Hao Jianjun rode his bike to the town and met two acquaintances on the way. They greeted each other.

“Jianjun, your son is on the honor roll, congratulations.”

“Thank you, come to my house on July 6 for a graduation banquet, I won’t send invitations.” Hao Jianjun replied politely, inviting as many people as possible.

The other party is not from the village, but he is afraid that he will be embarrassed if he sends an invitation and the other party does not come.

“I will see if he is at home by then. Maybe he has gone out to work.”


Hao Jianjun knew that the other party would probably not come when he heard this answer.

Ten minutes later, he came to the intersection of the town. There was a bulletin board on the roadside, and dozens of spectators gathered. They were watching the honor roll.

The list of undergraduate admissions of the second high school students was posted, and Hao Qiang’s name was on the list.

[Hao Qiang: Zhongda University, Electronic Science and Technology (657 points, first place in the province in Chinese, full marks in composition, reward of 20,000 yuan)]

[Han Qingying: Hua Nan University of Science and Technology, Computer Science (640 points, reward of 10,000 yuan)]

[Huang Ming: Zhongda University, Mechanical Engineering and Automation (579 points, reward of 5,000 yuan)]

This honor roll is also posted in other towns. Some people are not very clear about the value of these universities, but they know to compare the college entrance examination scores and rewards.

20,000 yuan really made the onlookers envious, and they curiously asked which village Hao Qiang was from and who his parents were.

“He is from Hualong Village, and his father is Hao Jianjun and Hao Chuiniu!” An enthusiastic person answered.

As soon as Hao Jianjun came over, he heard someone saying bad things about him. He squeezed into the crowd and shouted dissatisfiedly:

“Who said I was bragging? My son was admitted to Zhongda University. I, Hao Jianjun, did not brag. If you have the ability, you can also brag!”

When he shouted like this, the people who didn’t know him knew that he was Hao Qiang’s father at once. They talked about him privately and envied him.

“Oh, this is the father of the child who was admitted to Zhongda University. He is quite tall. I didn’t expect that he would raise a key university student.”

“The reward is 20,000 yuan. The child has a bright future.”

Hao Jianjun felt much more comfortable listening to the praises of the people around him. He took out cigarettes and distributed them to the people around him, regardless of whether they knew him or not. After a while, he had given out all the cigarettes on him.

The people who got the cigarettes praised Hao Jianjun and asked him how to educate such an excellent child.

Hao Jianjun remained calm and happily told the story: “My son was very well-behaved after he was born. He didn’t make a fuss or cry. When he was five or six years old, he liked to read newspapers and Chinese dictionaries. He had a strong ability to learn independently, so he wrote better essays.

As parents, we can’t help much in the education of our children. We can only try our best to provide them with a good learning environment and learning materials, even if it is a Chinese dictionary worth a few dollars.

My family will hold a graduation banquet on July 6th. If you are free, come and have a drink.”

“What a good idea, the house is full of books. My grandson is only two years old. It seems that I should buy a Chinese dictionary to learn.” Some people really believed it and felt that what Hao Jianjun said made sense.

Some people were skeptical, but they also planned to buy a Chinese dictionary for their children. Anyway, it doesn’t cost a few dollars, and maybe a key university student can be cultivated in the family.

Hao Jianjun stayed in front of the honor roll for more than half an hour. When he felt it was enough, he left with satisfaction, went to the vegetable market to buy a fish, and rode home happily.

After returning home, he happily told his wife and son about his success.

Hao Jianjun smiled and patted his son on the shoulder: “Son, I told you that you loved newspapers and Chinese dictionaries when you were a child, so you wrote good essays. When others ask you about it, you know what to say.”

“Dad, your ability to talk nonsense is better than mine!

Haha, I remember that when I was in the third grade of elementary school, I asked you to pay for a Chinese dictionary, but you hesitated for a long time and didn’t want to pay.”

Hao Qiang was secretly lucky that he didn’t go to see it, otherwise he would be treated like a monkey, and he would feel shy no matter how thick his skin was.

