“Brother Qiang, come on!”

“Hao Qiang, come on!”

April 1, 2007, happened to be a Sunday.

Yuecheng welcomed the annual half marathon event.

The starting and ending points of the race were both located at Tianhe Sports Center. The registration fee was 100 yuan. The track had a beautiful view of the Pearl River, which attracted many running enthusiasts to participate.

After Hao Qiang learned that many employees were willing to participate in the race, he decisively instructed the Human Resources Department to contact the organizer and won 100 places at one time. He also participated in the race.

In the morning of that day, nearly 20,000 runners gathered at the stadium.

At the beginning of the race, Hao Qiang stabilized his rhythm and gradually increased his speed after his body was fully adapted.

Although he insisted on fitness on weekdays, he did not conduct special training for long-distance running.

However, Hao Qiang had some professional knowledge and made sufficient preparations before the race, including adequate warm-up and energy replenishment.

Hao Qiang participated in the competition wearing a T-shirt specially made by the company, with the slogan of the future motorcycle printed on the back, “Drive the future, enjoy the present”, which was obviously to promote the company’s products.

Hao Qiang’s classmates and employees knew that he was participating in the half marathon, and they came to support him or participate together, hoping that “participation is the most important thing”.

The competition had already started for two minutes, and the cheers from Sun Yat-sen University kept motivating the contestants to move forward.

On both sides of the track, the student volunteers of Sun Yat-sen University were enthusiastic. When they saw Hao Qiang participating in the competition, they cheered even more.

After running three kilometers, Hao Qiang noticed that the surrounding contestants were gradually sparse, and he seized the opportunity to speed up.

His endurance attribute value reached 20, which is much higher than that of ordinary adults, and it is already at the professional level.

However, even if the attribute is reached, without special training, how much can be exerted depends on personal level.

The distance of the half marathon is 21.0975 kilometers, and the men’s world record is 58 minutes and 18 seconds.

Unfortunately, no one in Asia ran under the one-hour mark.

In the industry, men who can finish between 1 hour and 1 hour and 3 minutes are considered professional masters, and they can often win the championship in open competitions.

However, if the prize money of the competition is generous, it often attracts professional foreign players to participate, and domestic professional players often cannot match it.

1 hour 3 minutes to 1 hour 10 minutes is the entry level of professionals.

If you can run within 1 hour 5 minutes in an open competition, you may be in the top ten.

1 hour 10 minutes to 1 hour 20 minutes is the amateur god level. If you are not a special athlete, it is very impressive to train to reach this level.

1 hour 20 minutes to 1 hour 30 minutes is the amateur talent level, which is still quite difficult.

1 hour 45 minutes to 2 hours 6 minutes is the entry level of amateurs, which is also the level of most amateur runners.

For office workers, it is quite difficult to finish the race within two hours.

After five kilometers, Hao Qiang has jumped into the top 100.

At the beginning of the competition, due to the large number of participants, he could not break through quickly.

The media reporter keenly captured Hao Qiang’s figure and immediately instructed the photographer to point the camera at him.

As the race progressed, especially with fewer people around, it was easier to break through, Hao Qiang ran more easily and gradually entered the best state.

Sweat slid down his forehead, the surrounding scenery seemed to be rapidly receding, and Hao Qiang’s eyes were always firmly looking forward.

At 10 kilometers, Hao Qiang was already in the top 20, but he began to feel a little tired, and his thigh muscles were slightly sore.

When passing the supply station, Hao Qiang quickly grabbed a glass of water and drank it while running.

The cool liquid slid down his throat, and he threw the empty cup accurately into a trash can on the side of the road.

After 15 kilometers, the test really began.

Hao Qiang could feel his steps becoming heavy and his breathing becoming a little short of breath.

He himself didn’t know what place he was currently in, but he could see that there were still a few players in front.

Further away, there seemed to be the figures of two foreign players.

“Hao Qiang, come on!”

“Boss Hao, come on!”

“Damn, it’s Hao Qiang, running really fast, professional level!”

The audience along the way were surprised to find that Hao Qiang was actually running in the front, and his speed was amazing, and they all cheered for him.

Those young women, seeing such a handsome, muscular, and endurance man, just don’t know what his endurance is like in some aspects.

Well, his endurance and impact must be great.

Hao Qiang didn’t know what others thought, he continued to maintain a stable pace, in the last kilometer sprint stage, he gritted his teeth, mobilized all his strength, and rushed past two players before the finish line.

“1 hour 05 minutes 35 seconds!”

Hao Qiang bent down tiredly, his hands on his knees, gasping for breath, he glanced at his watch.

He was very satisfied with this result.

People around him congratulated him, a female college student volunteeredThe volunteer said excitedly:

“Brother Qiang, you are awesome! You are ninth.”

At the finish line, Hao Qiang took the medal from the staff.

