The Rolls-Royce Phantom and Bentley stopped in the yard in front of a three-story American villa.

After Qiu Yuqing got out of the car with Hao Qiang, she looked at the country villa in front of her and couldn’t help praising:

“Wow, Brother Qiang, your house is so beautiful! Such a big house!”

“Not bad, it’s better to hire someone to design and build it yourself than to build it by a developer.” Hao Qiang glanced at his mouth and smiled, quite satisfied.

Qiu Yuqing took a deep breath, straightened her clothes, and smiled brightly: “I’m a little nervous.”

“What are you afraid of? You have met my parents. They are very kind.” Hao Qiang comforted her and patted her hand gently.

Just then, a middle-aged couple walked out of the villa hall quickly, followed by grandpa and grandma.

“Aqiang is back!” Hao’s mother shouted enthusiastically, her face full of joy.

Seeing the pretty girl next to his son, his eyes lit up and his smile became even brighter: “Yuqing, come in and sit down, don’t be polite.”

Father Hao was a little reserved, but his eyes were full of love: “Yuqing, come in and sit down first. It’s a bit cold today. You’ve worked hard all the way.”

Qiu Yuqing hurried forward and bowed respectfully: “Hello, uncle and aunt, you are so warm.”

Glancing at the two elderly people behind him, he continued to greet: “Grandpa, grandma, hello!”

Hao Qiang’s grandparents smiled kindly, especially grandma, who took Qiu Yuqing into the house.

Hao Jianjun saw Qiu Yuqing follow the two elders into the house and patted his son on the shoulder: “Did you have a smooth journey? You came back so late, tomorrow is New Year’s Eve.”

“It went smoothly. There are some things to deal with in Gangcheng, so I will be back later.” Hao Qiang touched his nose and smiled.

Before he came back, he just told his parents when he would come back, but didn’t say anything specific, just said he would bring Qiu Yuqing back.

As for the matter of Han Qingying and Qiu Yuqing, Hao Qiang did not tell his parents in detail.

Hao Jianjun saw Qiu Yuqing had already entered the house, pulled down his son’s arm, and asked in a low voice: “You brought the girl from Pengcheng back, what about Xiao Han?”

“What’s there to be entangled about? Of course, I want both!” Hao Qiang grinned, “They have met each other, and the matter has been settled.”

Hao Jianjun widened his eyes, then gave a thumbs up: “Son, you are really a fool!”

He couldn’t help laughing, and patted his son’s shoulder a little harder: “Then who will you get the certificate with? Our country does not allow polygamy.”

“Qingying, or just don’t get the certificate, it’s fairer.” Hao Qiang showed a proud smile, “As for Yuqing, she said she doesn’t want a name, her father is like that.”

“Oh, so.” Hao Jianjun suddenly realized and thought to himself: Rich people really know how to play.

“You go into the house first, I’ll come this way.” Hao Jianjun looked at the bodyguards moving the luggage and pushed his son into the hall.

Hao Qiang nodded and walked into the house. He saw his mother and grandmother greeting Qiu Yuqing.

Qiu Yuqing held a cup of hot tea and happily chatted with her family. The tension gradually dissipated.

She had strong communication and adaptability, so Hao Qiang didn’t have to worry about anything.

Hao Qiang sat next to Qiu Yuqing, poured himself a cup of tea, and joked, “Mom, you have a wife and forgot about your son.”

“You are not easy at all. You make news every day and make people worry for nothing.” Liu Fengqing gave his son a white look, and said to Qiu Yuqing with a smile, “Yuqing, we rural people don’t have so many rules. You can be casual and treat this place as your own home.”


Qiu Yuqing nodded. She felt the strong family warmth and a sense of happiness surged in her heart.

Hao Qiang chatted with his family for a while and took Qiu Yuqing to visit the house.

The two took the elevator to the second floor.

“Brother Qiang, where do I sleep at night?” Qiu Yuqing asked with a smile.

It’s my first time here, so I have to ask clearly.

Hao Qiang pinched her pink cheeks, then patted her buttocks and smiled: “Of course you sleep in my room, do you still want to stay alone in the empty room?”

