Rebirth 2004

Chapter 126

Whether others believe it or not, Mr. Qi believes it. His trust in Liu Yuan has begun at this moment. Even if Liu Yuan says that the world will be destroyed, he will believe it. Especially after seeing Liu Yuan's greenhouse planting, he believes in some things. He has the ability to predict the future.

The state has also begun to study this kind of greenhouse planting, and there has been a certain presentation. It is obvious that Liu Yuan has not reached the current situation. For them, Liu Yuan must have known something long ago. Since he knows something, he must do it, just like now.

But Mr. Qi is a little curious. Who is this man named Zhu Xiaojuan? Why does she know these things? He found Zhu Xiaojuan and seriously asked what was going on, but the result surprised Mr. Qi even more, because he knew something in Zhu Xiaojuan's mouth. It turned out that Liu Yuan made all this.

When they inspected here, Liu Yuan didn't bother. He was at the door and quietly looked at everything around him. If he knew something, he would do his part and everything would be better. Liu Yuan knew this, so Liu Yuan was waiting for the opportunity. Now the opportunity is coming. This time, his planting base must be famous.

At this time, a man came to Liu Yuan. Liu Yuan met him for the first time. Liu Yuan didn't know him, but Liu Yuan knew that he must have something to say to himself when he came over at this time. Liu Yuan didn't care much. He could only take him as one of the leaders. It should be no big deal.

"Are you Mr. Liu Yuan?" the man looked at Liu Yuan very seriously, as if he wanted to see something on Liu Yuan's face, but unfortunately, Liu Yuan has always been very calm, as if nothing had anything to do with him, which made the man feel more strange and his heart inevitably became more curious.

"I am Liu Yuan. I don't know the leader. Do you have anything to do with me?" Liu Yuan still couldn't help being curious and asked directly. If he could find himself at this time, there must be something. As for what it is, Liu Yuan is not very clear, but Liu Yuan knows that he won't find himself for no reason.

Hearing Liu Yuan's words, he couldn't help showing a surprised expression on his face, as if he was surprised that Liu Yuan called himself a leader in one sentence. Among these leaders, he is indeed the leader among the leaders. Now he believes what Mr. Qi said. Liu Yuan has a little ability.

"I don't know if Mr. Liu Yuan can take a step? I have something to say to Mr. Liu Yuan." the leader said seriously, as if he really had something important to study with Liu Yuan, which made Liu Yuan more curious. I don't know what he meant, but finally Liu Yuan agreed to his request.

When he came to the side with him, the man immediately said his name and introduced himself. "Mr. Liu Yuan, I heard your name in Qi Haoyuan's mouth. I heard that you have a special energy and can know some future things. I don't believe it. Today, I Huang Zhi also want to see it. I wonder if Mr. Liu Yuan can also give me some advice?"

Hearing this man's words, Liu Yuan was immediately hoodwinked. How could someone find him at this time? What's the matter with him? Why does Liu Yuan ask such a question at this time? How can Liu Yuan answer it? Wait a minute. Qi Haoyuan must talk about it. Don't talk about these things everywhere.

Maybe he saw the ugliness on Liu Yuan's face and felt that Liu Yuan must be angry. He felt that Qi Hao was disturbing Liu Yuan when he said this kind of thing far away. He couldn't help but say again: "you can't blame Qi Haoyuan for this. I asked him to say it. You know, the first-class official killed people. He didn't dare to listen to what I said."

Hearing this, Liu Yuan was really surprised. It turned out that the talent in front of him was a real leader. His level was even higher than that of Qi Haoyuan, which shows that he is likely to be a person from the city, and his level is still very high. Liu Yuan thought about it and finally found the name of Huang Zhi in his memory.

If the Huang Zhi in front of him is the Huang Zhi in his memory, Liu Yuan has really made money and can get on with the person in front of him, but it's a good thing, because the person in front of him must not have imagined his future career, and he will certainly rise step by step in the future. As for the level, Liu Yuan is not sure.

"It's mayor Huang. It's really far from welcome! I already know what you want to ask. You don't have to export any more. You are now in charge of agricultural production and development. Don't you understand my current greenhouse planting? As long as you do something well, you will see results soon." Liu Yuan said mysteriously.

Although Liu Yuan's words don't sound like much hidden information, Huang Hao, a person with a heart, naturally knows what it means, which means that as long as he sees Liu's planting base, it will certainly be helpful, or help his career.

If ordinary people say these words, Huang Hao may not believe them, but Liu Yuan will certainly believe them. After all, if he does something, he will know whether he can really succeed. He is a person who works for the people wholeheartedly, regardless of whether it is related to his official career or not.

"In the future, we still have a great opportunity to cooperate. No matter whether you go to the province or the central government, our cooperation will not be less." Liu Yuan said again, saying that Huang Hao is likely to be transferred to the province or the central government, which really frightened Huang Hao. He's the vice mayor now.

After that, Liu Yuan directly turned around and left without paying any attention to Huang Hao, because some things are too incredible. We still have to wait for Huang Hao to think about them. In case something happens, Liu Yuan has to bear it. Liu Yuan can't afford to bear these responsibilities!

However, today's events have made this planting base famous and have received strong support from the county and the city.

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