After dinner, the family sat in the living room, drinking tea and chatting.

Hao Jianjun said to his son with great interest: “The group of villagers who started to operate electric motorcycles in November 2006 have been doing it for more than a year, and have made hundreds of thousands of yuan from this alone.

Adding the income from growing vegetables at home, the total income is not less than 500,000 yuan.

The second batch of villagers who opened shops also made a lot of money.

So, some villagers have money, so they build new houses first, and some simply buy cars.

The smarter people continue to expand the scale of business and plan to build houses after accumulating for another one or two years.”

Hao Qiang reminded him after hearing this: “Now that we have money, the education of children in the village must also keep up.”

“That’s right,” Hao Jianjun nodded in agreement, “The village committee had already discussed it in September last year.

We require each household to donate money and hire excellent teachers to give children extra lessons during the holidays to narrow the gap with urban education.”

“Are all villagers willing to donate? Some families no longer have children in elementary and junior high school.” Hao Qiang asked.

Hao Jianjun explained: “We collect money from each household, and each household must donate at least 1,000 yuan for the development of the village. There is no objection in the village, but some villagers are a bit stingy.

Young people who do business are more sensible, donating thousands of yuan, and some even donate tens of thousands of yuan.

I also donated 100,000 yuan for my own sake.

Currently, the village committee has raised nearly 2 million yuan, which is mainly used for education and training, such as changing the primary school to a small class system, hiring more teachers, rewarding students who are admitted to university, and regularly organizing technical training.

Where the money is and how it is used will be announced regularly, and transparency is required.

In addition, the supermarkets, cooked food stalls, meat stalls, and fruit stalls in the village all charge rent, with an annual income of nearly 100,000 yuan for garbage cleaning and greening maintenance in the village.”

Hao Qiang agreed and said: “It’s good to be self-sufficient. If we always rely on donations from our family, this road will not last long. Dad, you know a lot.”

Hao Jianjun said with a smile: “After the New Year last year, members of the village committee and the captains of each team went to other provinces to visit and study. Huaxi Village also visited, and everyone learned a lot , and my horizons have been broadened.

Usually, we also hold meetings to study and discuss.

I also asked you a lot of advice, and then held meetings to discuss, and finally decided to implement it this way. ”

“Haha, it’s a big improvement.” Hao Qiang asked curiously, “Does anyone in the village still play Luhecai?”

“I dare not play it publicly. If I’m found out, I’ll be reported and fined. And everyone is busy making money and has no time to play that.” Hao Jianjun replied, “But the village committee will have to patrol more in the next few days. Those villagers who do business may play cards and gamble when they come back.

Especially those who have Some gamblers from other villages want to set up a game to trick people in our village. ”

Hao Qiang agreed: “Gambling is indeed bad and will lead children astray.

In the next few days, we can publicize it through the radio. Whether it is gambling in this village or going to other villages to gamble, it must be severely punished. ”

Hao Jianjun said seriously: “That’s right. It’s not easy to catch up with a good opportunity. If you don’t do your job properly, take back the authorized store. This kind of people obviously think that there is too much money. ”

“Well, the money comes too fast, and some people don’t know how to cherish it. Your village committee will handle it. I support it.” Hao Qiang agreed.

At this time, Liu Fengqing, who was sitting on the sofa on the other side, changed the subject: “Son, Ajian is scheduled to hold a wedding on the sixth day of the first lunar month. What are your plans?”

“Mom, it’s too early for me.” Hao Qiang tried to avoid it.

“It’s not too early. I’ll graduate next year. I haven’t decided who to marry yet?” Liu Fengqing asked, “Hey, if I give up one, it will be a pity. ”

“Then let’s talk about it after graduation.” Hao Qiang answered with a headache.

Liu Fengqing snorted in dissatisfaction: “Anyway, I don’t care who you marry, at least you want two grandchildren. You have so much property, someone has to inherit it.”

