When Hao Qiang arrived at the YTV building, the chief planner Zhu Tong personally greeted him.

This was not an ordinary treatment, but was due to Hao Qiang’s status and strong financial resources.

Zhu Tong thought that he might have to rely on Hao Qiang’s help in the future.

“Hello, Mr. Hao!” Zhu Tong greeted him warmly.

Hao Qiang smiled and shook hands with him, and said modestly: “Hello, Mr. Zhu. I will follow your arrangements here, don’t be so polite.”

Zhu Tong secretly breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that Hao Qiang’s emotional intelligence was so high that it saved a lot of trouble to deal with.

He responded: “No, no, we are cooperating with each other. Your joining has added a lot of color to the Spring Festival Gala.”

Then, Zhu Tong led Hao Qiang to YTV Studio No. 1.

He introduced Hao Qiang to the two chief directors, six directors, music directors and other main creative staff.

The artists in the studio were very surprised to see Hao Qiang suddenly appear.

They did not question Hao Qiang’s ability, but they were surprised that he joined on the day of the general rehearsal.

As expected, the big guys are different, and the chief planner has to greet them personally.

“Mr. Hao, this is the chief director Chen Chun and Zhang He, and these are the directors…” Zhu Tong introduced them one by one, skipping some minor figures.

Hao Qiang smiled and shook hands with everyone politely.

As soon as the greetings were over, some big names in the entertainment industry also came forward to talk to Hao Qiang, hoping to get to know this business giant.

Although Hao Qiang is not developing in the entertainment industry, he has strong financial resources. For film and television projects that may face financial difficulties in the future, he is undoubtedly a potential investor.

You know, in the domestic film market today, there are only a handful of works with an annual box office of over 100 million yuan.

Last year, “Transformers” won the top spot in the domestic box office with 280 million yuan, and “Assembly” followed closely with 248 million yuan. In addition, only four films crossed the 100 million yuan mark.

However, these figures are nothing compared to Hao Qiang’s corporate profits, not to mention his gains in the stock market.

Hao Qiang’s net worth is worth tens of billions, and investing in a movie is just a drop in the bucket for him.

Such financial resources naturally attract people in the circle.

“Hello, Mr. Hao, I like your songs very much.” A familiar voice came.

Hao Qiang turned around and found that it was Song Zu.

He shook her hand enthusiastically and said, “Sister Song, hello, I grew up listening to your songs.

“Good Days” and “Love My China”, these songs accompanied me as I grew up.”

Song Zu heard Hao Qiang mention her representative works like a treasure, and couldn’t help but cover her mouth and smile: “Haha, I am so honored to receive such praise from you.”

Afterwards, Hao Qiang greeted and shook hands with artists such as Zhu Jun, Li Yong, Dong Qing, International Zhang, Feng Xiaopin, Zhao Xiaopin, Song Dandan, Fei Qing, Jay Chou, Liang Yongqi, and Wang Baoqiang.

This scene has become a small celebrity meeting in the entertainment industry.

After Hao Qiang finished greeting everyone, Zhu Tong approached again and began to discuss the program arrangement.

“Mr. Hao, have you decided which song to sing?” Zhu Tong asked.

Hao Qiang thought for a while and replied: “‘BJ Welcomes You’ is the most suitable song for the chorus, but I’m afraid it’s too late to rehearse now.

I want to sing the song ‘Has Anyone Told You’ that I released before, what do you think?”

Zhu Tong secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He was worried that Hao Qiang would choose some songs that were not suitable for the atmosphere of the Spring Festival Gala.

“Okay, it’s very suitable for the style of the Spring Festival Gala.” He agreed, and then added: “Your program is scheduled for the sixth place, after the acrobatics ‘Passionate Pole Climbing’.”

Hao Qiang was a little surprised, but he didn’t show it.

The program arrangement is very particular. Originally, the acrobatics ‘Passionate Pole Climbing’ was followed by a skit, and the eighth program was Zhang’s song.

