly imagine. ”

Then, Xu Gehui briefly introduced Hao Qiang’s career development process.

Then, the screen played Hao Qiang’s daily life and work.

One morning, Hao Qiang got up very early and had breakfast at a roadside stall on the street. An authentic Yuecheng roll noodle, a fried dough stick, a cup of hot soy milk and an egg, no different from ordinary office workers.

The audience in front of the TV thought that this young rich man had a nanny to prepare a rich breakfast for him, but found that he was so approachable.

After breakfast, Hao Qiang drove his luxury car to Sun Yat-sen University, which showed some differences.

When Hao Qiang arrived at Sun Yat-sen University and parked his car, many students on the roadside greeted him.

“Brother Qiang, are you going to skip classes today?” A student close to Hao Qiang greeted him enthusiastically.

“Yes, yes.”

Hao Qiang would smile and nod in response. He often skipped classes, which was no longer a new thing in Sun Yat-sen University.

Today, he went to listen to mechanical design.

Some students also noticed the photographer behind him, and they were a little curious and looked at him a few more times.

The audience was very curious about the environment of Sun Yat-sen University, and at the same time, they felt Hao Qiang’s high popularity in Sun Yat-sen University for the first time.

The camera followed him forward, and the audience saw Hao Qiang walk into the classroom and start the class soon.

Hao Qiang sat in the back row, took out his laptop, and took notes while typing.

He was completely immersed in the class under the camera.

On the screen, a line of words appeared: [Hao Qiang’s grades are very good. He scored full marks in CET-4 and 707 in CET-6, both of which are the highest scores in the history of this exam.

In addition, he ranked first in his major for three semesters, got full marks in many subjects, and he also studied multiple professional knowledge across majors.

This is a top 985 university with many top students. The competition for study is very fierce, and it is very difficult to get top grades. ]

[Hao Qiang, who studied for a morning, went to the school cafeteria with his classmates.

After lunch, he drove away from the school and rushed to the company office to rest for a while. ]

On the screen, the audience saw a spacious boardroom.After Hao Qiang walked into the chairman’s office, he lay down on the sofa and took a lunch break for about half an hour.

After waking up, he began to deal with company documents.

After dealing with the documents, Hao Qiang drove to the workshop of Future Motorcycle Company for inspection.

The audience in front of the TV saw the modern factory, learned about the production process of future electric motorcycles, and also knew several subsidiaries under Hao Qiang.

In Hao Qiang’s office, Xu Gehui sat face to face with Hao Qiang, and she asked Hao Qiang a lot of questions.

“Mr. Hao, you showed extraordinary talent and perseverance when you were a student. How did you turn these advantages into motivation for entrepreneurship?” Xu Gehui asked gently.

The camera captured Hao Qiang’s calm and confident expression. On his face, it seemed that he could no longer see the immaturity.

“In fact, I have always believed that the harder you work, the luckier you are.

You may not get 95 points out of 100, but you can still get 70 or 80 points.

But if you don’t work hard, you can’t even get 60 points.

So, I believe that as long as you persevere, your dream will come true.” Hao Qiang replied with a smile, “In the process of starting a business, I encountered many challenges, but every difficulty made me gain something and made me more determined.”

“Have you noticed that you are particularly eye-catching in school?”

“At the beginning, it was indeed a bit uncomfortable, and it felt like there was dirt on my face. But when you get used to it, you don’t care.”

“Mr. Hao, in terms of love, you should be particularly popular with girls, have you received love letters or something like that?”

“Whether I am popular with girls or not, I don’t know. I did receive some notes, but I’m sorry, I already have a partner I like.” Hao Qiang smiled.

This topic could have been left out, but it doesn’t matter if it was mentioned.

Hao Qiang admitted that he had a girlfriend naturally. If he didn’t admit it, Han Qingying and Qiu Yuqing would be unhappy if they knew about it.

“Oh, congratulations! What do you think you like about her?”

“Mainly gentleness and kindness.”

“Although I haven’t seen your girlfriend, I can be sure that she must be very beautiful.”

“To be honest, I just can’t tell whether she is beautiful or not.

I’m with her not because she is beautiful, because I don’t know whether she is beautiful or not.” Hao Qiang said casually.

Some words are said unconsciously, and I’m used to it.

After he finished speaking, he realized that something was wrong.

Xu Gehui couldn’t help laughing.

“Of course, I don’t want everyone to disturb her. She is just an ordinary girl who doesn’t like to be exposed to the public.” Hao Qiang reminded again.

On the TV screen, Hao Qiang talked freely.

The audience saw the sunny and handsome Hao Qiang through the screen. He looked very natural in the interview, as if he was often interviewed.

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