“Mom, you are favoring sons over daughters. Daughters can also inherit the family business.” Hao Qiang retorted, although he knew in his heart that this was not realistic.

Wow, the boss’s daughter inherited her father’s business, and the company’s elders may not support her. If it were a son, it might be different.

“How can it be the same?

How can a daughter inherit the family business?

-The novel was taken from the (rolyz) website. Close where you’re reading it and support us on our website for more free novels-
Daughters will get married eventually. Do you want to pass the family business to someone else?

I absolutely disagree. Ask your father and see if he is willing.” Liu Fengqing insisted on her own opinion.

Hao Jianjun also echoed: “The family business should still be inherited by the son. This is a tradition.”

This time, Hao Qiang did not refute.

The traditional concepts of his parents are deeply rooted, and he himself holds similar traditional concepts.

Hao Qiang immediately changed the subject: “Brother Jian is getting married, Mom, what gift do you think is good?”

Liu Feng had made arrangements early in the morning: “Your uncle’s home appliances have been purchased and installed, the furniture is complete, and there is nothing special.What is good to give?

Just give two sets of silk quilts and a four-piece suit. ”

In the local area, when brothers get married, they usually give a four-piece suit and quilt, or furniture and home appliances.

For ordinary relationships, they are not so generous.

In recent years, when local people attend wedding banquets, the wedding gifts are generally 50 yuan, and there are not many who give 100 yuan.

Hao Qiang didn’t know what to give, so he simply let his parents arrange it.

He could have given a car or a house, but this would have embarrassed his cousin’s family, because when he gets married in the future, his cousin’s family would have to return the gift.

Although the cousin’s family is financially well-off now, there is no need to give Hao Qiang a car or a house. It would be embarrassing to give too little.

In the local area, people pay attention to reciprocity, and gifts cannot be too heavy, because they have to repay favors in the future.

“Mom, has the betrothal gift for Brother Jian been negotiated?” Hao Qiang asked curiously.

Liu Fengqing replied: “It has been negotiated. The betrothal gift is 188,000 yuan, plus a car worth more than 200,000 yuan, and some gold and silver jewelry.

When your uncle talked to the bride’s parents about the betrothal gift, I saw that the bride’s parents were very happy. ”

“Well, it’s OK, it’s good.” Hao Qiang nodded.

Last year, my cousin was responsible for purchasing vegetables and fish, and the profit was 4 to 5 million yuan. Anyway, he was not short of money.

Liu Fengqing retorted: “What do you mean it’s OK? This is already very generous. People in the city are not so generous when getting married.

According to local customs, a simple betrothal gift of tens of thousands of yuan is enough.”

Hao Qiang couldn’t help but complain: “Mom, you haven’t seen the betrothal gifts in some provinces.

There are banquets for engagement and marriage, and the bride’s gift alone costs tens of thousands of yuan. Gold and silver jewelry must be collected from hardware, and the weight of gold cannot be too light. In the city, you also need a house and a car.

There are also gifts for getting off the car and changing your name on the wedding day. Hey, in short, it costs a lot. ”

Liu Fengqing looked unconvinced: “Nonsense, where does it cost so much money? ”

“Other provinces, our province is relatively simple.” Hao Qiang explained.

“Anyway, I don’t believe it, it’s too outrageous.” Liu Fengqing still couldn’t believe it.

Hao Jianjun interrupted: “There are many business owners in the Yangtze River Delta, and the betrothal gifts should be higher.”

Hao Qiang smiled. His cousin’s move, followed by the villagers, may have raised the threshold for local people to get married.

To be honest, he didn’t want to see this phenomenon.

But the family is rich, there is no way.

After chatting, Hao Qiang went back to the bedroom to take a shower.

After washing, he sat on the balcony to look at the scenery of his hometown.

The village has changed so much!

In particular, the management of the village committee has become more standardized and far-sighted, laying the foundation for the sustainable development of the village.

This change is gratifying and makes him full of hope for the future of the countryside.

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