Hao Qiang confidently introduced to the leaders: “In the first half of the year, our motorcycle company’s electric motorcycle sales have reached more than 400,000 units, of which 90,000 units were exported, ranking first in the industry sales.

Especially since the third phase of the factory was put into production at the end of June this year, sales have shown explosive growth.

We expect total sales this year to exceed 1.2 million units, of which 200,000 units will be exported.

According to this trend, the annual revenue of the motorcycle company is expected to be close to 4 billion yuan in the future, and the tax revenue will exceed 300 million yuan.”

Just now, I was just being polite, and now it’s even more surprising to speak with data.

Hao Qiang then emphasized the company’s technical strength: “In terms of core technology, our motors, lithium batteries and controller systems are all independently developed.

Among them, motor and lithium battery technology have made breakthrough progress, and various performance indicators have reached the international first-class level.”

He also focused on the company’s talent pool and R&D investment: “At present, the group has a high-quality technical team of hundreds of people, of which more than 95% have a bachelor’s degree and no less than 30 have a doctorate.

This year, our R&D investment ratio has reached more than 15%…”

Hao Qiang’s concise and powerful introduction caught the attention of the leaders and highlighted the company’s core advantages and development potential.

There are performance data to show that it is based on pure independent innovation strength, proving that Future Motorcycle Company has already stood at the top of the industry.

To obtain policy support, you have to show a certain strength.

He also wants to see how the leaders support Future Technology Group, not just superficial words.

After hearing this, the senior leader Wei Hong couldn’t help but exclaimed: “Amazing!

Such achievements have been made in less than three years, and Mr. Hao is still so young.”

There was a gleam of surprise and approval in his eyes, and he expressed sincere appreciation for the technological innovation capabilities and management level of Future Technology Group.

The country is too backward in high technology, and now Future Technology Group has the signs of a high-tech company, and Hao Qiang is very young.

He asked someone to investigate Hao Qiang’s information and learned that Hao Qiang himself is a top student and a senior scientific researcher. He personally guided the important technological achievements of Future Technology Group, and he is not just a manager.

Wei Hong especially admires entrepreneurs with technical backgrounds, rather than those businessmen who like to brag.

“Leader, you are too kind. We still have many problems to solve.

For example, although we have solved the problem of ternary lithium batteries being inflammable and explosive, if they are severely cracked, they are still prone to flammability, which is the most difficult problem at present.

At present, we can only improve the safety performance as much as possible. Even if there is a serious collision, we can ensure that there is enough time to leave the safe area, but there are still major safety hazards.”

Hao Qiang directly exposed the weakness of ternary lithium batteries. Even if he didn’t say it, those industry experts would know it.

He pointed it out first, so others would be embarrassed to talk about the weakness of this lithium battery.

The leaders nodded, admiring Hao Qiang for telling the truth and not exaggerating.

“By the way, I heard that Renjian Fireworks Company is developing very well. How is it now?” The big leader asked with interest.

Hao Qiang smiled and replied: “The current development momentum is indeed very good. We already have 32 operating stores and plan to expand to 40 this year.

According to this trend, annual revenue is expected to reach 700 million yuan.”

The big leader was surprised and praised: “It is really admirable that the catering company can be made into a phenomenal level and maintain such an excellent reputation.”

He paused and continued to ask: “Mr. Hao, I heard that Renjian Fireworks has plans to go public. Is that true?”

“Yes,” Hao Qiang replied cautiously, “No less than ten international investment institutions have expressed interest in financing, but Renjian Fireworks is currently in good financial condition and has no plans to raise funds for the time being.

Our strategy is to expand to 80 stores first and then start the A round of financing.

If we go public, it is expected to be considered around 2010, which is too early now.”

“Well, it seems that another unicorn company with huge potential is about to be born.” The big leader nodded and commented, with a gleam of approval in his eyes.

According to media reports, at the beginning of the year, Renjian Fireworks was valued at 5 billion yuan, and now it has exceeded 7 billion yuan.

However, for leaders who shoulder the heavy responsibility of national development, although they are surprised by the valuation growth of Renjianyanhuo, they are more concerned about companies that can promote national technological progress.

