With the arrival of December, some of Hao Qiang’s courses have ended.

After the class, the teacher will give students one or two weeks to review, and then take the exam. The results will be released after a period of time.

Generally speaking, in Zhongda, the total score of students is usually composed of two parts: daily performance (accounting for 30%) and written test scores (accounting for 70%).

If you actively answer the teacher’s questions and are remembered by the teacher, the daily performance score will be high.

If you give the teacher face, the teacher will give you points.

If you often skip classes and are called by the teacher, and do not hand in homework, your daily performance score will be poor. If the written test score is not ideal, you may face failure.

Once you fail the course, the re-examination fee for each credit is 60 yuan.

For example, there are 5 credits for advanced mathematics, so the re-examination fee is 300 yuan.

Almost a month’s living expenses!

Who wouldn’t feel distressed!

So, for college exams, 60 points are long live.

While Hao Qiang was busy dealing with exams, he also had to take care of business and class affairs.

At present, they have taken three exams and the results are out for their major, military training, engineering drawing and computer basics. Hao Qiang’s scores are 100, 95 and 97 respectively.

According to the GPA ranking of previous students, if the GPA is above 4.6, that is, the average score is above 96, it can basically sit firmly on the throne of the first place in the major.

Qiu Yuqing’s grades are quite good. In her freshman year, her major ranked in the top quarter. In addition, she was a member of the school student union in her freshman year and participated in many activities. Her comprehensive evaluation scores were relatively high (covering academic performance, social activities, social work, various competitions, etc.). She won the second-class outstanding student scholarship in her freshman year.

The first, second and third outstanding student scholarships established by Zhongda require comprehensive evaluation of the top 5%, top 5%-15%, and top 15%-30% of the major. The bonuses for each person each academic year are 2,000 yuan, 1,500 yuan and 1,000 yuan respectively.

In addition to this scholarship, there are also national scholarships, inspirational scholarships, elite scholarships, special scholarships, etc.

For most students, the main competition is for the Outstanding Student Scholarship, with a winning rate of 30%.

For the National Scholarship, although Sun Yat-sen University is a 985 university, the winning rate is only 1%.

For Hao Qiang’s major, there are only three National Scholarships in each class.

According to this 1% ratio, it is not certain that any student in their class will be able to win the scholarship in their sophomore year.

The competition is too fierce!

After knowing his scores in three subjects, Hao Qiang’s classmates were a little desperate.

All three subjects were 95+. If his grades in other subjects were so excellent, his GPA ranking might be in the top three in his major.

When he was in his sophomore year, if he was evaluated for the National Scholarship, Hao Qiang might really get it.

He is so rich and his grades are so good. How can other students survive?

After a class one afternoon, during the break, a classmate teased him: “Class monitor, can you let us off in the next exam?

Your other scores are so high, it really makes us die.”

“I think you should ask the teacher to give us simpler questions.” Hao Qiang replied with a wry smile.

Li Yunfeng commented: “If the teacher sets too easy questions, students will think he is not good enough; if he sets too difficult questions, he is afraid that students will fail too many courses and scold him, and he is also afraid that school leaders will think he has not taught well.” “Well, that makes sense. We must know how to balance.” The classmates agreed very much. A classmate from Henan Province sighed helplessly when he thought of Hao Qiang’s score. Their province’s education is very competitive, from elementary school to high school, and then to Zhongda University. There are only a few students in the class who are as competitive as him, such as Mu Shi in dormitory 213. However, Mu Shi works part-time at the hot pot restaurant of the class monitor, so at least he has an income. Mu Shi’s grades are also very good, and he probably can’t get a national scholarship, but he is a poor student, so he can still get an inspirational scholarship. If that doesn’t work, he can also apply for a grant. On the contrary, students like him whose family background is neither good nor bad are not completely poor enough to apply for inspirational scholarships and grants. He wanted to work in the monitor’s store, but part-time workers were not needed at the moment, and many students who wanted to go had gone, and the queue was more than ten people away, so it was not his turn.

The monitor said that if there were still vacancies, priority would be given to poor students in the class.

In fact, all the students knew that priority would be given to his roommates in the dormitory.

Suddenly, he remembered the recruitment information recently posted in front of the Renjian Fireworks store, and asked curiously:

“Monitor, I see that your store is recruiting a large number of workers, nearly a hundred people, and opening a new store?”

“There is a flagship store under renovation over at Zhengjia Plaza, and it is planned to open next month.” Hao Qiang replied, and by then the students of the school will soon know the news.

At the beginning of the school year, I wanted to get along with them as an ordinary person and try not to touch their sensitive emotions.

Now, I really have no idea.It’s necessary, and I don’t want to pretend anymore, so I’ll show my cards.