“What if sister Qingying comes over?”

“Well, you two sleep together, I’ll find a bedroom by myself, there are many bedrooms at home.” Hao Qiang smiled easily and put his arm around her waist.

With a “ding” sound, they quickly reached the second floor.

Qiu Yuqing looked at the wide corridor and asked curiously: “How many square meters is this floor? I think it’s much larger than the villa on Ersha Island.”

“About 300 square meters net, I think it’s a bit small.”

Hao Qiang took Qiu Yuqing to his bedroom, which was a large suite with a total area of ​​more than 100 square meters.

This suite includes a bedroom, a bathroom, a study, a cloakroom and a small living room.

His grandparents sleep on the first floor, his parents on the second floor, and the third floor is used as a guest room.

After Qiu Yuqing walked into the suite, she saw that her luggage had been moved in.

After walking around and looking around, he came to the balcony and looked around. He saw many new houses around and praised: “Brother Qiang, I see there are many newly built single-family villas.”

Hao Qiang also went to the balcony to take a look and said:”Well, my mother said that there are nearly 100 new country villas in the village, and dozens of them have been moved in.

It is estimated that in two or three years, every household in the village will live in a villa.”

“Brother Qiang, what was your home like before?”

“Before, there was only one floor and three rough houses. We were very poor. I will take you to see the old house when I pray to the gods tomorrow.”

“Yes, yes.” Qiu Yuqing smiled. She was quite curious about Brother Qiang’s family in the past.

The two stood on the balcony and watched for a while, then went back to the bedroom to pack their luggage.

Hao Jianjun will arrange for Hao Qiang’s bodyguards to move in on the third floor.

In the afternoon,

Hao Qiang took Qiu Yuqing to walk around the village and see his hometown.

Hao Jianjun followed and introduced the changes in the village in the past year.

“Most of the young people of marriageable age in the village are married. In the past, there were hundreds of unmarried people over 30 years old in our village.

Many of them are women from other places, who were brought back from other places.

Now, many young women of marriageable age in the county want to marry in our village.

The village is rich, and many women of marriageable age do not want to marry outside.”

Hao Qiang asked casually: “Dad, how is education?”

“Last year, four students in the village were admitted to university. The four-year tuition fees of those who were admitted to undergraduate programs were paid by the village.

The village hired good primary school teachers and taught in small classes. I heard that the teaching quality is quite good, much better than before.”

The group walked and looked, and soon arrived at the village primary school.

For the first time, Hao Qiang donated one million yuan to build new classrooms.

Last year, he donated another five million yuan, including facilities such as student lunch breaks, student cafeterias, kindergartens, and small football fields.

Money is valuable in this era. The 6 million yuan donated by Hao Qiang, plus the donations from the village, can make the facilities of the kindergarten and primary school very complete.

Qiu Yuqing followed him around and praised: “Brother Qiang, this primary school is much better than the primary schools in the city.”

“The classrooms and facilities of the primary school are new, but the quality of the teachers is still not as good as those in the city.” Hao Qiang was relieved with a little regret, “The primary school is okay, but the teaching quality of the middle school is far worse than that in the city.

It is very difficult for rural children to enter university, especially after there are more training classes for children in the city, it will be even more difficult in the future.”

In short, Hao Qiang has tried his best and has a clear conscience.

Accompanied by Hao Jianjun, Hao Qiang and Qiu Yuqing took a big circle in the village.

Many young villagers noticed Qiu Yuqing beside Hao Qiang and were instantly attracted by her sweet and healing smile.

“Hey, did Qiangzi bring his girlfriend back?”

“Qiangzi’s girlfriend is so beautiful, even female stars can’t compare to her!”

When the villagers saw Qiu Yuqing, they couldn’t help but whisper, and their gossiping hearts were ready to move.

One villager boldly asked Hao Qiang: “Qiangzi, you’re back! You brought your girlfriend back this year!”

Hao Qiang just smiled and nodded, not explaining more.

Tomorrow, Han Qingying will also come.

These gossiping villagers are probably going to guess who his girlfriend is.

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