October 16, Saturday.

After three weeks of careful preparation, Hao Qiang’s “Human Fireworks” hot pot restaurant finally ushered in the opening day.

When it was almost ten o’clock in the morning, the staff put on uniform work clothes, and everyone’s face was filled with excited smiles.

Hao Qiang didn’t have many friends in Zhongda, so he invited five roommates. Qiu Yuqing brought Chen Yao and Xia He to come, and some classmates also came to support the opening.

As for Wu Hai and Han Qingying, they will come in the evening.

Hao Qiang was really afraid that Han Qingying would meet Qiu Yuqing. Qiu Yuqing seemed to have noticed something, but just pretended not to know, but Han Qingying was completely unaware.

At ten o’clock in the morning, as Hao Qiang personally cut the red ribbon symbolizing the opening, the hot pot restaurant officially opened for business.

All the staff, Hao Qiang’s classmates, Qiu Yuqing and others applauded enthusiastically.

Three days after the opening, the whole store will be 40% off!

Hao Qiang only launched this opening promotion, and other activities, such as membership system and group purchase promotion, were not released for the time being.

There was no flyer distribution or queuing.

He wanted to verify the recommendation effect of each activity, so that he would know in the future.

The unit price is high, and there is still a gross profit at 60% off.

Qiu Yuqing is a rich man, knowing that his classmates are poor, so she directly invited Hao Qiang’s classmates to eat hot pot together, and just occupied a private room.

She said generously: “Last time I had a free hot pot meal, and I said I would pay for it, but I got drunk. This time I will treat you.”

Being able to come to support is actually giving face to Hao Qiang, but Hao Qiang is embarrassed to charge them.

After all, today is a good day for opening, and it is not appropriate to treat guests for free. All VIPs who come are given a 50% discount, and a lot of dishes are given away. Although the unit price is high, it actually doesn’t cost much. In fact, it is just a symbolic charge for the cost.

After three days of opening, if the VIP brings friends here again, there will be a 30% discount. If there is no event, there will be no discount.

“Thank you, senior sister, then we will not be polite!”

At almost eleven o’clock, Liu Xian, who was invited, brought two female colleagues and presented a flower basket for the opening.

“Student Hao Qiang, I wish you a prosperous business. The hot pot restaurant is great and amazing!” Liu Xian looked at the hot pot restaurant in front of her with great surprise. She thought that Hao Qiang opened a traditional hot pot restaurant with a small area and spent tens of thousands of yuan to train.

But unexpectedly, the scale is quite large, the decoration style is very romantic, and the investment is estimated to be hundreds of thousands of yuan.

Tsk tsk, this local tyrant student!

The two young female teachers who followed were also extremely shocked. They couldn’t help but look at the students in the class that Liu Xian mentioned. They are only freshmen!

Hao Qiang stood at the door with a smile on his face, and went forward to greet and shake hands: “Thank you, Teacher Liu and all the teachers for coming to support us. Please come in.”

After that, Hao Qiang arranged a good seat by the window and personally poured tea for the three teachers.

Seeing Hao Qiang serving them like a waiter, Liu Xian showed an appreciative smile in her eyes and waved her hand: “Hao Qiang, go and do your own thing, don’t worry about us.”

“Okay, the three teachers are free to do as they please.”

Hao Qiang smiled and nodded, and called a young waiter, and solemnly explained: “This is a teacher from our school, a distinguished guest, please treat him well.”

After seeing Hao Qiang leave, a female teacher turned to Liu Xian and said with a giggle: “Liu Xian, your student is quite interesting.”

“Yeah, this student is indeed very interesting.” Liu Xian said slowly, and soon, her two colleagues couldn’t help laughing.

Outside the store, passers-by saw a newly opened hot pot restaurant with novel decoration, and they also came over curiously to take a look.

Manager Yang Qiuhong stood outside the store, personally soliciting customers and introducing the store’s features: “Ladies and gentlemen, our store has just opened. The ingredients in the store are all exquisitely selected. For example, the beef is freshly cut and guaranteed to be delicious… You can eat it with confidence. Of course, the price is slightly higher than other hot pot restaurants. After all, you get what you pay for.”

