Rebirth 2004

Chapter 155

"OK, I'll stay in your breeding base for the time being. If I don't think it's suitable for me at that time, I'll leave immediately." Feng Hai looked at Liu Yuan very seriously and finally made up his mind to stay here for the time being. If it's not suitable, he will leave.

Hearing Feng Hai's words, Liu Yuan couldn't help smiling. Since Feng Hai promised to stay here to work, Liu Yuan is naturally very popular. Liu Yuan is very confident. If he stays here and sees the development here, he certainly doesn't want to leave here in the future. After all, the technology brought by Liu Yuan is not what he can do now.

"That's OK. I'm sure I won't stop you if you want to leave at that time." Liu Yuan pretended to think for a while, finally nodded and said that he agreed to Feng Hai's request. In fact, this request is not allowed in other breeding bases. After all, they are afraid of being learned these technologies.

After a period of time, Feng Hai is quite familiar with this place, but Liu Yuan feels that it is not so easy to carry out this breeding base. It is not that Liu Yuan does not believe Feng Hai, but that the breeding of rare varieties requires high technology. Therefore, Liu Yuan has an idea and wants Feng Hai to learn.

Some time ago, Liu Yuan had already found a supplier that could provide fry of those rare fish species. Liu Yuan said directly that he didn't have enough technology to cultivate these rare fry and wanted to learn. Originally, the merchant didn't agree, but in the end, he agreed to Liu Yuan, Because Liu Yuan said he might have been here for fish fry.

"Feng Hai, there's something I want to discuss with you." Liu Yuan found Feng Hai and asked directly. He wanted to talk to Feng Hai about studying on business. After all, it's very important for this matter, but Liu Yuan doesn't know how to speak now. If he speaks directly, it's a little bad.

"Come on! What's the matter with you? I don't like those people who stammer. Be frank. What's a big man and a mother?" Feng Hai couldn't help but say it directly when he saw that Liu Yuan wanted to say it and didn't want to say it. Let Liu Yuan say it directly and don't stammer here.

Since Feng Hai said so, Liu Yuan naturally wanted to say what he wanted to say, but after listening to what Liu Yuan said, Feng Hai couldn't help frowning, because he felt that Liu Yuan didn't believe in his technology. If he believed in his technology, how could he learn it?

"Don't get me wrong. It's not that I don't believe your technology, but that the fry I want to breed are rare new varieties. The breeding technology is very different from the usual breeding technology. I just want you to have a look and see how they breed." Liu Yuan immediately explained when he saw that Feng Hai seemed very unhappy.

After hearing Liu Yuan's explanation, Feng Hai's face looked better. He didn't say anything more. He just nodded and said, "you can arrange it directly. When to start and where to arrive, you can tell me directly." after Feng Hai said that, he turned and left without any hesitation.

Seeing Feng Hai's character, Liu Yuan is also very speechless. He can't understand how some people with great ability have a strange character. Both Feng Hai and Zhu Xiaojuan are like this. Feng Hai is too cold and not good at communication, and Zhu Xiaojuan is too shy. How can she face it alone in the future?

The next day, Feng Hai set out and went directly to the coastal city. The seafood in this place is very good. Many people want to eat seafood. Liu Yuan is very familiar with this place, but Liu Yuan didn't go together this time. Instead, Xiao Zhang and Feng Hai were arranged to go together. All consumption will be reimbursed.

When Feng Hai arrived at that place, he was naturally very surprised, especially when he saw those breeding bases, which were very professional. However, they cultured this kind of fry alone, and there were no other fry. For professionals, Feng Hai saw how they raised it at a glance.

While Xiao Zhang is on the side, he can't see any way. He doesn't understand these breeding technologies. However, Xiao Zhang doesn't talk much or ask anything. He just follows Feng Hai and watches and learns this kind of thing. Naturally, it can't be solved in a day or two. It should take several days.

Moreover, Liu Yuan also gave them a task, that is, to directly select some fish fry and transport them back in that place. After all, Feng Hai will certainly choose some good fish fry. A good fish fry can't be seen by ordinary people, but Feng Hai can see it at a glance.

"Liu Yuan, is your breeding base open now?" at home, Cheng Ying is very interested in Liu Yuan's breeding base. She wants to know whether he has done it well. After all, she invested a lot of money some time ago. If nothing is done well, she is doomed to lose money. She doesn't want to see Liu Yuan lose money!

"Everything is done. As long as the fry arrive, they can breed immediately, and this time I hired an expert to breed fish. With him, it must be possible to do a good job in this breeding base. Some time ago, I arranged for him to learn how to breed this kind of fish. According to his IQ, these two should finish learning and come back," Liu Yuan said.

Cheng Ying was relieved to hear Liu Yuan say this. She is still very afraid that Liu Yuan will lose money. At that time, she will not be able to get the money from the bank. It will be a big trouble and may affect the operation of other companies. However, Liu Yuan said that now everything is ready, and she will not lose too much.

Feng Hai is very grateful to Liu Yuan now, because Liu Yuan's arrangement has enabled him to learn a lot of knowledge. Of course, these knowledge are all about breeding, which is also Feng Hai's favorite knowledge. Now he has mastered the breeding method of rare fish species and wants to practice it immediately.

"By the way, you should remember that we will visit my mother's house next month. Don't forget it." Cheng Ying suddenly said, how can Liu Yuan forget this matter? But seriously, Liu Yuan really doesn't want to go, because Cheng Ying's mother's house is really bad.

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