Hengxian No.2 Senior High School, referred to as Hengxian No.2 High School.

Hao Qiang’s high school alma mater.

Recently, the school leaders are busy preparing for the 10th anniversary of the school after the name change.

This school was originally just a junior high school, but after the reform, it became a full-time high school with about 2,000 students.

In terms of enrollment, No.2 High School has always been at a disadvantage.

Every year, the top 350 students with the best grades in the county are admitted to No.1 High School, and No.2 High School can only select from the remaining candidates.

This leads to a significant gap between No.2 High School and No.1 High School in terms of student quality, and the college entrance examination scores are also far apart.

Every year, there are very few students who can reach the admission line of key universities, and only dozens of people exceed the second-class line, including repeaters.

The education level of Hengxian is relatively backward in the whole province.

Taking the 600-point line segment as an example, the achievement rate of students in Hengxian is only half of the provincial average.

The college entrance examination scores of the neighboring Binxian and Wuxian counties are much better than those of Hengxian, but the economic differences among the three are not big.

In the past few years, after Hao Qiang came out of nowhere, people in the county began to realize the importance of education and paid more attention to their children’s studies.

Since the second high school was established not long ago, the first batch of graduates, especially those who went to college, have only been in the workplace for a few years and have achieved nothing.

This makes it difficult for the school to raise funds through alumni donations.

The school wants to hold a school anniversary, but there is no money to hold a big one.

Just hang a banner, make some decorations, and celebrate.

Hao Jianjun once donated 1 million yuan to the second high school on behalf of his son Hao Qiang.

This fund is mainly used to install air conditioners in classrooms and improve students’ learning environment.

There are more than 30 classrooms in the school, as well as teachers’ offices, electricity reserves, and outstanding student reward funds. More than half of the one million yuan has been spent.

There are accounts for how the money is spent, and school leaders dare not be greedy. Principal Zhang submits detailed account reports to Hao Jianjun every year to show the transparency of the use of funds.

In fact, Principal Zhang just hopes to continue to receive donations.

There are selfish motives, but they are all for the school.

In contrast, Hao Qiang’s junior high school had problems with the use of funds.

School leaders misappropriated donations, and less than half of the funds were actually used for students.

For example, a public toilet project that claimed to cost more than 200,000 yuan actually spent less than 100,000 yuan.

This incident made Hao Jianjun very angry, saying that he would never donate money to the junior high school again, and he also told Hao Qiang about it.

“Principal, is Hao Qiang really coming back to attend the school anniversary?” A vice principal asked Zhang Senbao with a little surprise.

Principal Zhang, who is nearly 60 years old, laughed heartily: “Really, two weeks ago, when I invited him, he said that it depends on the situation and he may not be able to get away.

He is usually very busy, studying and doing scientific research, otherwise how can he expand his business.

The media reported that he stayed in the laboratory all day to lead the scientific research team, which is actually really busy.

However, just yesterday afternoon, he called me personally and said that he would come back to attend the school anniversary and was expected to arrive home today.”

If Hao Qiang can attend, it will undoubtedly be a great honor for the second high school.

“If Hao Qiang can really attend, it will be a great event.” The vice president said happily.

“Yes, this school anniversary must be done properly and thoughtfully.” Principal Zhang nodded solemnly.

“So, do we need to increase the funds?” The vice president asked tentatively.

“Oh, we can’t increase it.” Principal Zhang shook his head decisively, “Hao Qiang is young and promising, and he must hate bureaucracy.

We can’t spend money on superficial work.

He is young, but he has extraordinary insight and is not stupid.

If I see that the school is obviously stretched but wasteful and doing superficial work, I will also be unhappy.

Let’s proceed according to the original plan, strive for simplicity, but ensure neatness and order.

The most important thing is that it cannot affect normal teaching, and students have to go to class as usual.”

“The principal has a good idea!” The vice president praised sincerely.

At this time, it was more than ten o’clock in the afternoon.

Hao Qiang returned to his hometown in a Rolls-Royce Phantom.

Eight months passed quickly, and country villas sprang up like mushrooms after rain.

The villagers recognized the familiar car at a glance and knew that Hao Qiang was back.

As soon as Hao Qiang got off the car, he caught a glimpse of a future ES6 waiting in the parking shed in the yard. It seemed that his father had driven the car back.

Inside the house, the family was busy preparing a sumptuous lunch, looking forward to Hao Qiang’s return.

“I heard that you can come home at noon. Your mother killed chickens and ducks early in the morning.” Hao Jianjun was delighted to see his son, and then he introduced the progress of the industrial park like a subordinate reporting work, “I went to the industrial park this morning to see the construction of the second phase of the factory. The construction is quite fast. In just four months, the main frame has been completed.”This auto parts factory, which has an investment of 500 million yuan and covers an area of ​​about 200 acres, will create nearly 1,000 jobs after completion.

