March 23, Friday.

The campus of CUHK is full of spring and vitality.

At this time of year, the red-walled and gray-tiled Lingnan buildings contrast with the green trees and red flowers, showing the unique charm of Lingnan culture.

This afternoon, President Huang Haiyang invited Hao Qiang to have tea and chat.

Although it was tea, it was obviously important to discuss.

Hao Qiang knocked on the door and walked into the president’s office. He found that in addition to Huang Haiyang, Vice Presidents Xu Shuisheng, Chen Minbin, and Dean Liu Xinguo were also present.

“Hao Qiang, please come in.” Huang Haiyang greeted warmly.

Hao Qiang smiled and said humorously: “Several leaders gathered together, why do I feel like I am being judged by three judges.”

President Liu Xinguo, who is familiar with Hao Qiang, knew that he was joking and continued: “We are worried about your admission to graduate school, so we simply invite you to come and talk in person.”

“Yes, by the way, have some tea.” Huang Haiyang gestured to Hao Qiang to take a seat, and Vice President Xu Shuisheng personally poured tea for him.

Hao Qiang politely took it, took a sip and said: “Thank you for your concern, this is not complicated, right?”

Liu Xinguo said: “Although the number of guaranteed admissions to our school will not be officially announced until September, junior students will start preparing application materials and contacting tutors in April.

We don’t know what you think, whether you plan to continue your studies, and what major you want to study, so we want to communicate with you face to face.

The school leaders mean that if you have a tutor you like, you can choose at will.

We also understand that you are busy with your career and may not have time to stay in the school. Even if it is just a formality, it doesn’t matter. Just submit a paper after graduation.”

Apart from Hao Qiang’s career achievements, his academic performance alone is amazing.

He has many invention patents and has even published two papers in SCI Zone II journals.

With such results, it is not a problem to graduate with a master’s degree or a doctorate.

Hao Qiang’s learning ability is extremely gifted. Even if he often misses classes, his academic performance is still ranked first in his major, and he is far ahead of the second place.

Moreover, his desire for knowledge seems to be endless. He often skips classes and learns too much knowledge. He also went to Hua Nan University to audit classes. To put it nicely, he has a wide range of subjects.

When he was a sophomore, he had completed all the courses of his major by self-study.

Huang Haiyang sighed: “To be honest, if you don’t choose to study for a master’s and doctoral degree, it will be a waste of your learning talent.

If we didn’t know that you already have your own career, we all hope to keep you in school to continue to engage in scientific research.”

“You are too kind, leaders.” Hao Qiang responded modestly, “I do plan to continue my studies until I graduate with a doctorate, but I am still struggling with choosing a supervisor. I don’t know which one is more suitable.”

The president once said that Hao Qiang can freely choose his supervisor, even including academicians.

Zhongda has more than ten academicians, most of whom are academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and only two of them are in line with Hao Qiang’s research direction.

One is Xu Zhan, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, a physicist who mainly conducts research in cutting-edge disciplines such as optics and photonics, laser science, semiconductors, nuclear fusion and plasma physics.

Academician Xu is quite impressive in academics, such as being an academician of the Third World Academy of Sciences, a director of the International Council for Quantum Electronics, and a Fellow of the American Optical Society.

He has also made great achievements in cultivating high-level scientific and technological talents. Five of his students have successively won the National Outstanding Youth Science Fund.

Of course, Academician Xu is extremely strict with his students, and it is difficult for ordinary students to catch his eye.

The other is Wu Wei, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, an astronomer who mainly conducts research in the fields of aerospace telemetry, measurement and control communications, and deep space exploration engineering. He is the chief designer of the domestic lunar exploration project, an overall technical expert in aerospace measurement and control communications and deep space exploration engineering, an academician of the International Academy of Astronautics, and the winner of the Qian Xuesen Highest Achievement Award.

These two academicians are leaders in their respective fields and are more outstanding than ordinary academicians.

As for academicians of the two academies, there are only 34 in the country, and none in CUHK.

However, this does not mean that the academicians of the two academies are the best, but they have made outstanding contributions in their respective fields.

If Hao Qiang were to choose, he would be quite interested in both Academicians Xu Zhan and Wu Wei.