Hao Jianjun was embarrassed to bring up the Chinese dictionary, so he changed the subject: “What nonsense, you really liked reading newspapers when you were a kid, if you don’t believe me, ask your mom, this is called deaf ears and eyes.”

Hao Qiang heard his father say the wrong idiom, but he didn’t correct it, it was good enough that he could remember it.

Liu Fengqing thought for a moment: “It seems like that’s the case.”

Hao Qiang couldn’t help but roll his eyes at his father when he heard it, I don’t believe you!

However, when outsiders asked about it, he still admitted it honestly, as long as his father was happy.

Alas, my father blew the bull, and my son could only help me to smooth things over.

A few days later,

The rice fields were golden, the rice ears were heavy, and the golden light was shining in the sun, which was particularly dazzling.

Wu Hai wore shorts and a T-shirt, riding an electric bike, and was in high spirits.Chong Chong came to Hao Qiang’s house and said that his admission letter had arrived.

He applied to Yuecheng Stomatological Technology College, and his major was Stomatology, which Hao Qiang suggested.

The moment he saw Hao Qiang, he was slightly surprised: “Damn, Qiangzi, you have become more handsome!”

Hao Qiang touched his face and asked knowingly: “Oh, really? Where have you become more handsome?”

“The skin on my face has become smoother and more delicate, and the shape of my face seems to have changed a little. Anyway, there have been many changes. What skin care products do you use? Or did you go to a beauty salon?” Wu Hai touched his dark face and couldn’t help but feel a little envious.

In the past, he felt that his advantage over Hao Qiang was his face.

He was tanned, but at least he didn’t have pimples on his face like Hao Qiang.

Damn, this bastard has become more handsome, isn’t it easier to pick up girls?

“No skin care products, just wash your face with soap, go to bed early and get up early, eat less greasy food, and think less about women.”

“Think less about women, just brag.” Wu Hai pulled the corner of his mouth and asked with a smile, “Qiangzi, tell me the truth, did you go to the beauty salon to let a woman give you a massage? Are the woman’s hands very tender?”

Hao Qiang smiled awkwardly: “Do you want to experience it? After arriving in Yuecheng, I will take you to the foot bath city to experience it. I guarantee you will feel ecstasy.”

“Tsk, you talk as if you have been there.” Wu Hai mentioned this and suddenly felt a little excited, “Hey, I wonder if there are many girls in my major?”

“You insist on looking for a major, you don’t know how to find a nurse, and you still have the nerve to say you want to be a sea king.”

“If I were as tall and thick-skinned as you, being a sea king would be a piece of cake.” Wu Hai felt a little inferior thinking about his height of 165, and his face was dark.

“You are speaking against your will, as if you are not thick-skinned. Besides, I don’t rely on my appearance to pick up girls, but on my personality charm and talent.”

The two sat on the doorstep, chatting and bragging, while eating melon seeds.

Wu Hai stayed at Hao Qiang’s house for nearly an hour, but did not eat. He rode his electric bike home and came back when Hao Qiang’s family held a graduation banquet.

As soon as Wu Hai left, Liu Fengqing came out of the middle hall and warned Hao Qiang: “Son, don’t learn bad things when you go to Yuecheng and go to beauty salons. Those women are sick.”

“Mom, I was joking with my classmates.” Hao Qiang didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. His bragging was accidentally heard by his mother.

“Hmph, who knows you, you’ve become so arrogant after arriving in the city.” Liu Fengqing said solemnly, and suddenly changed her tone, “Of course, if you have the ability to bring a few female classmates back to be your wives and give birth to a few more sons, I’d be happy.”

“Mom, your feudal ideas are not good, I have to talk to Dad.”

Liu Fengqing couldn’t help scolding: “You little bastard, I’m doing this for your own good!”

In the following days, Hao Qiang stayed at home to write, and the rice at home was harvested in less than two days, and the threshed millet was poured on the roof to dry.

Hao Qiang only needs to pay attention to that if it rains during the day, he has to help harvest the rice quickly.

