Since January 10, many provinces across the country have suffered from severe low temperatures, rain, snow and freezing disasters.

Yuecheng was not spared, especially in northern Guangdong, where traffic was severely congested and even hail occurred.

About 400,000 passengers were stranded at Yuecheng Railway Station, and most trains were suspended, resulting in many passengers being unable to return home.

Supplies were in short supply at the railway station, and surrounding businesses took the opportunity to raise prices.

Many passengers chose to wait in the station because they were reluctant to buy expensive food or accommodation, hoping that the situation would improve soon.

However, the disaster continued, and some people even went hungry for three days without eating.

As one of the passengers returning home at that time, Hao Qiang deeply experienced the hardships of this disaster.

At that time, although hunger was a major problem, the most difficult thing was going to the toilet, and every time they had to squeeze through the crowded crowd.

In order to maintain order, the military and police worked without sleep and could fall down due to fatigue at any time.

What the people across the country could not imagine was that the snowstorm lasted for more than 20 days, which also left an indelible impression on Hao Qiang.

On the morning of January 10, Hao Qiang convened an emergency meeting, attended by all the senior executives of the group.

“The weather suddenly changed, and the situation does not look optimistic.

The train station has been paralyzed. In order to cope with this snowstorm that may last for a long time, our company must be fully prepared.” Hao Qiang said straight to the point, “Especially Renjian Fireworks Restaurant, we must ensure that the food reserves are sufficient and prepare more for a few days.”

Then, Hao Qiang solemnly proposed a corporate social responsibility plan: “As a company, we should also assume social responsibility.

How about this, based on the principle of voluntary registration, 500 employees will be selected from the company to assist in the support work of Guangzhou Railway Station, and the wages of participating employees will be paid as usual.

Considering that the train station may continue to be paralyzed, 500 people may not be enough. If the family members of employees are willing to participate, the company will give 200 per day. “In addition, we need to prepare at least 100,000 bottles of mineral water and bread every day to distribute to stranded passengers for free, giving priority to military police, children, pregnant women and the elderly. Please make a plan as soon as possible and avoid arguing about the specific arrangements. The supply of personnel and food must be determined this morning. If local procurement is difficult, order from surrounding cities. Finally, Hao Qiang told the financial director Jiang: “Jiang, you should prepare sufficient cash. Considering the emergency situation, the approval of funds can be appropriately relaxed. The key is to solve the problem and be efficient.” The senior executives were a little surprised by Hao Qiang’s generosity, but they also realized that this was not only an opportunity to fulfill social responsibilities, but also a good opportunity to enhance the company’s image. Moreover, compared with the company’s overall revenue, this expenditure is still within the acceptable range. Jiang Ying replied: “Okay, if it’s too late, employees can also advance funds from themselves first and reimburse later. If they really can’t get the shopping receipt, they can report the situation afterwards. Is that okay?”

Hao Qiang nodded: “Okay, these are all small things, it’s better than us donating the money and not knowing who will get it in the end.”

He believes in the character of his employees, even if there is a little extra expenditure, it doesn’t matter.

Hao Qiang continued: “Without affecting the normal operation of the company, we will dispatch another 500 people to the front to participate in disaster relief activities.

We need to purchase warm clothing, drinking water and food and go to the severely affected areas.

At the same time, we will rent hundreds of special vehicles such as cranes and bulldozers, transport them to the disaster area together with the materials, and assist in clearing roadblocks.

In addition, we will also form a medical team, give priority to medical practitioners among the family members of employees, and carry sufficient medical supplies to deal with colds and fevers that may occur in the disaster area.

Rescue workers far away from Guangdong City can stay in local hotels and reimburse them when they come back.”

Wang He suggested: “Chairman, the highway may be congested and the road surface may be slippery, and the speed of special vehicles may be limited.

I suggest using the company’s F3 electric motorcycles and C1 tricycles, replacing snow tires and anti-skid chains, and equipping more batteries to ensure a range of 300 kilometers, so that the rescue efficiency will be greatly improved.

Of course, our employees need to coordinate with government departments when driving electric vehicles on the highway.”

“Good idea, I will communicate with the government.” Hao Qiang nodded solemnly in agreement.

