At 10:30 in the morning, Qiu Yuqing called Hao Qiang and told him that her aunt had arrived and asked him to go to the Bi’an Coffee Shop near the east gate of the school.

Hao Qiang took the information and walked over.

After a while, Hao Qiang met Qiu Yuqing and a graceful young woman at booth No. 8 in the coffee shop.

The young woman had delicate and decent makeup and a delicate bun. The emerald green jade pendant on her neck further highlighted her extraordinary temperament.

Qiu Yuqing held her aunt’s arm affectionately and introduced Hao Qiang: “Hao Qiang, this is my aunt, surnamed Lin.”

Hao Qiang stretched out his right hand and smiled gently: “Hello, Sister Lin.”

“Sister Lin?”

Lin Nan was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and couldn’t help but look at the calm young man in front of him. A trace of admiration flashed in his eyes, and he smiled, “Hello, you are really good at talking, no wonder Yuqing praised you so much.”

Qiu Yuqing blinked: “Aunt, Hao Qiang is really excellent, this is not just me who admits, but thousands of freshmen.”

Hao Qiang said modestly: “Senior sister, you are too kind.”

Qiu Yuqing secretly stuck out her tongue at Hao Qiang. In the past two days, they have rolled in bed countless times, but in front of outsiders, they still pretended not to be familiar with each other.

After the two sides exchanged greetings, they sat down and talked about some hot topics.

After taking a few sips of coffee, Lin Nan saw that Hao Qiang was not arrogant or impatient, and did not ask about the song at all, which made her a little anxious.

“Student Hao, we are planning to purchase the full copyright of your songs. Is my bid too low?” Lin Nan asked tentatively.

“No, Sister Lin’s bid is very generous. It’s not a matter of money.” Hao Qiang smiled and said politely. In the end, it’s still a matter of money.

“Well, I heard from Yuqing that you have two other songs.”

Lin Nan felt that the negotiation was at a disadvantage after hearing what the young man said.

How much money can a student have on hand unless he has a rich family?

“Yes, in addition to “Yu Xi Tan”, there are these two songs.” Hao Qiang put the music scores of “Has Anyone Told You” and “Cao Cao” on the table.

The copyright of these three songs has been applied for.

“Has Anyone Told You” was released in 2007, and “Cao Cao” was released in 2006. They were both extremely popular songs at the time, and their ringtones were also very popular.

The system rewarded these three songs that have not yet been released, which is a pleasant surprise for Hao Qiang.

Lin Nan, as a veteran in the music industry, took the score with curiosity.

She knew the quality of a song very well, and could tell a little from the melody and lyrics alone.

Some songs, just listening to them once, can make people intoxicated and never get tired of listening to them.

After she tried to sing them in a low voice, she admired Hao Qiang’s talent very much.

She found that these songs not only had beautiful melodies, but also had profound lyrics, which were undoubtedly excellent works.

“It’s a pity that you don’t enter the entertainment industry.” Lin Nan sighed, regretting Hao Qiang’s decision, and then said, “Yuqing said that you only plan to grant the performance rights of the song, mainly talking about mobile phone ringtones, how do you want to cooperate?”

“I don’t plan to charge the performance rights of the song.” Hao Qiang said calmly, only selling the performance rights, there is no money.

The song will be handed over to Lin Nan’s company for operation, and the more popular the song, the better.

But a part of the income must be released, otherwise it will be a work without effort, and the other party will not be good, so it is better not to sell it.

In other words, if the song becomes popular, Hao Qiang will get more income, instead of the previous sell-out price of 100,000 yuan.

After listening to Lin Nan, she was not willing to accept such a condition if she only got the right to use the song and used the company’s resources for operation.

The two sides had a disagreement on the issue of income distribution and launched a heated discussion.

Finally, Hao Qiang threw out a bet agreement on the income of mobile phone ringtones.

If the income is less than one million yuan in the year, it will be divided into 50-50;

If it exceeds one million yuan, but less than three million yuan, it will be divided into 40-60, and Hao Qiang will take the majority;

If it exceeds three million yuan, it will be divided into 30-70, and Hao Qiang will still take the majority.

The income mentioned is before tax.

In terms of original singer MV, distribution rights, broadcasting rights, information network dissemination rights, filming rights, etc., the two sides will share 70-30, and Hao Qiang will take the minority.

For example, if the record sells 100,000 copies, the income after deducting the production cost will be about one million yuan, and Hao Qiang will take 30%, that is, 300,000 yuan.

He doesn’t care how much the operating cost is, because it is extremely difficult to calculate the account clearly. He doesn’t know if someone reports false accounts.

If Hao Qiang personally uses it to operate and earns profits, 100% of the profits belong to Hao Qiang personally and have nothing to do with Lin Nan’s company.

After all, the copyright of the song still belongs to Hao Qiang.

If Lin Nan didn’t value these three songs very much and it is very likely to make one or two artists popular, she would not have agreed to Hao Qiang’s outrageous.

Song operation requires a lot of manpower, material resources, and money, and it is very likely to lose money.

If the song really becomes popular, it will be a win-win situation for both parties.

If the song is not popular, Hao Qiang will not lose much, but Lin Nan’s company will definitely lose some money.

After the two parties negotiated, Lin Nan took out his laptop, modified the prepared agreement on the spot, and then printed it at a nearby copy shop.

After preparation, the two parties formally signed the contract and Lin Nan stamped the official seal.

During the entire negotiation process, Qiu Yuqing remained silent and did not interrupt, but in her heart she admired Hao Qiang’s negotiation ability.

Her aunt was very good at talking, but she still lost to Hao Qiang’s strength.

After completing the relevant matters, Hao Qiang left the coffee shop.

Qiu Yuqing sent him a text message, saying that she would accompany her aunt.

According to the agreement between the two parties, at the beginning of each month, Lin Nan’s company will send the previous month’s operation report to Hao Qiang by email.

Once the income is generated, after deducting the taxes payable, the remaining part will be remitted to Hao Qiang’s bank account on time in the middle of the month.

In addition, if Hao Qiang is interested, he can visit the company in Shenzhen at any time.

During the three-year license period, if the income of the song fails to meet the expected standards, Hao Qiang has the right to withdraw the independent authorization of the three songs to ensure that his work will not be wasted.

According to the agreement between the two parties, the three songs must be launched within four months, not without a time limit.

At around four o’clock in the afternoon, Lin Nan left Yuecheng. The company will use its own resources and experience to formulate a comprehensive promotion plan for the three songs, including online and offline publicity, cooperation with music platforms, and performance arrangements for artists.

Hao Qiang believes that the three songs will definitely shine in the market, and he is very much looking forward to it.

After settling the matters of the songs, he plans to start renting a shop to prepare for the opening of his first hot pot restaurant.

Every entrepreneur is full of passion and expectations before opening.

Just a few steps away from the cafe, Hao Qiang received an unexpected text message.

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