In this season, Guangxi Province has frequent thunderstorms and the weather is unpredictable. It suddenly gets dark and it rains in less than a few minutes. If you are slow, the millet will be dried in vain.

If the wet millet is cloudy for the next few days, the wet millet will sprout.

Hao Jianjun was busy visiting relatives and friends to send out invitations, and preparing for the graduation banquet.

Time passed like a white horse, and it was August 20th in a blink of an eye. The next day was the day for the graduation banquet.

In the afternoon, Hao Qiang’s family yard was cleaned up, and the open space in front of the door was leveled, ready to be used for setting up tables.

That afternoon, a fat pig was slaughtered, and the scene was very lively. Many aunts and sisters helped to wash the dishes.

At noon the next day, guests came to congratulate one after another, and Hao Qiang and his father greeted them outside the door.

Hao Qiang called several classmates who lived close to home to come over, just enough to make up a table.

His father didn’t invite many people to the banquet, mainly because he didn’t know many people. Most of the people who came were from the same village and relatives and friends, and there was also a table of people who were Hao Qiang’s junior high school teachers.

There were nearly two hundred guests in total, and a total of twenty-two tables were arranged.

The locals held banquets at home, including lunch and dinner. The meat dishes were mainly chicken, duck, fish and meat, which were all local specialties. On average, one table didn’t cost much money.

However, the money was not much.

At lunch, Hao Qiang picked up the wine glass and accompanied his parents to thank the guests at each table.

“Oh, I didn’t expect Hao Qiang to grow up so much. When he was a child, he often hugged you. I guess he doesn’t remember his aunt.”

“How could I not remember? My aunt is still so young and beautiful.” Hao Qiang forced a smile and sweated.

He really couldn’t remember some relatives because he hadn’t seen them for many years.

Fortunately, he has a good memory now. His parents mentioned it once and he basically remembered it.

“Wow, this child is so sweet and smart. No wonder his grades are so good.OK. ”

After dealing with the relatives at this table, his parents took him to greet and toast other relatives.

“Xiao Qiang, this is the red envelope given to you by your cousin. I wish you a bright future. When you achieve success, don’t forget me, an old man.”

Hao Qiang smoked and took the red envelope with a smile on his face: “Thank you, cousin. It’s hard for me to forget you. I asked you for a lot of New Year’s red envelopes when I was a child.”

After visiting these relatives, Hao Qiang personally went to the table of junior high school teachers to go through the formalities.

“Dear teachers, I am very grateful for your hard work and guidance in those years. It laid a solid foundation for me to be admitted to university.

Once a teacher, a teacher for life. I will never forget your care and teachings for students. This glass of wine is for all teachers, and also for all teachers who are silently dedicated in their teaching positions. ”

Hao Qiang’s affectionate words made the teachers present feel relieved.

He drank it all in one gulp, then filled a glass of wine for himself and continued:

“This glass of wine is to thank all the teachers for coming to the banquet. I also hope that all the teachers are healthy and happy with their families. When the students are successful in their careers, I will come to chat with you again.”

The nine teachers present did not expect Hao Qiang to be so good at speaking. He first thanked the old favor and reminded them not to forget the teacher’s kindness in the future. Even if it was a drink, they had to admire his high emotional intelligence.

With outstanding IQ and understanding of the ways of the world, his future is definitely bright.

It is also very face-saving to say that such a student is brought up by himself.

“Hao Qiang, the teacher wishes you a bright future.” The Chinese teacher raised his glass and blessed, “I didn’t expect you to be the first in the province in Chinese. I am proud of you. ”

Hao Qiang admitted that she had taught Chinese. She said in front of the junior high school students that she had taught a student who won the top prize in the Chinese language test and a student who scored full marks in composition, which made her feel proud and proud.

“Hao Qiang is not only good at studying, but also has high emotional intelligence. He will definitely have a bright future!” Another teacher also echoed.

Hao Qiang exchanged pleasantries with each teacher before going down the table to negotiate.

The dinner started at around five in the afternoon.