At the same time, he learned the results of other players: the first and second places were won by Kenyan players, and the fastest time was an amazing 1 hour 02 minutes 45 seconds.

The results of the fourth to eighth places were almost the same, ranging from 1 hour 04 minutes to 1 hour 05 minutes.

Hao Qiang secretly calculated that if he wanted to run within 1 hour 03 minutes, his physical attribute might need to be improved to 23.

However, if he strengthened his endurance training, maybe 22 would be enough.

But if he wanted to win the championship in an international long-distance race, he estimated that his physical attribute would have to reach 25 or above.

This competition not only gave Hao Qiang a clearer understanding of his endurance, but also made him feel that this kind of endurance competition was quite exciting.

It’s great to be young, because you can’t run when you are old.

As soon as Hao Qiang took the medal, a sharp media reporter quickly approached and started an interview.

“Mr. Hao, congratulations on winning the ninth place!

Do you have a regular exercise habit?” the reporter asked enthusiastically.

Hao Qiang smiled slightly, took a sip of water, remembered the time when he exercised with Qiu Yuqing and Han Qingying, and nodded gently.

“So, how long do you usually exercise?” the reporter asked.

“About an hour each time.” Hao Qiang answered truthfully.

The reporter continued to ask: “Oh, that’s quite a long time, do you think you are a talented player?”

“I don’t think I’m a talented person.

In fact, people who run faster may not bother to participate in the competition.

With my results…” Hao Qiang added humorously, “As long as you keep exercising for a few years, you will have legs.”

“Oh? Just have legs?

Do you mean long legs?” The reporter made a joke.

Hao Qiang chuckled and said, “Haha, that’s what you said.”

Then, his expression turned serious, “But to be honest, I always believe in one truth: the harder you work, the luckier you are.

Of course, the ultimate goal of exercise is to stay healthy.”

Hao Qiang answered a few questions and said he was too tired to answer.

At this time, his exclusive bodyguards Wang Kun and Chen Gang were waiting in a Rolls-Royce Phantom not far away.

Hao Qiang slid into the back seat gracefully, then stretched his body and closed his eyes to rest.

Wang Kun couldn’t help but exclaimed: “Boss, you are so amazing, you actually ran ninth!”

Chen Gang also echoed: “Yes, if I were to participate in the competition, it would be good if I could finish it in two hours.”

Hao Qiang smiled slightly and signaled A Kun to set off.

After a while, the Rolls-Royce Phantom slowly drove away from the scene.

Two hours later, the report of the media reporter who interviewed Hao Qiang appeared on the Net One platform.

“Hao Qiang said that having legs is enough for the top ten in the half marathon”

The report said: “In the Yuecheng Half Marathon held today, the well-known entrepreneur Hao Qiang, with his long legs, won the ninth place with an amazing time of 1 hour, 5 minutes and 35 seconds.

For those who are familiar with long-distance running, this result has reached the level of professional athletes.

You know, even professional athletes may not be able to run in this time.

Hao Qiang stood out among amateur athletes with his superior physical condition and extraordinary perseverance, which was really impressive… The author interviewed Hao at the time Qiang, he said humorously: “To win a half marathon, you just need to keep exercising for a few years and have legs.”

Admittedly, it is easier said than done.

It is not easy to persevere in doing one thing for several years.

But as Hao Qiang said, the harder you work, the luckier you are.

This sentence not only reveals his secret to success, but also points us in the direction of pursuing excellence.

His experience is undoubtedly an inspiration and encouragement to all those who pursue progress. ”

This report quickly sparked heated discussions on the Internet platform. No one expected that Hao Qiang’s long-distance running was so good.

Originally thought that he was more “literary”.

“Hao Qiang is really awesome. The more successful people are, the harder they work.”

“He is so successful, but he is still working so hard. How can ordinary people survive?”

“It seems difficult, but it is not easy at all.”

“He said that as long as I keep exercising for a few years, I think I can stick to it for a few days. Sure enough, his success is not accidental.”

“What’s so difficult about sticking to one thing? I have insisted on getting up at nine o’clock every day to eat breakfast.”

“Yes, what’s so difficult about sticking to one thing? I insist on going to bed after twelve o’clock every night.”

In this report, netizens talked a lot and expressed their sincere admiration for Hao Qiang’s perseverance.

Hao Qiang’s business achievements may cause some people’s jealousy, but his achievements in the half marathon areThe results are convincing.

Thinking about the hard training day after day, it is hard to be jealous.

Indeed, it is difficult for ordinary people to be so persistent.

If you really stick to long-distance running for a few years, you may not be in the top ten in the half marathon, but you may still be in the top 100.

Hao Qiang’s experience is not only an inspirational story, but also a spur and encouragement to everyone, allowing the public to know him more clearly and admire him more.

Hao Qiang did not expect that just running a half marathon would change netizens’ views on his success.

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