The next morning,

Hao Qiang carried his computer bag and rode his bicycle out of the dormitory building.

It would take about ten minutes to walk to the classroom, and he squeezed in time to gain experience, so he didn’t plan to walk with his roommates.

His roommates saw him riding a bicycle away, and they showed surprise on their faces:

“Brother Qiang is calm and has even bought a bicycle!”

“It’s a new mountain bike, so damn luxurious.”

“Our school is too big, it’s more convenient to buy a bicycle.”

During this time, everyone saw that most of the seniors rode bicycles to class. They originally planned to buy one after a while, but seeing that Hao Qiang was ready, the idea of ​​buying a bicycle became more intense.

Along the way, Hao Qiang saw many students greet him, and he responded with a smile.

“He is the campus singing god, quite handsome, riding a new bike and carrying a computer bag, it seems that his family is quite rich.” A freshman whispered to the classmate next to him.

During the performance, their class was far from the stage, and she was nearsighted, so she couldn’t see Hao Qiang’s appearance clearly.

“Yeah, I didn’t expect that he would be even more handsome when I saw him up close!” the girl next to her echoed, especially Hao Qiang’s riding posture was very cool.

Hao Qiang came to the classroom, waited for ten minutes, and then started the class.

Advanced Mathematics 1 was quite boring, and the teacher was a middle-aged professor.

As soon as the first class was over, the professor walked out of the classroom and immediately took out a cigarette from his pocket and lit it. It can be seen that his teaching was also boring.

When the bell for the second class rang, he couldn’t help lighting a cigarette, took a puff, and then walked into the classroom and said very sincerely: “Students, I have to be honest. I have become accustomed to smoking in class. I feel uncomfortable without a cigarette in my hand.

I am here to say sorry to the students. In the future, I may occasionally take out cigarettes to smoke in my class. Please don’t be offended.

Also, please ask the students who are close to the podium to sit back a little, thank you.”

After speaking, he bowed slightly to the students to express his apology.

The students saw that the professor was very authentic and sincere, and applauded. Some boys shouted:

“Professor, smoke if you like.”

“Professor, I want to smoke too. What kind of cigarettes do you smoke?”

“Teacher, take care of yourself.”

Other students couldn’t help laughing when they heard what these boys said.

After hearing what the student said, the professor leisurely exhaled a puff of cigarette, and then smiled gently: “Students should not smoke. It is harmful to health and burns cigarettes. Once you smoke, you will get addicted.

Alas, I can’t quit. Cigarettes are all cheap cigarettes.”

The professor mentioned his smoking addiction lightly, as if he was making fun of himself, and then knocked on the podium:

“Okay, let’s start the class. This class is still about limits, and we will talk about L’Hôpital’s rule. When x→a, limf(x)/g(x)=limf'(x)/g'(x)…”

As the professor spoke, the blackboard was gradually covered with dense limit formulas, and at the same time, he talked about how to apply them in practice.

Hao Qiang copied the book while listening.

Especially the practical application that the professor talked about, full of practical experience, which can’t be learned from books.

The first class in college may not be as exciting and fresh as Hao Qiang imagined, but he gained a lot.

However, he keenly observed the concentration and dedication of nearly 100 students in two classes.

No one dozed off or chatted in class. Everyone listened attentively and took notes diligently.

Even Fei Yang, who was usually lively and active, stopped laughing and listened attentively to the teacher’s explanation. Only during the break did he regain his unique liveliness and agility.

This is the charm of Sun Yat-sen University.

Here, the academic atmosphere is strong and the desire for knowledge is strong.

The enthusiasm and hard work of the students around him are like an invisible force, inspiring everyone to keep moving forward.

Hao Qiang deeply felt the influence of this atmosphere.

After two math classes, Hao Qiang left the classroom and prepared to ride his bike to the first teaching building.

When he went to the car shed to pick up the car, he accidentally found a note under the saddle.

He curiously opened the note, which read: “Student Hao Qiang, my QQ number is 1764***, can you add me to get to know me?”

“Who could it be?”

Hao Qiang couldn’t help but fall into deep thought, wondering who the mysterious messager was.

If it was a normal social interaction, the other party would probably ask him for his QQ number directly in person.

So, he guessed that it was most likely a shy girl.

Hao Qiang looked around, and there were students picking up their bikes all around him. He didn’t throw the note away directly.

When he was almost at the first teaching building on his bike, he threw the piece of paper into the trash can on the side of the road.

He really didn’t want to mess with girls anymore.

HaoQiang walked into classroom 313 and found several students from other classes sitting there studying.

As his classmates entered the classroom one after another, they quickly packed up their books and left classroom 313.

The scene of college classes is like a continuous banquet. After students finish their meal in this classroom, they have to rush to the next classroom to continue the next academic feast.

During class, Hao Qiang finished half of his math homework, and now he has done some more.

Fei Yang found that he was doing his homework and was almost done, and couldn’t help exclaiming: “Damn, Uncle Qiang, the teacher just assigned it, and you have finished it!”

The classmates around him also looked over curiously, so they took out their homework books and started writing.

Fei Yang wrote for a while, took Hao Qiang’s book: “Learn from it.”

