Yipinguo Hotpot Restaurant,

In his spare time, Zhang Fu, the owner of Muxiangyuan, talked to Liu Gui, the owner of Yipinguo, about business.

“Damn, Boss Hao is really generous. He even bought a Porsche worth millions.”

When Zhang Fu passed by the fireworks, he accidentally glimpsed the luxury car outside the door, and heard the students talking about it. Then he learned that it was Hao Qiang’s new car.

Before this, Zhang Fu always thought of himself as a celebrity in this area. His 5 Series BMW was a symbol of his business success. Many of his peers envied him.

“Boss Zhang, this is incomparable. I heard that he made a fortune selling ringtones, and all the students in the university are talking about it.”

Liu Gui showed his envy, “He also invested in a flagship store in Zhengjia Plaza, with an investment of several million. Wow.”

“Boss Liu, I thought he was planning to expand the store, or open stores in other universities.

I didn’t expect that he was so ambitious that he didn’t care about the fish in the small pond, and jumped directly into the sea to make a big investment. I have to admire him.” Zhang Fu sighed.

“The investment risk is very high. Maybe Boss Hao has confidence. If the new store becomes popular, it will really make a fortune every day!”

“Do you think his opening will be successful?” Zhang Fu took out a cigarette and gave one to Liu Gui. The two continued to chat while smoking.

He didn’t want Hao Qiang to succeed, and he was eager to see his peers laugh at him.

But on the other hand, he hoped that he would succeed, which meant that his model was correct. He planned to copy one in other places to see if it could become popular.

“It’s hard to say. Let’s go and see after the business opens.” Liu Gui shook his head. He felt that Hao Qiang was too mysterious.

When Renjian Fireworks was just renovated, he was not optimistic about it. He thought that the decoration was so high-end, and most of the investment would fail.

Then he saw that the price was so high, and he secretly laughed at the stupidity of the people and didn’t know how to do business.

But now, they are not stupid, but he is stupid.

They are all in the same industry. They do better than him. I have to admire them, no matter what means they use to become popular.

“I agree. This young man Hao Qiang really can’t be measured by conventional eyes. He is walking a different path.” Zhang Fu agreed and restrained his previous contempt for him.

Damn, he made so much money at such a young age.

When he was so young, he didn’t even have one-tenth of others, and he still relied on his parents.

Not only the two of them, many colleagues have developed a strong interest in Renjian Fireworks and studied it. They have witnessed the booming business of Renjian Fireworks from beginning to end.

The turnover of Renjianyanhuo is no secret if you ask carefully.

The monthly revenue exceeds 300,000 yuan!

Too exaggerated.

Many hot pot restaurants can hardly reach 30,000 yuan in a month.

As for the profit, it is not difficult to estimate.

Every year, many peers go bankrupt due to poor management, and new bosses also pour into the hot pot catering industry.

Investors come and go, but Muxiangyuan remains, and Renjianyanhuo is a phenomenal company.

On the evening of January 3,

Hao Qiang stayed in the rented house to look at the account book, and his parents were also curious about the profit of last month.

“In December, the turnover was 359,000 yuan, the gross profit was 212,000 yuan, the labor cost was 24,600 yuan, and the pre-tax profit was about 176,000 yuan.” After checking, Hao Qiang said to his expectant parents.

“So much!”

The parents were very surprised. Before, their son said that he made a profit of more than 100,000 yuan a month, and they thought it was just over 100,000 yuan. This is almost close to 200,000 yuan.

Hao Qiang smiled calmly: “You still have to pay taxes, and deduct another ten thousand yuan.”

“So much tax!”

Hao Jianjun felt that it was too much, but he was more open-minded. This was a contribution to the country, and he supported his son in this regard.

It is incredible that the tax they need to pay in a month actually exceeds the income of many families for a whole year.

After the family of three talked about the profits of last month, Liu Fengqing planned to go home in the next two days. She had been away from home for a few days and could not leave all the affairs of the family to her sister-in-law.

