This year, the annual meeting of Future Technology Group was held in Pengcheng.

This means that it is inconvenient for Yuecheng employees to attend.

For them, it doesn’t matter whether the annual meeting is held or not, but the annual meeting activities cannot be lacking.

The group has no shortage of reward funds for the annual meeting activities, and Hao Qiang signed and agreed to it. This has become a routine of the company.

At four o’clock in the afternoon,

the annual meeting began,

the venue was in a large training classroom, where the new car launch was held, which was much more comfortable than on the basketball court, and it was so warm indoors.

Today, the number of Pengcheng employees is about 8,500, and all participated in this annual meeting.

At this time, all participants have taken their seats in an orderly manner.

When the time was almost up, the group chairman Hao Qiang and other senior executives walked to their seats on the stage.

Reporters from several media and several Pengcheng government leaders also came to the scene.

HR manager Qiu Xueya announced the official start of the annual meeting and extended New Year’s blessings to all employees present.

“Last year, the number of employees in the group reached 16,150, including 8,450 employees of Renjian Fireworks Catering Company.

In February 2009, Renjian Fireworks Catering Company was separated from the group in order to raise funds for listing.

This year, the number of employees in our group has reached 15,000, and the proportion of R&D personnel has reached 32.2%, transforming into a intensive technology-based enterprise.

In the next few years, the proportion of R&D personnel in the group will increase.

On November 12, 2009, the senior leaders visited our company…”

Qiu Xueya spoke in detail, elaborating on the development and changes in the scale of the group and the government honors it has received.

In the past year, the group has undergone earth-shaking changes.

After Qiu Xueya’s report, the general managers of the group took turns to report on their work.

Lin Yan, general manager of Future Motorcycle Company, began to speak: “In 2008, Future Motorcycle Company sold a total of 2.301 million electric motorcycles.

In 2009, our company’s electric motorcycles were still in short supply, with total sales climbing to 2.5 million units and total revenue of about 8.8 billion yuan.

Future Motorcycle has been the domestic electric motorcycle sales champion for three consecutive years…”

The chairman disagreed with adding production lines, personnel and factory buildings, so Lin Yan had to find another way to increase production capacity, such as optimizing equipment, improving production efficiency, working overtime, and increasing the proportion of exports.

When Lin Yan finished his report, the employees in the audience still applauded warmly.

Although the group is no longer focusing on the electric motorcycle industry, its contribution cannot be underestimated.

For peers, such revenue and profit margins are undoubtedly enviable.

However, for Future Technology Group, it will continue to operate if it is profitable, and will be eliminated decisively once it is unprofitable.

Just like Renjian Fireworks Catering Company, it is no longer part of the core business scope of Future Technology Group.

The strategic positioning of the group is very clear. Those who can enter its system must be high-tech industries.

The chairman has told the group employees that they must have a spirit of reform and innovation that keeps pace with the times, is enterprising, diligent in exploration, and courageous in practice.

The company provides a platform for training and learning. If you are not adaptable, you will really be eliminated at that time.

Future Technology Group does not have a last-place elimination system, but if you are not suitable for a new position, you can only be assigned to an unimportant position or leave.

After Lin Yan finished his report, Wang He, general manager of Galaxy New Energy Company, reported:

“In 2009, Galaxy New Energy Company completed an annual production capacity of 15GWh, a year-on-year increase of 10.95GWh;

Revenue was 14.35 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 10.975 billion yuan…”

This year, due to the listing of new energy vehicles, automotive lithium batteries have increased significantly, and Galaxy New Energy Company’s revenue has soared.

Then, Luo Hao from Future New Energy Vehicle Company reported:

“Thanks to the support and assistance of all subsidiaries of the group, the group’s first car, Future ES6, was launched nationwide on September 1, 2009.

In three months, a total of 81,544 Future ES6s were sold, with sales reaching 38.26 billion yuan, and taxes paid to the country of about 1.66 billion yuan.”

As soon as Luo Hao reported the revenue, many employees on the scene exclaimed.

More than 80,000 vehicles were sold in three months, with revenue of nearly 40 billion yuan, which is too scary.

As for the 1.66 billion yuan in taxes, most colleagues are not very clear. Some employees only know that Pengcheng Company has a three-exempt and three-half-reduction policy for corporate income tax.

In fact, 1.66 billion yuan is mainly composed of several parts:

1. Value-added tax: The value-added tax rate in the automotive industry is usually 17% (13% from April 1, 2019).

[Tip: From January 20 to December 31, 2009, passenger cars with a displacement of 1.6 liters or less will enjoy a reduced tax rate of 7.5%.】

[Pure electric vehicle policy: tax refund ratio is 100% (pay first and then refund)]

Assuming that the deductible input tax accounts for about 70% of the output tax, the VAT to be paid is approximately:

Sales * 13% * (1-70%) = 1.49 billion yuan

This VAT will eventually be refunded to Future Technology Group.

2. Consumption tax: Automobile consumption tax is usually levied at the automobile retail stage, not at the production stage.

As a producer, the OEM generally does not pay consumption tax directly.

However, Future Technology Group has direct stores, so it needs to pay this tax.

Generally speaking, traditional fuel vehicles need to pay consumption tax, and the tax rate varies according to the displacement, generally between 1%-40%, with an average of 5%.

According to the policy, new energy vehicles are exempt from consumption tax.

3. Urban maintenance and construction tax: usually 7% of the total value-added tax and consumption tax:

(1.49 billion + 0 billion) * 7% = 104.3 million yuan

4. Education surcharge: usually 3% of the total value-added tax and consumption tax:

(1.49 billion + 0 billion) * 3% = 0.447 billion yuan

5. Local education surcharge: usually 2% of the total value-added tax and consumption tax:

(1.49 billion + 0 billion) * 2% = 0.298 billion yuan

Total: 1.6688 billion yuan

In fact, if the tax refund is included, only 178.8 million yuan in taxes need to be paid.

It’s really low!

I have to say that the national policy is good.

Otherwise, even if there is no need to pay corporate income tax in the first three years, if fuel vehicles are produced, and all of them are above 1.6 liters, it is estimated that it will be 24.64% of revenue, about 9.4272 billion yuan.

Tsk tsk, this tax is really horrible.

If you calculate it, your peers will be really jealous.

No wonder private car factories are rushing to enter the new energy vehicle industry.

However, due to various factors, the joint venture factories have been much slower.

None of the general managers of the three subsidiaries announced their actual profits.

I dare not announce it. The group is now exempt from corporate income tax, and the after-tax profit is too high.

After Luo Hao finished his report, it was Liu Yixiang’s turn to report from Future Intelligent Technology Company.

The car system Future 1.0 and the controller system were developed by this company, and Future Motorcycle Company and Future Automobile Company need to pay for them.

These systems have to be calculated at cost.

Liu Yixiang did not report his income, there is nothing to report.

When calculating the total revenue of the group, this part of the revenue will not be calculated, otherwise there will be repeated calculations.

Next, it is the Guangxi Future Motorcycle Company and the Guangxi Future Automobile Company to report.

These two subsidiaries in other provinces had a revenue of about 1 billion yuan last year.

Most of the 1 billion yuan in revenue came from orders from the group headquarters, so there was duplication when calculating the group’s total revenue.

Therefore, in 2009, the group’s revenue was about 61.6 billion yuan.

As for the actual net profit after tax, only the group’s top management knows it, which is about 26.3 billion yuan.

With so many investments in fixed assets, the amount announced to the public is definitely not that much.

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