He hopes to learn nuclear fusion and plasma physics from Academician Xu, and to learn more about aerospace from Academician Wu. These two directions are his future research focuses.

“Oh, tell me, what other industry do you plan to work in in the future?” Huang Haiyang asked curiously, “We originally thought that you were focused on electronic information and planned to enter the semiconductor field in the future.

But later we found that you were involved in multiple disciplines such as machinery, materials, computers, physics, etc., and applied for a double degree.”

Hao Qiang answered frankly: “If the opportunity is right, I really want to devote myself toSemiconductor industry, after all, this is my major.

But this road is too difficult. Without tens of billions of funds and a large number of talent reserves, I dare not easily get involved.

In addition, I also have a space dream, and I may consider entering the aerospace field in the future. ”

Hao Qiang’s words silenced the four leaders on the scene.

Tens of billions of funds, Zhongda dare not think about it.

For the country, perhaps funds are a small matter, and the biggest problem is still the talent problem.

The country can’t solve it, but Hao Qiang dares to think about it.

Of course, his current net worth is already hundreds of billions of yuan, and hundreds of billions of yuan is just a matter of time. If he wants to establish a project, the efficiency will definitely be faster than the national project, and the rest is to dig talents.

Thinking of this, they are more looking forward to Hao Qiang.

Huang Haiyang pondered for a moment and said: “From this point of view, the most suitable academician mentors for you should be Xu Zhan and Wu Wei. See which one you want to choose. ”

There are many outstanding doctoral supervisors at CUHK, and President Huang is afraid that Hao Qiang will not be impressed, mainly because this guy is too talented in academics. In the second semester of his sophomore year, he published a paper in a high-impact journal in SCI Zone 2, and it was not his major.

In addition to the strong scientific research strength of Future Technology Group, if Hao Qiang is willing, he may easily publish more than a dozen SCI Zone 1 and Zone 2 papers every year, and his output may even exceed that of ordinary doctoral supervisors.

Not to mention that he also has a number of high-value invention patents.

Therefore, even if we put aside Hao Qiang’s business achievements and popularity, I am afraid that ordinary academicians will compete to recruit such a rare genius student.

To become an academician requires Lifelong achievements and a certain amount of luck, this goal is too far away for Hao Qiang for the time being, not to mention Hao Qiang, even President Huang fantasizes about it.

As for the Outstanding Young Scholars, it is difficult to apply. About 160 are selected nationwide each year. If Hao Qiang continues to maintain excellent academic and scientific research results after obtaining a doctorate, there is still hope for him to win the title of Outstanding Young Scholars.

As for the Excellent Young Scholars, commonly known as “Little Outstanding Young Scholars”, more than ten people from Zhongda were selected last year. For Hao Qiang, the difficulty is too small.

Therefore, being able to recruit Hao Qiang is equivalent to having one more Outstanding Young Scholar disciple in the future.

Not to mention, Hao Qiang has strong financial strength and does not worry about scientific research funds at all.

“President, these two academicians are very demanding, right?” Hao Qiang asked.

President Huang nodded slightly and replied: “Indeed, they are different from ordinary academicians.

I will consult their opinions first, and you may need to participate in the interview later.

However, with your ability, this should not be a problem.”

“I understand, the interview is no problem. “Hao Qiang expressed his understanding and gladly accepted, “I will choose Academician Xu first.”

The president said that he could choose any academician, but he could only recommend and lobby on his behalf, and could not interfere with the final decision of the academician.

After all, each academician is a top expert in their respective fields and can be called a national treasure.

Although Huang Haiyang is the president of Zhongda, he has not yet obtained the title of academician. He is working hard for this, but the competition is extremely fierce and the difficulty is extremely high.

“Well, Academician Xu is more suitable for your current situation.

As for the aerospace field, due to the restrictions of national policies, I expect that aerospace-related manufacturing may not be fully opened to private enterprises in the next ten years.

Unless you are willing to join the national scientific research team. “Huang Haiyang nodded and said, “Of course, there is no problem visiting Academician Wu as a student to study. I will mention your situation to him.”

“Okay, thank you, president.” Hao Qiang expressed his gratitude sincerely.

The advantage of studying in a prestigious school is this. As long as you show outstanding ability, the school leaders will do their best to fight for opportunities for you.

After all, the achievements of students are also the glory of the school.

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