Wang Chuanfu was a little embarrassed when he heard this, but he still plucked up the courage to ask Hao Qiang: “Mr. Hao, I’d like to ask, does your company plan to enter the low-end and mid-end new energy vehicle market?”

He was uneasy: If Future Technology Group really enters the low-end and mid-end new energy vehicle field, what chance does BYD have?

In theory, Hao Qiang has always been committed to building a high-end brand and is unlikely to get involved in low-end models.

But what if they change their strategy?

After all, who would have trouble with money?

“We will definitely not get involved in the low-end market, and as for mid-end models, this definition is more vague.

However, I can tell you that in the next ten years, I have no intention of entering the market with a guide price of less than 250,000 yuan.” Hao Qiang didn’t care, and it didn’t matter to tell him.

If it were someone else, he would not have told him.

Wouldn’t it be better to keep competitors from seeing through their own strategies and keep them vigilant?

Compared with other new car-making forces, BYD is truly focused on making cars, not playing with financial cars, which is also where Hao Qiang admires Wang Chuanfu.

Maybe, BYD will also make high-end cars in the future, but that doesn’t matter.

By that time, maybe Future Technology Group has already looked down on the automotive industry and transformed again.

“Thank you, this is very important information for us.” Wang Chuanfu said happily.

“You’re welcome. I hope more peers will enter the new energy vehicle industry. This market is too big.” Hao Qiang said sincerely.

When the competition in the new energy vehicle market is fierce, Hao Qiang may have found a new track and no longer play new energy vehicles, but only sell lithium batteries.

Just like electric motorcycles, in a few years, once the profit margin narrows, he will definitely cut it off without hesitation.

In Hao Qiang’s view, there is no industry with high profits forever.

As long as you can continuously upgrade the technology store, you will never worry about the lack of new technology.

Even if you rely on your own thinking power for research and development, although the cycle may be longer, you can eventually achieve a technological breakthrough.

The two sides chatted purposefully, and Hao Qiang finally proposed a unified charging standard for new energy vehicles, which Wang Chuanfu strongly supported.

This is a favor, you can’t expect others to respond to your request.

Future Technology Group is willing to license charging technology.

However, Hao Qiang has three key conditions for this technology license:

1) For every 10,000 vehicles produced, Party B must invest in at least 100 public charging piles.

2) The signing fee is 20 million yuan, and the technology licensing fee is 0.5% of the car price.

3) The charging fees for charging piles are unified and set by Future Technology Group.

Although charging piles charge their own fees, the charging fees for consumers are unified.

Hao Qiang does not want to invest too much money in charging stations, and needs to expand the number of charging piles together with peers to share risks.

Wang Chuanfu thinks this requirement is more reasonable.

The technology licensing fee, this is definitely needless to say.

The fee is not low, nor is it too outrageous, and it is within his tolerance.

Future Technology Group plans to invest 5 billion yuan to build at least 15,000 charging piles.

As long as Wang Chuanfu agrees to this agreement, BYD can use Future Technology Group’s charging technology and charging pile network.

Of course, the use of charging technology requires a licensing fee, and the use fee of charging piles is relatively high.

When the owners of Future Cars use dedicated charging piles, the charge per kilowatt-hour is between 0.8 yuan and 1 yuan.

Non-Future Car owners need to pay 1.5 yuan to 2 yuan per kilowatt-hour for charging.

In addition, peak and valley electricity prices are also different.

In addition to electricity charges, parking fees may also be charged extra.

If you park without charging, the parking fee per hour ranges from 3 to 5 yuan.

Taking the Future ES6 standard version as an example, a full charge requires about 60 to 70 kWh of electricity.

Wang Chuanfu made a simple calculation for Future Technology Group:

Assume that 500,000 new energy vehicles use public charging piles every year, with an average annual driving of 15,000 kilometers, of which 10,000 kilometers require external charging.