Afterwards, the participants brainstormed and quickly determined the detailed plan.

After the meeting, the company immediately issued a notice to all employees, and employees signed up enthusiastically.

Knowing that family members can also participate and there are subsidies, especially medical staff are given priority, has stimulated everyone’s enthusiasm.

Future Technology Group was very generous in purchasing materials this time, but also did not forget to bargain reasonably and strive for discounts for large-scale purchases.

The most exciting thing is that when the company’s employeesWhen the workers found the owners of various breakfast shops, they directly said: “How many steamed buns can your shop make in a day? Our company will take care of it all, for five consecutive days!”

The shop owners were surprised and a little skeptical.

But when the employees of Future Technology Group took out a stack of money and took out 5,000 yuan and slapped it on the table, the shop owners immediately began to calculate how many buns the whole family and relatives could make.

At 1 pm that day, the first support team of 100 people arrived at Yuecheng Railway Station.

They were wearing Future Technology Group work clothes, with volunteer labels on their chests and backs, and followed by trucks full of drinking water and food.

In order to avoid possible chaos at the scene, Hao Qiang communicated with the Yuecheng government in advance and requested to send police to maintain order.

The government appreciated the actions of Future Technology Group, believing that this would not only help solve practical problems, but also enhance the image of Yuecheng, and immediately sent police to maintain the scene.

As the support action unfolded, the volunteers of Future Technology Group quickly got involved in various tasks.

At Yuecheng Railway Station, the company’s volunteers distributed food and water in an orderly manner, giving priority to the elderly, children, military police and pregnant women.

Their arrival brought hope and warmth to the stranded passengers.

Many passengers were moved to say that this was the most heartwarming thing they encountered in their predicament, and they expressed their gratitude one after another.

Some people were no longer suitable to leave the original place, so the police opened the way and the volunteers pushed the carts full of food and drinks to distribute them according to the situation.

Of course, some people had poor quality, cut in line and pushed, which made some employees with bad tempers angry:

“You are a big man, why are you squeezing? Give priority to children, the elderly and pregnant women!”

“The things are given to us for free.”

“Humph, you have to understand that this is the goods that our company paid for. We can give it to anyone for free.

If you are unhappy, you can buy it in the store outside.”

The people who were scolded did not dare to refute, so they had to queue up honestly. What if they didn’t give it to him? He couldn’t buy it.

The people around were very supportive of the volunteers of Future Technology Group. Some people who were not aware of the situation only knew that the company had donated the money.

At the same time, another team rode F3 electric motorcycles and C1 tricycles, carrying supplies and medical teams, and headed for the severely trapped highway area.

These flexible vehicles shuttled freely on the congested roads and successfully broke through many places that conventional vehicles could not reach.

Some vehicles were driving on the highway, and suddenly hail broke out. The road was too slippery and the car performance was poor. They really couldn’t move, but there was not much food in the car. Especially for those with children at home, it would be even more troublesome if they suddenly caught a cold and had a fever.

The volunteers of Future Technology Group arrived in time and solved the urgent needs of many people who could not see a doctor or were hungry due to road interruptions.

The rented large-scale mechanical equipment set off northward and arrived at various severely affected sections of the road one after another, and began to clear snow and roadblocks.

The arrival of these equipment greatly accelerated the speed of road dredging and opened up channels for the transportation of subsequent relief supplies.

Hao Qiang paid real-time attention to the situation of each rescue point and deployed resources in a timely manner. He also kept in touch with government departments to ensure that the rescue operation could be seamlessly connected with the official rescue work.

That day, Future Technology Group donated 20 million yuan.

This series of actions by Future Technology Group quickly attracted media attention.

Many news reports praised the company’s social responsibility and action in times of crisis.

This not only improved the company’s image, but also set an example for other companies to participate in disaster relief work.

That evening, YTV News reported on the actions of Future Technology Group and highly praised its chairman Hao Qiang’s quick response ability in times of national crisis.

At the same time, it also mentioned that some time ago, Future Technology Group donated hundreds of millions of yuan to the northern Sichuan region and personally commissioned a construction company to build and repair Hope Primary School.

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