The first song was the chorus ‘Chinese Family Portrait’, which could not be changed.

The second song was Song Zu’s “Spring in the Fields”, which can also be said to be the top song. Of course, this arrangement is correct.

Although Hao Qiang joined temporarily, he could not be arranged after Zhang Guoji, let alone the last one.

“Okay, you can arrange it as you like. If you insert it temporarily, everyone will have opinions.” Hao Qiang didn’t expect to be arranged in the sixth place.

“It’s okay, I will communicate with everyone. Your song will work best after the acrobatics.” Zhu Tong said a double entendre.

“Okay, thank you.” Hao Qiang smiled and gave each other face.

Next, Zhu Tong arranged for the chief director Chen Chun to communicate with Hao Qiang about the details of the rehearsal.

When Hao Qiang started the rehearsal, the eyes of the whole audience were focused on him, mainly out of curiosity.

Hao Qiang first familiarized himself with the appearance and movement. The whole process seemed calm and unhurried, but very amateur.

Chen Chun communicated with him for a long time. Hao Qiang relied on his strong memory and was veryHe quickly mastered some simple gestures and passed them in one go, which surprised the artists on the scene with his learning ability.

Sure enough, academic masters are different.

If Hao Qiang learns slowly, it will definitely affect everyone’s rehearsal.

Although he is a business tycoon, everyone is unwilling to spend too much time on rehearsals, which are too boring.

Hao Qiang practiced his appearance and positioning, and took a break after his solo rehearsal.

After so many days, everyone’s joint rehearsal, makeup rehearsal, and full-element rehearsal have all ended. Now only Hao Qiang is left, and he needs to do it from beginning to end.

After a busy afternoon, it was finally completed, and Hao Qiang felt very tired.

In the evening, there was a rehearsal with the audience and the official recording and broadcast began.

Two days later, on the afternoon of New Year’s Eve.

The chief planners and directors decided to conduct a final rehearsal to ensure that the official performance was foolproof.

In total, including the actual broadcast in the evening, Hao Qiang’s four super singing opportunities would be consumed, and only two super singing opportunities would be left in the end.

In the future, he will not use this skill to sing easily.

Unless his appearance improves, his voice also improves, and he can sing with real strength.

In the past two or three days, Hao Qiang’s parents visited various scenic spots in the imperial capital and had a lot of fun.

They were especially excited about the snow scene they saw for the first time, saying that it was the first time they saw snow in their lives.

For southerners, this is indeed very novel.

The only bad thing is that the weather outside is too cold and a little uncomfortable.

In the evening, Hao Jianjun called relatives and friends, saying that it was snowing in the imperial capital and how fun it was. He also reminded them to watch the Spring Festival Gala, saying that the program had been arranged, and his son’s program was on it.

In order to save face, Hao Jianjun prepared a set of particularly conspicuous and festive clothes, saying that if he was on TV, he couldn’t embarrass his son.

At about six o’clock on New Year’s Eve, Hao Qiang and his parents had already eaten the New Year’s Eve dinner at home and arrived at the YTV site on time.

The Spring Festival Gala officially starts at 8pm, but you have to enter the venue at 7:30pm and be ready by 7:45pm.

If there are performers, they need to put on makeup in advance. Hao Qiang’s show is scheduled first, so he still needs to arrive on time according to the program group’s arrangement.

Men don’t need to put on makeup, but it also took half an hour, mainly hair styling.

The costumes were prepared in advance, and Hao Qiang felt quite satisfied.

If he had a worse figure, he would be embarrassed to go on stage.

Time passed slowly, the audience and guests entered one after another, and Hao Qiang waited in the performance waiting area with the participating artists.

It was really boring, Wang Qiang, Jay Chou, Zeng Yi and other young artists and Hao Qiang got together to chat.

There were also some beautiful young female artists who wanted to talk to Hao Qiang, but there were not many opportunities.

Hao Qiang also deliberately kept a distance, not wanting to have too much contact with female artists at this sensitive moment, which might cause unnecessary speculation and news.

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