Why hide it? His money wasn’t stolen.

In fact, Hao Qiang’s ability to make money has long been a legend among teachers and students in the school, and it can’t be concealed at all.

The school calligraphy and painting competition held recently was sponsored by Renjian Fireworks. The first, second and third prizes were more generous than previous competitions, which attracted the active participation of students from the whole school, which also made Hao Qiang’s reputation rise to a higher level.

-The novel was taken from the (rolyz) website. Close where you’re reading it and support us on our website for more free novels-
Fame is more effective than advertising companies if it is used well. For example, when the boss of Rice Lei introduces his products himself, the products will easily become popular.

So, Hao Qiang now treats his fame calmly and learns to operate his fame. In the future, he will openly admit his honors and achievements and no longer avoid them.

As long as he is better than others and the gap between the two sides is so big that they can’t compare, then they can only look up!

Don’t deliberately publicize, but don’t dislike being famous.

As soon as he finished speaking, the students around him who heard it were very shocked and exclaimed, and many students were curious.

“Where is Zhengjia Plaza?”

“It’s a large shopping mall across the river. I’ve been there, but the things there are very expensive. A piece of clothing costs hundreds or even thousands of yuan. I can’t afford it.”

“Wow, it’s a store in a large shopping mall, a flagship store. How big is the area?”

Many classmates came over and asked Hao Qiang a lot of questions.

Hao Qiang replied calmly: “It’s more than 600 square meters, and it’s positioned as high-end.

When the time comes, the new store will need a few people to distribute flyers. Priority will be given to those who have difficulties and students with good grades. If you are interested, you can sign up with Li Yunfeng. Students who don’t meet the requirements should not join in the fun.”

There will be a lot of people distributing flyers this time. It’s okay to assign this work to classmates in the class. The store manager can just make strict requirements at that time.

If the registration exceeds the demand, it will be done by lottery at that time, and no one will be offended at all.

The winter vacation is coming soon, and he still needs a few part-time workers, who can be selected from the students who actively sign up with him.

This is a benefit for the classmates in the class.

In fact, many students are willing to be Hao Qiang’s lackeys, like Mu Shi, who is doing so well now.

These students are not stupid. There is a business tycoon next to them. If they are short of money one day, they can ask Hao Qiang to borrow money, and he is willing to lend it.

It’s just that everyone doesn’t use this classmate’s favor easily.

As soon as he finished speaking, many students shouted excitedly: “Class monitor, I want to sign up, I want to sign up!”

“Li Yunfeng, I want to sign up!”

These students didn’t ask how much money it was, they just signed up first.

The students in the class knew about Mu Shi’s part-time salary, and the students were very envious.

Damn, working meals are included, you can eat and drink well, and you can get 40 yuan for a day’s work. Where can you find such a good thing?

At the same time, the students were very surprised that Hao Qiang invested in a hot pot restaurant of several hundred square meters in a large shopping mall. Some students said that without millions of yuan of funds, it is impossible to invest at all, which shocked the students even more.

Many students were curious and asked Hao Qiang how much money he had invested. Even if his hot pot restaurant was booming, it was impossible for him to make money so quickly after opening for about two months.

“About three million yuan, the funds mainly came from the income from songs.” Hao Qiang said frankly, but did not say the details. When he heard the bell ring, he waved and asked everyone to return to their seats and prepare for class.

Some things that are easy to expose were said.

As for some things that are not suitable for exposure, Hao Qiang would definitely find a way to keep them secret.

“Wow, three million! The class monitor is awesome!”

“Brother Qiang is a super rich man!”

The students returned to their seats with shocked expressions.

But after sitting down, they continued to discuss with the students sitting next to them, asking how Hao Qiang could earn so much from his songs.

“That should be the mobile phone ringtone. I also paid to download the ringtone of “Yu Xi Tan”. This song is very popular recently.” A classmate analyzed, “No wonder the class monitor didn’t want to sell the song at the beginning, even if the price was 100,000 yuan.”

“If it were me, I would sell it for 10,000 yuan.”

“So, we don’t have the business vision of the class monitor and can’t become rich.”

“Well, a thorough analysis!”

In the next few days,

The news that Hao Qiang invested 3 million to open a new store quickly spread to other classes and even the entire campus through word of mouth among students in the class.

This news attracted widespread attention. More and more students knew how Hao Qiang made the money, and many students downloaded the ringtone of “Yu Xi Tan”.

What’s more surprising is that many students found that the lyrics and music of the recently popular ringtones “Has Anyone Told You” and “Cao Cao” were also written by Hao Qiang.

This news spread like a raging fire on the campus of CUHK, and then spread to their classmates and families through CUHK students. Hao Qiang’s fame spread like a rollingThe influence expanded rapidly like a snowball.

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