The child’s father can continue to stay here to help and learn to make hot pot base from his son.

“I will stay until the new store opens, and then I will go back.” Hao Jianjun felt that his son’s production process was more complicated and demanding. It would be difficult to figure out the process of the five pot base recipes without careful thinking for a month or so.

There is still sugarcane to be harvested at home, and it is obviously difficult for his wife alone to cope with this heavy work.

In addition, his son told him that before the New Year, the house should be renovated and some new furniture and appliances should be purchased.

According to the budget, the total cost of renovation and purchase of furniture and appliances is about 30,000 to 40,000 yuan.

Now that his son has enough money, heIt is considered to improve the living environment of the family. After all, living in a rough house is really difficult.

After the Chinese New Year, we will find a way to buy a large residential land, build the foundation first, and then build it when the funds are sufficient. The son said that he was afraid that he would not be able to get a large residential land even if he had money in the future.

The old house will be used as an incense hall to worship Buddha statues and store sundries, and the new house will be used for living.

If so, Hao Jianjun and his wife will have to make hot pot base at home until the new house is built.

When Hao Jianjun thought about building a new house, his whole body was full of passion and expectation.

For the older generation, a house is not only a place to live, but also a lifelong sustenance and destination.

It carries the traces of time, witnesses the rise and fall of the family, and also sustenances countless visions and expectations for the future.

Not only the people of Guangdong and Guangxi, but also many rural families are keen to build their own houses magnificently.

Of course, there is a very serious comparison nature.

They competed to see whose house had the highest floor and the most impressive appearance.

The outside was decorated very beautifully, but the inside was a rough house.

This phenomenon of beautiful appearance and rotten inside was not uncommon.

Of course, in addition to the psychology of comparison, there were other considerations.

For example, in summer, the top floor was directly exposed to the sun, and the indoor temperature would become extremely hot, so it was often used as an insulation layer.

The reason for decorating the exterior walls first was to prevent rain from penetrating into the interior of the house.

But the exterior walls were decorated with tiles, while the interior was rough, which was obviously a face problem.

As a result, the budget was not enough, and after living in a rough house for many years, there was no money to decorate the interior.

Oh, damn the psychology of comparison.

Two days later,

Liu Fengqing took a car to return to his hometown.

Hao Jianjun chose to stay in Yuecheng and continue to study and ponder the production of hot pot base. Every day, he would go to the flagship store to check the progress of the decoration.

When Hao Qiang’s mother came to Yuecheng, she carried a sack;

When she went back, she dragged a suitcase and went home in style.

At noon on January 6, Liu Fengqing returned to her hometown.

When she passed by the big banyan tree in the village, many villagers noticed her figure.

Some people were curious about her early return, after all, they had heard that she and Hao Chuiniu went to Yuecheng to work and make money.

“Hey, Aunt Jun, didn’t you say you were going to Yuecheng? How come you’re back so soon?”

“Where’s your Hao Jianjun? Why don’t you see him with you?”

Faced with the villagers’ inquiries, Liu Fengqing pulled the suitcase and smiled and replied: “I’ll come back first, and my husband will come back after a while.”

“Life in Yuecheng should be very good, is the food expensive there?” A villager asked curiously.

“Life is indeed good, but the price of food depends on where you eat.” She didn’t like to exaggerate like her husband, and she didn’t want to talk too much about her son’s business.

After a simple greeting, Liu Fengqing dragged her suitcase and set off on her way home.

Her figure gradually went away, and some gossiping aunties began to speculate.

Some people said that Liu Fengqing couldn’t find a job in Yuecheng, so she had to come back early, and Hao Chuiniu was very likely to have found a job, and the salary was not high, otherwise he would not have let his wife come back.

These rumors spread like wildfire in the village, and the more they spread, the more they spread, saying that Hao Chuiniu was a security guard in Yuecheng.

If Hao Jianjun knew that the villagers said that he was a security guard, he would definitely scold those who spread rumors: Only your whole family can be a security guard!

I am studying the secret recipe for making money, do you understand?

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