As soon as the second-generation electric motorcycle of Future Motorcycle Company was launched, it caused a sensation in the market.

Consumers showed unprecedented enthusiasm for this new product, and sales were booming.

When it was first launched, in order to quickly open up the market, the terminal price of the second-generation product was only 200 to 300 yuan higher than the first generation.

This tiny price difference is an irresistible temptation for consumers who pursue higher performance.

The company plans that once the inventory of the first-generation product is cleared, the price of the second generation will fall back to the same level as the first generation.

Since its launch in June, the new product has been selling well.

As the calendar turned to July, a new problem surfaced-the production capacity of the new motor could not keep up with the frenzy of the market.

This situation of supply and demand has further stimulated consumers’ desire to buy, and some people even bought at a higher price in the market.

It was really helpless and could only buy the first-generation electric car temporarily.

The Yadi Group was slow to respond, and the sales team was not informed of the situation until nearly a month later.

However, even if the truth was known, it was powerless to change the situation.

It is better to suffer pain later than earlier, and you can worry less for a month.

Hao Qiang’s current research focus is still on super lithium batteries. Once the research and development is successful, he can integrate new technologies and start developing new technologies.

In the past month, Moutai and Tencent stocks continued to rise, reaching the highest points of 500 yuan and 35 Hong Kong dollars respectively.

The total value of stocks held by Hao Qiang climbed to 13.6 billion yuan, with a floating profit of about 4 billion yuan, and his personal net worth also soared to 18.1 billion yuan.

Renjian Fireworks Company has a good development momentum, with a total number of stores reaching 30.

The birthday blessing song written by Hao Qiang has become very popular in Renjian Fireworks.

Galaxy New Energy Company has made breakthrough progress in NCM622 batteries and has achieved mass production. The annual production capacity is expected to reach 3.7GWh, enough to meet the lithium battery needs of 2.5 million electric motorcycles.

The new generation of batteries has significantly reduced weight while maintaining the same capacity, and the production cost has been significantly reduced.

Take 60V20Ah lithium battery as an example:

First generation: weight 8 kg, factory cost 700 yuan, ex-factory price 1000 yuan.

Second generation: weight only 6 kg, factory cost dropped to about 525 yuan, but the ex-factory price remained at 1000 yuan, and the profit margin increased significantly.

This technological advancement not only improved battery performance, but also brought considerable economic benefits to the company.


In early July, the campus was filled with the unique sadness of graduation season.

Hao Qiang strolled among them, preparing for the last two exams.

As a leader of fashion trends, Hao Qiang’s image has long deeply influenced the aesthetics of many young people.

In this era of non-mainstream culture, the style of long hair covering the eyes is all the rage, and it can be seen everywhere in the streets and alleys, even the star Jay Chou is no exception.

Looking back, Hao Qiang had tried this non-mainstream hairstyle of “one eye” in his previous life.

Once in a fight, he thought he had only one opponent.

When he shook his hair, he found that there were several more.

Oh, damn youth, I can’t go back.

In this life, Hao Qiang had short hair when he just went to college.

Now, Hao Qiang has said goodbye to the short hair and chose a more natural back hair style, which exudes a mature and stable temperament, perfectly matching his image as a young president.

In the past year, his fame has been growing, and it has also triggered a subtle fashion revolution.

More and more young people are beginning to imitate his hairstyle, and the non-mainstream styles on the streets are gradually decreasing.

In the Future Technology Group, workshop employees are not allowed to have non-mainstream hairstyles because there are very big safety hazards.

Of course, if you stay in the office to work, the human resources department is too lazy to care.

“Oh, time flies so fast.”

Hao Qiang took a walk alone and couldn’t help sighing.

In September, he entered his senior year.

Qiu Yuqing graduated and will continue to study for a master’s degree next year.

Wu Hai graduated from junior college and is preparing for a dental hospital. There are also several high school classmates hanging out with him.

This guy had a girlfriend in his last year, but they eventually parted ways.

One thing that Hao Qiang couldn’t imagine was that his high school classmate Lin Fan continued to pursue Chen Mengqi after entering college.

As a result, when he was a junior, he suddenly came to his senses and sent a QQ message to Hao Qiang to confide: “Brother Qiang, you were right to scold me back then. I was just a dog who licked Chen Mengqi for eight years, but she didn’t even look at me.”

Hao Qiang usually doesn’t pay attention to QQ messages. Even if he sees classmates chatting about him in the group, he ignores it.

After thinking about Lin Fan’s message, he still replied: “Cherish it while you are together. In the future, you will meet someone who really appreciates you.People. ”

Lin Fan didn’t expect Hao Qiang to reply. After all, the two of them didn’t have a good relationship in high school. He replied gratefully: “Thank you, Brother Qiang, sorry to bother you.”

In fact, Hao Qiang has already stood on a higher stage of life, and the grudges in high school have long disappeared.

When he walked on the campus, students would greet him from time to time: “Brother Qiang, hello.”

Hao Qiang always smiled and nodded in response: “Hello!”

Such scenes are played every day, whether in school or in the company.

He has become accustomed to the life of being paid attention to, and he can’t go back.

In the evening, Hao Qiang returned to the Ersha Island villa.

Qiu Yuqing said that she officially graduated and she wanted to celebrate.

Hao Qiang bought her a cake and the two celebrated together.

In the evening, they had another good time.

Afterwards, Qiu Yuqing lay on Hao Qiang’s chest and murmured: “Brother Qiang, I really graduated.”

“Well, you have said it for the fifth time today. ”

Qiu Yuqing said with a little sadness: “Most of my classmates have gone to work, and some broke up with their boyfriends and cried bitterly.

In the final analysis, they have not really controlled their own destiny.”

“If it is true love, they can be together even in the face of difficulties and can achieve it.

And they say they love each other but are unwilling to sacrifice their careers for love. In the end, they don’t love deeply enough.

Once they enter the workplace, they will look for a new relationship and forget their previous vows. “Hao Qiang said, “You say, what is there to sympathize with such people?”

Qiu Yuqing thought for a while, turned her eyes around, and said: “It seems that it is true.

But there are still many couples who eventually get married. ”

“Yes, true love is to keep the original intention. ”

“Yeah. “Qiu Yuqing sighed secretly. Fortunately, Hao Qiang was successful in his career, otherwise her father would not agree to them being together.

Hao Qiang patted her on the back and asked, “Have you really decided to start a business while studying for a master’s degree?”

“Yes, you have to find something to do to make your life stable.”

“Okay, I will support you with 10 million yuan. If it is not enough, you can get more.”

Qiu Yuqing was surprised and said, “Ah, it’s too much. A few hundred thousand yuan will be enough.”

“10 million yuan is not a lot. You can hire a dozen experienced employees, rent an office building, and be prepared for a year’s loss. One million yuan is not enough for you to burn. It’s good enough to build the framework. “Hao Qiang said casually. For him, it doesn’t matter whether Qiu Yuqing can make money or not, as long as she is happy.

This remark made Qiu Yuqing pinch his thigh and said that he underestimated her.

Despite this, Qiu Yuqing still readily accepted Hao Qiang’s funding without too much pretense.

Hao Qiang asked her to develop short videos and hot news, focusing on algorithms and user experience, and the names were “Douyin” and “Today’s Headlines” respectively.

Whether it will succeed in the end depends on luck. It is highly likely that it will not work, and Hao Qiang did not expect her to do it well.

Qiu Yuqing felt that Hao Qiang’s business vision must be correct, and planned to do it according to his plan.

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