After all, catering companies, no matter how large they are, have a relatively limited role in promoting the development of national core technologies.

Of course, high-market-value companies have contributed to the country by paying large amounts of taxes, which cannot be ignored.

But at the national strategic level, the demand for cutting-edge technology is more urgent.

For example, high-energyHigh-density lithium battery technology can not only be applied in the civilian field, but also play an important role in the military field.

For example, applying it to warships can significantly reduce the load of ships and improve combat capabilities.

This kind of high-tech with dual application value is the field that the country really needs to focus on supporting and developing.

Therefore, although the success of Renjian Fireworks is worthy of recognition, the contribution of high-tech enterprises is more critical in promoting the overall scientific and technological strength and strategic position of the country.

This also explains why the leaders, while praising the achievements of Renjian Fireworks, pay more attention to the breakthroughs of Future Technology Group in core technologies such as lithium batteries.

Therefore, the big leader only mentioned Renjian Fireworks, and then changed the subject and began to have in-depth exchanges with Hao Qiang on the key technical issues of lithium batteries.

As a technical consultant, Academician Chen, a senior expert accompanying him, threw a series of professional and sharp questions to Hao Qiang.

These questions cover core indicators such as battery energy density, cycle life, and safety performance, although Hao Qiang has previously explained the safety issue.

Facing these difficult technical problems, Hao Qiang seemed to be at ease, and elaborated in detail on the company’s innovative achievements in cathode material improvement, electrolyte optimization and battery management system upgrade.

However, he did not disclose some core technologies and processes.

Even if he did, others would not be able to copy them.

Just like the foreigners gave Hao Qiang a full set of F16 drawings, he could not manufacture it.

Although many leaders present did not understand these profound technical details, they could feel Hao Qiang’s profound technical skills.

After the exchange, Academician Chen was amazed at Hao Qiang’s performance and invited him: “Mr. Hao, are you interested in studying for a master’s degree at Jiaotong University? Of course, your career development is still the main thing.”

Hao Qiang smiled and declined the proposal: “Thank you very much for your kindness, but I have already become a disciple of Academician Xu Zhan of Zhongda University.”

Academician Chen said with a little regret after hearing this: “Oh, that’s a pity.”

Just then, the big leader interrupted humorously: “Haha, Academician Chen, Hao Qiang is our province’s treasure, don’t think about poaching him.”

Other leaders also echoed, and the venue was suddenly filled with laughter.

Not only is he a business talent, but he is also a scientific research talent. Academician Chen personally verified that everyone’s attention and appreciation for Hao Qiang went to a higher level.

Next, as the discussion deepened, the atmosphere in the conference room became more and more heated, and other leaders at the meeting also interrupted from time to time to ask Hao Qiang about the technical issues they were concerned about.

Afterwards, in response to the opinions of the big leader, Hao Qiang took the leaders to visit the company’s R&D center and production workshop, allowing them to witness the technical strength and production capacity of Future Technology Group with their own eyes.

First, we visited the automated production of Future Motorcycles. Future Technology Group is one of the first domestic enterprises to use 5S management, which can be seen at a glance.

Moreover, the level of automation is very high, and it is independently developed by the company.

The leaders did not expect that Future Technology Group was so hidden, and it was better than many state-owned enterprises.

They wanted to import all production lines, but never thought about independent research and development.

Of course, many leaders who visited the site were from engineering backgrounds and understood how difficult it was to independently develop production lines.

“Awesome, the independently developed production line is very advanced.” The leaders kept praising.

“Leader, this production line was personally presided over by our chairman, who personally solved many key technical problems before it was completed.” Lin Yan also accompanied and introduced it to a leader, which was equivalent to flattering the boss.

If Academician Chen had not asked Hao Qiang a lot of profound technical questions, they would not have believed that Hao Qiang understood these, and thought it was the credit of the technical team, and Hao Qiang was just a manager.

“5S management was also proposed by our chairman when the company was founded. Many domestic companies have not implemented it, or it is in name only.” Lin Yan also revealed, “We do all this to improve work efficiency and product quality, not to deal with inspections.”

Lin Yan’s words also explained to the visiting leaders that we did not do it just because you came, but have always done it this way.

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