Rebirth 2004

Chapter 122

The next day, Liu Yuan arrived at Zhangjia village very early. He was still worried about whether he had gone to his planting base. He had to go and have a look. Zhu Xiaojuan was there for the golden melon, which could completely solve those things. However, Liu Yuan still felt that he could go and have a look. He was more relieved. After all, it was his own property.

As for Yuanming company and Yuanhao company, Liu Yuan doesn't have to worry about it. In Yuanhao company, especially with Cheng Ying, Liu Yuan is very relieved. In Yuanhao company, Cheng Ying can solve anything. If she can't solve it, she will certainly tell herself. More importantly, Cheng Ying won't do anything that will damage the company.

As for the source company, Li Ming is trying to make money. He will not let go of any opportunity to make money. The opportunity to make money is Liu Yuan. If he does not have Liu Yuan, he will not turn around so much money. So he will not betray Liu Yuan. What is more important is that the company has the largest share of the stock, and has the final say of Liu Yuan.

After arriving at the planting base, Liu Yuan really saw Zhu Xiaojuan busy and very serious. Even if Liu Yuan came to her, Zhu Xiaojuan still didn't notice it and was seriously studying it. Liu Yuan was very satisfied with this seriousness. If her employees were so serious, the company could certainly develop.

Liu Yuan didn't bother Zhu Xiaojuan either. He stood on one side, waiting for Zhu Xiaojuan's research results. It was totally beyond Liu Yuan's expectation to see what she had studied and should be so serious. However, Liu Yuan couldn't help looking and had some conjectures. Although Liu Yuan was not a professional in this field, he had heard of some things.

With the passage of time, Zhu Xiaojuan finally completed her research and wrinkled her eyes. She didn't know what she was thinking. She was so fascinated that she seemed to have encountered some problems and didn't want to understand for a moment. This made Liu Yuan a little curious. What were she thinking about at the end?

"Ah! Boss, when did you come, why didn't you call me?" when Zhu Xiaojuan turned her head, she finally saw Liu Yuan and said with a surprised face. Up to now, she found that Liu Yuan appeared here, which surprised Zhu Xiaojuan. While she was surprised, she was also a little excited, because she could finally ask Liu Yuan.

Zhu Xiaojuan thinks Liu Yuan must know a lot about greenhouse planting. She must find these answers in Liu Yuan, because in Zhu Xiaojuan's eyes, only Liu Yuan can know these things. After all, these greenhouse planting can explain everything. If people don't understand these principles, they can't get these greenhouse planting.

"I've just come here. I'm not good to see you so serious. I'm also disturbing you! After all, you won't like disturbing you." Liu Yuan couldn't help but show a deep smile on his face and said seriously. The meaning is already very obvious. Liu Yuan stood here not to disturb her.

Hearing Liu Yuan's words, Zhu Xiaojuan was even more embarrassed. Anyway, Liu Yuan was the boss and ignored the boss. This was a very bad thing. But seeing that Liu Yuan didn't care, Zhu Xiaojuan didn't say anything more because she knew who Liu Yuan was. He was a practical person and wouldn't wear shoes for herself because of these things.

"By the way, what were you studying just now? Seeing that you are so fascinated, do you have anything you don't understand? You can say it, and we can study it together at that time." Liu Yuan knew that Zhu Xiaojuan must have something you don't understand, so Liu Yuan took the initiative to ask, so it won't make Zhu Xiaojuan feel embarrassed.

Sure enough, after hearing Liu Yuan's words, Zhu Xiaojuan showed an excited expression on her face. Obviously, she was very excited. Since Liu Yuan asked these questions, Zhu Xiaojuan would naturally say the questions she wanted to ask directly, and these questions are about greenhouse planting, which is not too difficult for Liu Yuan to answer.

Liu Yuan thought about the questions asked by Zhu Xiaojuan, said them directly, and said them very carefully. He also gave Zhu Xiaojuan a simple answer, so that she could continue to ask what she didn't understand. After hearing Liu Yuan's answer, Zhu Xiaojuan was shocked and didn't expect that Liu Yuan really knew these.

"Well, you're busy here first! I'd better go to other places to have a look. Other lands should also be developed." Liu Yuan whispered. Then, Liu Yuan turned directly and left without any mud and water. Zhu Xiaojuan was interested when she heard Liu Yuan's words. She didn't know what Liu Yuan was going to do with the rest of the lands.

"What do you want to do with the rest of the land? Is it also used for greenhouse planting?" Zhu Xiaojuan looked forward to Liu Yuan. If she wants to get some more greenhouse planting, Zhu Xiaojuan naturally likes it very much. Although Zhu Xiaojuan knows she can't get it, more greenhouse planting will lead to more research, It will be easier to get the answer you want.

As time passed, Liu Yuan didn't know what to say, but what Liu Yuan knew was that Zhu Xiaojuan wanted to plant in a greenhouse, but unfortunately, Liu Yuan couldn't plant in a greenhouse at this time, because it was enough to get a few in this place.

"I don't plant in a greenhouse. I want to cultivate some other things, such as fish and turtle." Liu Yuan said seriously, because so far, Liu Yuan has his own idea. He must cultivate some other creatures, and those creatures are not cheap, but the breeding cycle is a little long.

"Breeding biology? I'm not very good at this! Do you have professionals in this field? Or, boss, are you a talent in this field?" Zhu Xiaojuan looked at Liu Yuan in surprise. Shocked, she still doesn't believe Liu Yuan is a talent in this field. After all, breeding organisms and planting are completely different systems.

"Of course, I'm an expert in breeding creatures. I can't trust that I won't raise anything." Liu Yuan vowed, as if he were omnipotent.

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