The next morning,

Hao Qiang embarked on the journey to class as usual.

Walking through the green campus, students around him greeted him warmly.

Another student asked him: “God of Songs, the song “Yu Xi Tan” was sold to others, and it is not as good as your singing.”

Hao Qiang did not expect that some students had noticed that his song had been released, so he had to smile and respond without explanation.

In November, the school held a job fair for graduates, and Hao Qiang was also paying attention to this matter.

This year, the number of graduates nationwide reached 2.8 million. According to relevant media surveys and reports, undergraduates generally expect a monthly salary of around 2,000 yuan.

However, this is only their ideal starting salary, and the reality is often more cruel.

Most undergraduates find it difficult to meet this requirement in the job market, and most of them have a monthly salary between 1,000 yuan and 2,000 yuan.

For excellent students, it is certainly not a problem to get a monthly salary of more than 3,000 yuan, or even more than 4,000 yuan, but such cases are only a few after all and cannot represent the overall situation.

Graduates of Zhongda University have no trouble finding jobs, and their starting salaries are higher than those of most undergraduates.

In the current era, the status of college students is still quite popular.

Ten years later, the number of graduates surged to more than seven million, and the employment situation became increasingly severe.

By then, the starting salary level was not much higher than that in 2004, but housing prices had soared several times.

College graduates born in the 1990s from rural areas will face employment difficulties, low starting salaries, and buying a house in a first-tier city will become an unattainable luxury.

And the generation born in the 1980s, if they do not buy a house early, may fall into the dilemma of difficulty in getting married.

Hao Qiang couldn’t help sighing when thinking about the high housing prices in a few years.

Step into the classroom, wait for a while, and start class.

During the break, Hao Qiang chatted with classmates around him in the classroom.

Suddenly, two boys who were not in the class walked towards him, attracting the attention of the classmates around him.

When approaching Hao Qiang, the boy walking in front of him greeted him very politely: “Hello, Boss Hao, we are cadres of the Publicity Department of the Student Union of the school. My name is Luo Hao and his name is Wang Xiaofei.”

Hao Qiang looked at the two visitors curiously and asked: “Hello, what can I do for you?”

Luo Hao’s face was full of smiles, and he explained: “It’s like this, the Publicity Department of the school plans to hold a campus calligraphy and painting competition. Due to the limited budget approved by the school Youth League Committee, we hope to get your sponsorship to make the event more grand. This is our proof.”

The surrounding students were a little surprised when they heard this. They didn’t expect that the cadres of the Student Union of the school asked Hao Qiang for sponsorship.

Well, all the students in the school knew that Hao Qiang was a super rich man. Most businessmen were not as rich as him. Moreover, Hao Qiang was a student of Zhongshan University, so maybe it would be easier to talk to him.

Hao Qiang took a piece of paper handed over by Luo Hao and glanced at the face on it. The paper was stamped with the official seal of the school Youth League Committee, which also proved that the identities of the two were indeed cadres of the Publicity Department.

The school also has an external relations department to solicit sponsorship for the student union and student activities. It is estimated that their department did not apply for much funds, after all, so many student union departments in the school have to organize activities.

Hao Qiang handed the certificate back, smiled easily, and asked, “How much do you need?”

Luo Hao was secretly happy to hear that Hao Qiang did not refuse, and replied respectfully, “The school only approved 600 yuan. According to our activity plan, we are actually short of 1,000 yuan.”

“Sponsorship is not a problem.” Hao Qiang nodded to show his understanding, and then said, “But my money is not blown by the wind. I will give you five minutes to give me a good reason.”

The classmates around heard Hao Qiang say this and felt it was reasonable.

Why can a student union cadre make Hao Qiang sponsor unconditionally with just one sentence?

If it is so easy, then won’t cadres from other departments come to him for sponsorship in the future?

One thousand yuan is not a small amount for students like them.

Luo Hao was a little surprised. Wang Xiaofei, who was standing next to him, didn’t expect Hao Qiang to be so unpleasant. He interrupted directly and tried to get sponsorship for the department:

“Boss Hao, you are also a student of Zhongda.

If you are willing to sponsor, the school leaders will definitely appreciate your good deeds more…”

Hao Qiang only heard two sentences, frowned, and interrupted the student cadre directly: “I am happy to do good things for the school, but it is not an obligation, and you can’t represent the school leaders.

If you take this reason outside, I’m afraid it will be laughed at by businesses.”