If all self-owned brand vehicles are charged, the annual gross profit is about 300 million yuan.

Compared with the investment of 5 billion yuan, it will take at least 17 years to recover the cost, not including interest and maintenance costs.

If non-self-owned brand vehicles also use these charging piles, the annual profit margin can reach about 900 million yuan.

In a compromise, the investment cost can be recovered in about 10 years.

Of course, if millions of new energy vehicles use these charging piles every year, the payback period will be greatly shortened.

15,000 charging piles, assuming that 80% of the power can be fully charged every 15 minutes, each car needs an average of 30 minutes to charge.

In theory, each charging pile can be charged up to 48 times a day, but in reality it may be around 15 times.This means that 15,000 charging piles can theoretically meet 260 million charging needs per year, and in reality about 80 million times.

Assuming that each car charges 20 times a year at a public charging pile, the scale of this charging pile can meet the needs of at least 4 million new energy vehicles.

If there are really so many new energy vehicles using external charging piles for charging, it is still worth investing.

However, it will take two or three years for the domestic new energy vehicle ownership to reach 500,000.

As for millions of vehicles, that is too far away.

Therefore, investing in charging piles is basically a loss at present.

But if you want to get a share of the new energy vehicle industry, building a public charging network is essential.

Therefore, Hao Qiang invited more car companies to join the construction of charging piles to promote the development of new energy vehicles.

It can be said that Wang Chuanfu really signed this charging agreement, and BYD is currently taking advantage of Future Technology Group.

If Future Technology Group does not open charging stations, then they have to build charging piles themselves, and this investment is too large.

But without investment, new energy vehicles are difficult to sell.

Of course, BYD needs to pay for technology licensing.

If the average guide price is 200,000 yuan for 100,000 vehicles sold, the technology licensing fee will reach 100 million yuan.

It doesn’t seem much, but if the sales volume is large, then the fee will be very high.

Wang Chuanfu agreed initially, but he still had to go back to the company to discuss the cooperation plan with the senior management.

After the initial communication with Hao Qiang, he left Future Technology Group.

Hao Qiang sent Wang Chuanfu away.

After returning to the office, he carefully thought about the cooperation plan he had formulated.

Both parties win, and neither party will suffer a big loss.

As long as the new energy vehicle market is expanded, the biggest beneficiary is still Hao Qiang.

He has upstream companies and has mastered the high-end technology of new energy vehicles.

If you fight to the death, then he will sell technology and make money by licensing technology.

Today, Future Technology Group has several new patents born on average every day.

This daily data is nothing. BYD will have dozens of new patents born on average every day in 2023.

In the evening,

Hao Qiang returned to Ersha Island in Yuecheng to accompany Han Qingying and Qiu Yuqing.

After dinner, Qiu Yuqing said to Hao Qiang: “Brother Qiang, Tengxun’s stock price has risen sharply recently, and it has risen to 125 Hong Kong dollars.”

Hao Qiang gave her 10 million shares of Tengxun, and Han Qingying also had the same number. The stock price was only 40 Hong Kong dollars at that time.

“Ah, it’s so high?” Han Qingying didn’t pay much attention to this, and only knew it after hearing Qiu Yuqing’s words.

“It should be about the same. It will continue to rise. You just take the dividends and don’t have to reduce your holdings.” Hao Qiang said with a smile, “My shareholding ratio has reached 6.44%, 120 million shares.”

The financial crisis has passed. Compared with September last year, not only Tengxun’s stock price has risen, but other stock prices have also risen sharply.

The Pingguo stock he invested in has more than doubled and is currently worth more than 2 billion US dollars.

He plans to hold these two stocks for a long time.

It will only be sold after Future Technology Group forms a bad competitive relationship with them.

“Brother Qiang has a good eye.” Han Qingying and Qiu Yuqing praised at the same time.

Hao Qiang grinned and smiled proudly: “Well, you have a good eye too, you like me, haha.”

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