The first phase is an electric motorcycle parts factory, which has been in operation for nearly a year.

Hao Qiang smiled and said, “Well, the lemon duck at home is still delicious.”

“Why don’t you bring a few green-headed ducks when you go to Yuecheng.” His father suggested.

“Dad, forget it, it’s too troublesome. There are also some in the company cafeteria, but the taste is a bit worse.” Hao Qiang waved his hand to refuse, “It’s satisfying to try it occasionally, and you will get tired of it if you eat too much.”

“Then it’s up to you.” Hao Jianjun replied with a smile.

Given his son’s situation, there is nothing he wants to eat.

Besides, he has no time to take care of these trivial matters.

The next day,

his cousin held a 100-day banquet for his son.

He set up several tables of banquets at home and invited brothers and relatives to attend.

In this place, the 100-day banquet for children has always been simple, and few people choose to hold it in a hotel.

Usually it is a lunch, where relatives and friends get together and chat.

Gifts are mostly clothes and shoes, most of which are for one or two years old, not too expensive.

Hao Qiang doesn’t care much about gift giving, and everything is arranged by his parents.

“Brother Qiang, your nephew hasn’t been named yet, so I plan to let you, a doctor, name him.” Hao Jian laughed, found his cousin, and patted Hao Qiang on the shoulder.

Hao Qiang smiled bitterly: “How can I name him?”

The cousin’s wife came over with her son in her arms and said: “My uncle has the highest education and the greatest achievements in the family. It’s best to be named by my uncle, and it’s also a blessing for my nephew.”

Wang Chu was unwilling to name her father-in-law.

Looking at the name “Hao Jian” given to her husband, it feels like a homonym of “so cheap”.

If things go wrong, her husband will name his son “Hao Ren”, “Hao Huai”, “Hao She”, “Hao Han”, “Hao Xiao” and so on.

“Okay, I have to think about it carefully.” Hao Qiang felt a little embarrassed and took on this arduous task.

Naming is really not his strong point.

Friends and relatives around him also think that it is best to let Hao Qiang name his nephew.

Hao Qiang thought seriously, took the pen and paper from his cousin, and spread the paper flat on the table.

After pondering for a moment, he picked up the pen and wrote three lines of words:

Hao Yuxuan: It means the universe is vast and talented;

Hao Zimo: It means brilliant writing, as profound as ink;

Hao Zeyu: It means grace is widespread, as vast as the universe.

“I will provide three names, you can choose it yourself.” After Hao Qiang finished writing, he handed the paper to his cousin.

Naming is too difficult, and everyone has their own preferences.

What he thinks is good may not be agreed by others.

The cousin took a look and praised: “My brother’s talent is amazing. All three names are good. I don’t know which one to choose.”

“Then you can have two more sons, isn’t it?” Hao Qiang joked, causing the surrounding relatives and friends to laugh.

Speaking of which, Hao Jian himself has no cultural background, so he still has to discuss with his wife Wang Chu.

In the end, the two chose “Hao Yuxuan”.

Liu Fengqing saw that Hao Jian already had a son, and his son had two girlfriends, neither of whom was active, so she started nagging him again.

“Mom, I will try my best to let you hold your grandson as soon as possible.” Hao Qiang had to perfunctorily.

As he was talking, he received a call from Qiu Yuqing.

“Brother Qiang, I may be pregnant. That has stopped for more than ten days.” Qiu Yuqing was a little worried. She didn’t know if Brother Qiang would be angry if she wanted a child so early.

“Wife, this is great news. My mother is urging me to have a grandson.” Hao Qiang laughed, “I will attend the school celebration tomorrow and come back the day after tomorrow. You have to take good care of yourself. Uh, let’s ask your mother to come over.”

Qiu Yuqing heard this and felt Hao Qiang’s joy from the phone, and she was relieved.

“Then I’ll do an early pregnancy self-test first. I’ll know if it’s true after the results come out.”

“Well, that’s good. You have to be careful. I’m so happy, really, haha.”

“Okay, I’ll pay attention.” Qiu Yuqing replied happily. After chatting for a few words, she hung up the phone.

Liu Fengqing saw her son was very happy and asked, “What’s the matter?”

“Yuqing may be pregnant. We’ll know after the examination.” Hao Qiang laughed, “Mom, you see, I don’t have to work hard. This thing came naturally.”

“Ah, great news, double happiness today.” Liu Fengqing smiled crookedly and told Hao Qiang a lot of precautions.

Hao Qiang listened for a long time, frowning. He should have told his mother earlier, and she kept nagging him.

However, he was very happy in his heart.

He, Hao Qiang, might really have a child.

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