After Wang Xiaofei finished speaking, he seemed to realize that his words were inappropriate, so he lowered his posture and tried to explain: “Boss Hao, maybe I didn’t express it accurately enough.”
-The novel was taken from the (rolyz) website. Close where you’re reading it and support us on our website for more free novels-

“No, you haven’t figured out the situation yet.”

Hao Qiang smiled faintly and turned to Luo Hao, “You say it, your department only has one chance”

Wang Xiaofei was a little unconvinced, but Luo Hao quickly pulled him back and stopped him from talking.

Hao Qiang’s classmates listened to their conversation and couldn’t help laughing when they saw Hao Qiang speaking so strongly and controlling the two student union cadres.

But it was normal to think about it. Hao Qiang was managing a hot pot restaurant with about 20 employees.

“Boss Hao, my classmate’s statement was wrong. We apologize to you.” Luo Hao took a deep breath, bowed slightly to Hao Qiang, and said in a more humble manner, “We hold this event and hope to get the title of Renjian Fireworks to increase the activity of the event, which will also help to increase the popularity of Renjian Fireworks in Zhongda.”

Before coming, they also looked for businesses outside the school, but they were unwilling to sponsor and were laughed at by many bosses, which also made them realize that it is not so easy to ask for sponsorship.

“Well, go on. ”

Hao Qiang quite agrees with this statement. Who would be willing to sponsor something without benefits?

Wang Xiaofei’s perspective was too school-oriented before, and he did not really consider it from the perspective of the business.

Besides, he was disgusted by the school leaders’ big talk.

If he agreed to the other party so easily, the students around him would think he was rich and stupid.

Luo Hao continued: “In order to hold this event, we will vigorously promote it on campus and let students know that this event is sponsored by Renjian Fireworks… Of course, this is also good for your personal reputation, Boss Hao.”

After Luo Hao finished speaking, he looked at Hao Qiang nervously, waiting for his response.

“Okay, well said, sponsorship is no problem.

Since it is a title sponsorship, I can directly sponsor 1,600 yuan. It would be unreasonable to let the school pay for it.

I don’t have any money on me. Come to my store at 5 pm. “Hao Qiang smiled and replied, and glanced at another cadre, Wang Xiaofei, “I admire your active organization of school activities and active solicitation of sponsorship.

I’m not deliberately making things difficult for you. Think about it, maybe it will help you step into society in the future. ”

Luo Hao and Wang Xiaofei were surprised by Hao Qiang’s generosity when they heard that Hao Qiang was willing to sponsor and give them a total budget.

“Thank you, thank you very much for your generous support, Boss Hao!” Luo Hao said with sincere gratitude.

Wang Xiaofei also apologized seriously: “Thank you, Boss Hao, I was inappropriate before, please forgive me.” He obviously understood what Hao Qiang meant.

“Okay, we will have class soon.” Hao Qiang waved his hand and signaled the two to leave.

Luo Hao and Wang Xiaofei expressed their gratitude again and left the classroom with smiles on their faces.

After listening to the conversation between the three, the classmates around them cast admiring eyes on Hao Qiang. If the sponsorship is reasonable, it is generous to give money.

If the sponsorship is unreasonable, it is stingy.

Fei Yang smiled and approached Hao Qiang, teasing: “Mr. Qiang, can you sponsor me a little? I want to have a girlfriend, but I don’t have enough funds, so it’s not convenient to go. ”

Hao Qiang glared at him and said with a smile: “Get lost!”

“Mr. Qiang, you are too ruthless!” Fei Yang said pretending to be wronged.

A classmate joked: “Fei Yang, your starting point is wrong. If you help the monitor find a girlfriend and get one by the way, then maybe the monitor will be willing to sponsor you.”

“He doesn’t lack a girlfriend, and he probably thinks it’s troublesome.” Fei Yang curled his lips.

Hao Qiang didn’t want to discuss the topic of girlfriend too much. Seeing that they were so energetic, he suggested:

“How about this, I see that you are quite energetic, hold a dormitory basketball game, winning or losing doesn’t matter, everyone has fun and exercises by the way, I will sponsor the drinks and water money. ”

He finally got promoted, and he was in a good mood. As a monitor and a local tyrant, it doesn’t matter if he spends a little money, as long as he is happy.

Hao Qiang’s basketball skills are not good, anyway, it’s just for fun.

“Okay, okay.”

“Class monitor is wise! ”

Hao Qiang’s proposal immediately received a warm response from the whole class.

There are 45 students in the class, including 35 boys, living in 7 dormitories.

Of course, it is also possible to organize a mixed basketball game for men and women to allow more people to participate.

The whole class happily decided on the dormitory basketball game and planned to hold the game in the afternoon when there is no class or on weekends.

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