“Are you sure you didn’t copy it?” Hao Qiang said with contempt, pulling the corner of his mouth.

Fei Yang said confidently: “Can the work of intellectuals be called plagiarism?”

After a while, Qin Jian walked into the classroom and stood on the podium. He quickly scanned the students in the classroom. After confirming that they were all present, he said straight to the point: “Let me talk about one thing, that is, the candidates for the class committee of your class.

This semester, the class committee will be appointed by me;

And next semester, you will run for election.

After the class committee is determined, I will communicate directly with the class committee for any future notices, and the class committee will then convey them to the whole class.

Under university, unlike middle school, class committee members will take on more responsibilities and serve the class.

Of course, serving as a class committee member, in addition to being able to exercise one’s own abilities, can add comprehensive points, and have more advantages in running for college and school student union cadres…”

The students who were interested in running for class cadres in the audience couldn’t help but feel a little nervous when listening to the counselor’s words.

After waiting for so many days, the moment they had been waiting for finally came.

However, to their surprise, the first class committee appointment was not produced through election, but was directly appointed by the counselor.

This made them feel somewhat helpless, and they could only pin their hopes on luck and hope that they would be selected.

On the stage, Qin Jian glanced at the students below the stage again.

During this period of time, he roughly understood the situation of the students in the class and which students were more suitable to be cadres.

“Life committee member, Zhang Li.”

“Cultural and sports committee member, Li Yunfeng.”

“Study committee member, Luo Zhen.”

“League branch secretary, Zhang Kai.”

“Class monitor, Hao Qiang.” After Qin Jian made his announcement, he held up the majesty of a counselor and emphasized, “There are five class committee members in total. If you have any objections to the appointment, wait until next semester for your own election. Let’s decide it this way for now.”

As soon as the voice fell, a student immediately responded:

“No objection!”

“I admire Hao Qiang the most as class monitor. He has strong organizational and coordination skills, and he is also good at drinking.”

“Hao Qiang is good as class monitor, and Zhang Li is also good as life committee member.”

Hao Qiang didn’t expect Qin Jian to directly choose him as class monitor, but after thinking about it, he is famous and performs well, so it is reasonable to choose him.

However, he has to do business and may not have time to manage the affairs of the class.

But on second thought, managing the class is also a kind of management, and it can still exercise his management ability, so he is not so resistant in his heart.

Li Yunfeng was not disappointed with the result, and he could still guarantee it.

Before the military training, he was still confident that he would be the class monitor, but with the sudden appearance of Hao Qiang, he knew that if Hao Qiang planned to run for class monitor, it would definitely not be his turn.

Moreover, Zhang Kai and Zhang Li performed no worse than him.

There are many talents in the university, and you really can’t underestimate your classmates.

After Qin Jian’s announcement, he invited all class committee members to speak on stage.

The five people took turns to speak and briefly expressed their ideas and expectations.

After the speeches, they exchanged contact information for better cooperation in the future.

Then, Qin Jian left the classroom.

As soon as he left, the classroom immediately became lively.

Many students gathered around Hao Qiang and shouted excitedly:

“Class monitor, when will you organize another dinner?”

“Yes, dinner.”

“Class monitor, how can you start three things?”

“Haha, the first thing is to organize another dinner.”

Hao Qiang heard the students’ jokes, walked up to the podium, pressed his palms, and when everyone quieted down, he said with a smile:

“Thank you for your love and support. Since I have been elected as the class monitor, I hope to get your full help, support my work, and work together for the development of the class.”

The students applauded enthusiastically, and everyone was in the right place.

Hao Qiang paused and continued, “Next semester, due to personal reasons, I will not run for class committee.”

As soon as this was said, the classroom was immediately filled with discussions from the students.

Some students curiously asked him why, while those who planned to run for class monitor secretlySecretly happy.

Only because Hao Qiang does not run for class monitor, they have a chance. Otherwise, no one has a chance.

Hao Qiang continued, “We still have 50 yuan left from the last dinner, which will be included in the class fee and managed by Li Yunfeng.

As for the amount of class fee, it is difficult to satisfy everyone. We will announce it to everyone after discussing with several class committees.

It is OK to pay it well within this semester. There is no need to rush. Do you have any objection?”

The students in the audience said they had no objection and thought that he arranged it this way.

There are many poor students in the class, and it is very likely that they have some difficulties in paying the class fee, so the fee cannot be set too high.

Therefore, Hao Qiang’s consideration is very thoughtful, and he did not have a one-man show, which made everyone admire him.

“The class committee members will stay for a while, and we will discuss the class meeting fee together.” Hao Qiang added at last.

After speaking, he walked down the podium, and the other class committee members had nothing to say, so the class meeting ended.

Some students left the classroom because they had something to do, but most of the students stayed to study and do homework.

Several class committee members quickly agreed on the class fee, 20 yuan per person, and if it was not enough, they could pay later.

Hao Qiang continued to read in the classroom, and he and his classmates left the classroom when it was almost time for lunch.

“Hao Qiang, can you give me a ride?”

Hao Qiang had just pushed the car out of the carport when he suddenly heard a light voice that sounded familiar.

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