It was not until around six in the evening that the banquet slowly came to an end and the guests left one after another.

The aunts who came to help began to clean up the table, wash the dishes and clean up the scene.

A little after nine in the evening, Hao Qiang’s parents finally finished their busy work and counted the money for the gift in the bedroom and checked the favor book.

After the final calculation, they collected 15,600 yuan.

If calculated per person, most guests gave 50 yuan, the more generous ones gave 100 yuan, and the closer ones gave 200 to 300 yuan.

At Hao Qiang’s uncle’s house, they gave 1,000 yuan directly, and at his grandmother’s house, they gave 800 yuan.

With 22 tables and two meals, the expenses were less than 8,000 yuan.

After Hao Qiang’s parents roughly calculated the accounts, they felt that they had earned several thousand yuan, and their faces were full of joy, and they couldn’t stop smiling.

More importantly, he could feel the pride and pride his parents felt for his achievements.

Hao Qiang looked at his parents’ happy expressions, if they knew that he I can earn thousands of yuan a day, I really don’t know what kind of expression he has.

Surprise or shock?

Recently, Hao Qiang can get about 7,000 yuan in rewards a day by typing on the computer.

In addition to taking one or two days to help with farm work and research hot pot soup base recipes, he almost devotes himself to typing.

In just 25 days, he earned about 150,000 yuan.

His personal wealth has also reached 350,000 yuan!

Half a house in a first-tier city!

350,000 yuan is also enough to start a business

Hao Qiang knew that once school started, he would not be able to concentrate on typing as much as he did now, and his income from typing would definitely be greatly reduced.

No matter what, he still felt a great sense of accomplishment.

What he didn’t expect was that there was a bigger surprise waiting for him.

While resting at night, Hao Qiang suddenly received a golden finger prompt.

[Prompt: Get admitted to a 985 university, free attribute points +3]

After reading the message, Hao Qiang smiled from the bottom of his heart and suddenly let out a cry of joy.


“3 points!”

“I finally got it! ”

He worked so hard to review for the college entrance examination, and the most important thing was not just for these few free attribute points.


Before, he thought he would have to wait until the start of school to get the points.

Hao Qiang looked at the remaining 4 free attribute points, and after careful consideration, he increased his appearance by 2 points.

In this way, his appearance increased to 14.

Suddenly, he felt a warm current flowing through his face and body, which lasted for a few minutes and then ended.

He knew that change was a continuous process.

Time passed quickly again,

On the morning of August 30, Hao Qiang finally arrived at the day to register for university.

Hao Qiang’s parents sent their son to the village entrance. After waiting for a few minutes, the car arrived and Liu Fengqing waved.

After the car stopped, Hao Qiang got in and saidParents said goodbye.

When the car slowly drove away and disappeared from sight, they left reluctantly.

“Hey, this kid is not at home again!” Hao Jianjun sighed softly.

“He has to wait until the winter vacation to come back. I asked you to send him to school, but you were not active at all. You touched your mobile phone all day long.”

“Hey, wife, I want to go, but my son won’t let me. He said he can go alone.”

“I’m still worried about him being alone.” Liu Fengqing was a little worried.

“Don’t worry, our son is very independent. He has gone to the provincial capital twice by himself. Going to Yuecheng is nothing, and he didn’t bring any luggage. It’s easy.”

In the car, Hao Qiang took out a pen and paper and started to write English dictation. The laptop was placed next to him. Valuable things must be carried with him.

This time when he went to school to register, he only brought a computer bag and a luggage backpack. The backpack contained his summer clothes. He traveled light and prepared to welcome a new life.

The school will distribute bedding. When you arrive at school, you just need to buy daily necessities.

With money in hand, there is no need to worry about these trivial matters.

A few dozen minutes later, Hao Qiang arrived at the county bus station and bought two bus tickets to Yuecheng. There were still five or six hours before the departure time.

He bought a few kilograms of fruit and took a taxi to Han Qingying’s home.

I haven’t seen her for many days. I wonder what her expression will be when she sees the changes in me.

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