Rebirth 2004

Chapter 151

The captain's ability to do things is still very strong. He directly began to arrange the workers to work. He is a cheerful person and works very reliably. At least up to now, Liu Yuan is very satisfied. Just like now, Liu Yuan sees that they haven't been idle yet and is still working all the time.

Liu Yuan doesn't know what's going on, but what Liu Yuan knows is that if this continues, these fish ponds can be dug up soon. As long as the fish ponds are dug up, you can certainly buy some rare fish fry and come back to breed by yourself. As long as the breeding is good, you can definitely buy a big price.

Uncle Niu was very excited to know that Liu Yuan had asked someone to dig a fish pond here. He was inevitably a little curious. He also followed him to have a serious look. What's the difference between the fish pond Liu Yuan wanted to dig and the usual fish pond? At the beginning, he naturally couldn't see anything different, but Uncle Niu also found something different with the transfer of time.

Although he saw something different, uncle Niu didn't say much, because Uncle Niu knew that Liu Yuan must have his own principle. As for what principle it is, he can't guess. After all, Liu Yuan's psychology is not what ordinary people can guess. Even uncle Niu doesn't dare to guess casually.

"Xiao Liu, your fish pond seems a little different from other fish ponds!" in the end, uncle Niu couldn't help but wonder. He asked directly. He wanted to know what was going on. He didn't want to see Liu Yuan make a mistake. It would waste a lot of money. Uncle Niu still knew that.

Hearing uncle Niu's words, Liu Yuan couldn't help showing a deep smile on his face. For uncle Niu's doubts, Liu Yuan naturally knew what was going on. If Liu Yuan didn't know in advance, he would be very confused and didn't know what was going on, but the team leader had explained to Liu Yuan, so Liu Yuan knew what was going on.

"This is very special. Few places have such fish ponds. This fish pond is a ladder fish pond. There are different depths in a fish pond, that is to say, the fish pond is hierarchical." Liu Yuan couldn't help explaining to Uncle Niu. As for whether uncle Niu understood, Liu Yuan didn't know very well. At least so far, Liu Yuan knows only so much.

When he heard what Liu Yuan said, uncle Niu was still confused and not very clear, but he didn't continue to ask, because he felt that what Liu Yuan said seemed very profound. Even if he thought about it, he didn't know what the principle was. Instead of knowing what the Tao was, he might as well not continue to ask this question.

Digging a fish pond is not so simple, nor can it be completed in a short time. After watching it for a while, Liu Yuan and uncle Niu didn't continue to stay here. After all, they haven't seen any difference here for several days, and they don't have much interest. They will go directly to Uncle Niu's house for tea.

Originally, Liu Yuan wanted to go to the planting base to have a look, but after thinking about it, Liu Yuan didn't go, because at the thought of shy Zhu Xiaojuan, Liu Yuan was a little speechless. He always felt that he stood in front of Zhu Xiaojuan, and Zhu Xiaojuan looked very shy. It looked like Liu Yuan was bullying people.

"By the way, Xiao Liu, the planting base seems to be developing well recently. Do you plan to expand production?" suddenly, uncle Niu asked this question. Liu Yuan didn't know how to answer for a moment. If he didn't want to expand development, it's impossible. Liu Yuan dreams of expanding development now! But expanding development is not that simple.

"Uncle Niu, do you have any way? If you have any good way, you can introduce it. You also know that I am a restless person and naturally want to expand development." Liu Yuan stared at Uncle Niu and said seriously. Liu Yuan naturally likes this kind of development and wants to develop into a business Empire now.

Hearing Liu Yuan's words, uncle Niu couldn't help showing a deep smile on his face. At the same time, there was a trace of embarrassment in his smile. It seemed that the words he would say next would make people feel embarrassed. As for what to say, he couldn't guess at all. He had to wait for uncle Niu to say it himself.

"In fact, recently, some people from neighboring villages asked me if you wanted to open a planting base in their village. I didn't reply to them immediately at that time. You know, it's not so simple to develop a planting base. I don't dare to say more about such a big event." uncle Niu said seriously, looking a little embarrassed.

Now, Liu Yuan finally knew what was going on. It turned out that those people in the neighboring village were a little excited to see that Zhangjia village developed so well and made so much money. They also wanted to make money. Unfortunately, Liu Yuan didn't plan to continue to open a planting base in this county. It's very good that there is only one planting base in a county.

His face also showed an embarrassed expression and said, "Uncle Niu, I really want to develop, but if you get another planting base in the neighboring village, it's completely unnecessary. You know how big our county is and there are enough agricultural products here. If you have another planting base, who will sell my products to?"

Hearing this, uncle Niu also knew what was going on. He was inevitably a little afraid. Fortunately, he didn't promise them, otherwise he must be in big trouble, because Uncle Niu knew that what Liu Yuan said was the truth. If he continued to develop a planting base nearby, there must be a lot of products flowing into the market and can't be sold.

"I'm just asking about this. You don't care too much. I'll just refuse them at that time. I'm sure I won't talk to them about it again." Uncle Niu vowed to promise that he won't say it again in the future, but he didn't say it and didn't mean that others didn't sleep.

"It's not like this. If people in other counties ask the same question, you can tell me that I can also go and have a look. At that time, I also want to get a planting base in the next county." Liu Yuan said with a deep face, thinking of doing business in Gebi Village.

"Are you kidding me? Do you really want to develop a planting base in the next village?" Uncle Niu even suspected that there was something wrong with his ears and thought he had heard wrong.

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