Some customers were scared away when they saw the price list. Even if there was a 40% discount, it felt more expensive than other hot pot restaurants.

But some customers don’t pay much attention to the price, so they look for hot pot restaurants with high-quality ingredients. When these customers eat beef hot pot, they are most afraid of eating inferior or fake beef, which is simply disgusting.

There are also some customers, such as couples, who like the neat and romantic dining environment of Renjian Fireworks. When they see the discount, they plan to try it.

Perhaps it is the factor of the 40% discount for the opening, the business is not hot, but it is not deserted either.

Two small private rooms, plus 20 four-person tables in the hall, at 12:30 noon, the table opening rate accounted for 70%

Of course, excluding those who came today, the actual opening rate is only 50%, and this is still the case with discounts.

However, lunch is hotThere are relatively few people who come to the hot pot, mainly for dinner.

For Hao Qiang, he is already very satisfied, and it depends on whether he can attract repeat customers.

According to the customer feedback collected by the waiter, customers gave high praise for the novel decoration style, high-quality service, good portion and unique taste of the hot pot.

The only thing that is not very satisfactory may be the unit price.

Some customers said that if the store can maintain such a discount, they are willing to patronize it often, but once the original price is restored, they may reconsider it.

At 1:30 in the afternoon, there were no customers in the store.

Hao Qiang and the store manager carefully calculated the accounts for today’s lunch. Excluding those who came to support, a total of 15 tables and 43 guests were received, with a total turnover of 1,035 yuan and an average consumption of 24 yuan per person.

Hao Qiang’s hot pot restaurant opened, and many colleagues came to watch.

However, when they saw the unit price on the menu, most of their peers couldn’t help but laugh secretly: “Who would come to eat when the unit price is so expensive?”

Of course, they didn’t mock in front of Hao Qiang, but after leaving, they couldn’t help but laugh.

The opinions of their peers were different. Some thought:

“It’s hard to say. Isn’t Muxiangyuan’s business quite good? The price difference is not big, and the decoration is very novel. If the taste is good, maybe the business can also pick up. The key is to see whether customers can be retained. Without repeat customers, the reputation is getting worse and worse, and the business will not last long.”

Some people are critical: “It cost a lot of money to decorate, and it seems that this is another prodigal son who doesn’t know how to run a business. Why not study hard and start a business! If my son did this, I would definitely break his legs!”

Some people praised Hao Qiang: “This student boss is quite powerful and has a unique vision.”

Meng Guan, the owner of Gongting Shuguo, which is positioned as a mid-range hot pot restaurant, Zhang Fu, the owner of Muxiangyuan, and Liu Gui, the owner of Yipinguo, all came to take a look at the opening.

After all, it is a competitor, and the decoration is very novel. I feel that Hao Qiang has a good vision. Maybe it will become popular, so we have to pay attention to it.

Three days of 60% discount, the discount is very large.

Seeing that Renjian Fireworks was doing well at noon, the three bosses became active.

Among them, Zhang Fu, the boss of Muxiangyuan, quickly asked the clerk to put up “To celebrate the anniversary, 30% discount for three days!” after returning to the store.

In fact, in the off-season, 45-year-old Zhang Fu often uses this trick, and he has long been familiar with it and knows its effect.

In his opinion, old customers don’t remember the anniversary. Even if they know, they only care about whether they have enjoyed the discount.

No matter how the Renjian Fireworks business is, they will suppress it if they can, and never miss any opportunity to weaken competitors.

Don’t be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of one.

Liu Gui, the owner of Yipin Hotpot, received a call from Zhang Fu. After chatting for a while, they decided to follow suit and launch the “Autumn event of our store, 30% discount for three days!”

Although Liu Gui and Zhang Fu are competitors, they both know that they cannot crush each other, so they simply join forces to suppress other competitors.

In contrast, Meng Guan, the owner of Gongting Shu Hotpot, did not take any action and did not offer any discounts.

Other low-end hotpot restaurants felt that they did not compete with the fireworks in the world, so they did not hold any activities and operated normally.

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