On November 20, 2009, Future Technology Group, together with well-known automobile companies such as BYD, Qiancheng, Qirui, and Qian’an, jointly announced that a discussion meeting on new energy vehicle charging technology standards will be held at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in Pengcheng on December 1, 2009. The core goal of this meeting is to formulate a unified new energy vehicle charging standard. In fact, this meeting is an important industry gathering led by Future Technology Group and strongly supported by the industrial sector. The main framework of the charging standard has been compiled by Future Technology Group, and this discussion meeting aims to make final discussions and improvements on some details. Participating in this meeting means support for this charging standard and also shows the willingness to cooperate with Future Technology Group. It is worth noting that this charging standard has been supported at the national level, which undoubtedly greatly enhances its authority and influence. Once this standard is recognized by the country, other automakers will need to follow this technical standard when designing charging interfaces, just like the unified specifications of electrical plugs. Of course, this is not a mandatory requirement. Auto companies can still choose not to adopt Future Technology Group’s charging technology, but for the sake of industry development and user convenience, unifying domestic charging standards is undoubtedly the best choice.

At the same time, if a company has more advanced charging technology, it can continue to develop and improve it.

This open and inclusive attitude is conducive to promoting technological progress in the entire industry.

More importantly, the country is actively promoting this new energy vehicle charging standard to become an international standard.

If successful, it will bring huge international influence and voice to my country’s new energy vehicle industry, which will help Chinese companies occupy a more advantageous position in the global market.

This standardization initiative not only reflects the industry leadership of Future Technology Group, but also demonstrates the country’s high attention and forward-looking layout for the development of the new energy vehicle industry.

Other joint venture car companies may be unhappy, but Future Auto has taken the lead in developing new energy vehicles and has achieved success, attracted many allies, and received national support, so it can only send people to participate.

The general trend has been established and it is difficult to change.

Liu Tie, chairman of the joint venture Baoma Automobile Company, was indeed very unhappy after receiving the invitation letter from the industrial department: “Why should Future Automobile Company dominate? There are so many state-owned automobile companies, which one is not better than Future Automobile?”

Liu Tie certainly does not think that the joint venture Baoma is definitely better than Future Automobile. In some aspects, he admits it.

The joint venture Baoma was established in 2003, and its annual sales last year were tens of thousands of vehicles.

The sales volume in the first half of this year increased significantly year-on-year, but since the launch of Future ES6, Baoma Automobile’s sales have plummeted.

So, Liu Tie hates Hao Qiang, but he has to admit that he is better than him.

It’s just that he feels sour in his heart, but he refuses to admit defeat.

State-owned automobile companies, such as FAW-Volkswagen, may sell about 650,000 vehicles this year.

Of course, in terms of the profit margin of a single vehicle, Future Automobile beats FAW-Volkswagen again.

Low publicity costs, no 4S stores to share profits, low independent R&D costs for production lines, national policy subsidies, and high pricing…

Generally speaking, the overall profit margin of domestic automobile brands is between 5% and 10%.

High-end brands or best-selling models may reach about 15%.

These days, the profit margin of automobiles is higher. A domestic car priced at 150,000 yuan has a profit of about 10,000 yuan for the car company.

Half of the profits of these joint venture car companies are taken away by foreign capital.

Alas, there is not much left.

And Future Auto Company is estimated to make a profit of 200,000 yuan for selling a standard Future ES6, which is equivalent to selling 20 Volkswagens.

So, Future Auto Company’s profit margin is much higher than FAW-Volkswagen.

Of course, FAW also has high-end brands such as Audi.

But the profit of FAW-Volkswagen’s annual sales of 650,000 vehicles can be matched by Future Auto Company only by selling 50,000 Future ES6s.

A few days later,

At the Grand Hyatt Hotel in Pengcheng, domestic automobile companies sent senior executives to participate in the standard setting meeting.

At nine o’clock in the morning, the meeting was held in the hotel’s conference room, and the participants received a draft of the new energy vehicle charging standard.

After the meeting began, the leaders of the industrial sector gave a speech, describing the significance of the formulation of this standard.

Hao Qiang came and said something on the stage, supporting the unification of new energy vehicle charging standards.

Generally speaking, the formulation of technical standards does not require these big figures to come forward. Generally, technical personnel participate, and each company is responsible for a part, or discusses together.

However, the new energy vehicle charging standard is of great significance.

If the car companies do not unify the charging standards, they will play their own games and waste public resources.

Next, firstVoting signature, those who agree can stay, those who disagree can leave.

In the end, representatives of all car companies agreed.

The discussion of the next technical details may take one or two days. It doesn’t matter if the big guys don’t listen or participate, just wait for the official standard to be issued.

Hao Qiang also left, and someone from the company presided over it.

Two days later,

“GB/T 18487 National Standard for Electric Vehicle Charging” (Trial) was officially promulgated, and the content is more detailed than the standards of later generations.

Future Technology Group has the design drawings of the appearance of the charging pile. If you want it, you do have to spend money, but the price is not expensive, and there is no need to spend money to design it yourself.

However, if you need to obtain a complete charging technology license, the cost will be high.

Most automobile companies such as Qiancheng, Qirui, and Qian’an have expressed their willingness to cooperate with Future Automobile Company if they enter the field of new energy vehicles.

The formulation of this standard undoubtedly gives Future Automobile Company an advantage.

The charging technology licensing fee is 0.5% of the car price (plug-in hybrid cars are discounted). If the average selling price is 200,000 yuan, the technology licensing fee is 1,000 yuan.

1 million new energy vehicles, that’s 1 billion yuan.

In 2023, Huaguo’s new energy vehicle sales will reach about 9.603 million units, of which pure electric vehicles will sell about 7.217 million units.

If most car companies use the charging technology of Future Auto, Future Auto can get tens of billions of yuan in technology licensing fees every year.

Of course, the protection period of technology patents is only 20 years, but the income in these 20 years is considerable.

Maybe Future Auto will upgrade its charging technology, and it will be a new round of harvest.

Therefore, the early investment of 5 billion yuan in the construction of charging piles is insignificant in comparison.

In addition, it will also bring considerable marginal benefits.

If other car companies can see through Hao Qiang’s strategic layout, they will surely compete for a share.

However, by the time they realized it, the situation was already determined, and they could only sigh at the lucrative profits of Future Cars.

“Damn it, selling cars is not as profitable as selling technology!”

“Hey, if I had known earlier, why would I make cars? I would just focus on charging technology.”

The senior executives of the car companies would probably secretly curse Hao Qiang for being a thief.

Of course, Future Technology Group took the lead in developing new energy vehicles, and formulated charging standards. It was the first to take the lead and invest so much in charging piles.

Even if car companies later develop more advanced charging technology, they will not be able to change.

Future Technology Group controls a large number of charging piles, and charging technology alone is useless.

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