Rebirth 2004

Chapter 157

After sending boss Qian away, Liu Yuan also came to the fish pond and looked at these fry carefully. What Liu Yuan bought now is not a rare fish species, but several rare fish species. Some ask boss Qian for goods directly, and some ask boss Qian to help them get the goods. As for how much money boss Qian wants to charge, Liu Yuan can't think about it.

There are five rare fish species here. These fish species are vegetarian, so there is no phenomenon of fish eating fish. It is also relatively simple in aquaculture. Moreover, Liu Yuan's fish pond is different from ordinary fish ponds. Those different fish species live in different water layers and almost do not interfere with each other.

"In the future, these fish ponds will be managed by you. As for how you want to do it, just don't let me lose money." Liu Yuan joked that he also wants to hand over these fish ponds to Feng Hai for management. After all, Feng Hai is more professional in fish farming. It's also the best choice to let him manage them.

"Don't worry! Since I promised you, I will certainly do it. I'm not the kind of person who breaks his promise." Feng Hai said seriously. Since he promised Liu Yuan, he will certainly do it. Moreover, this is what Feng Hai likes to do. He is very happy to work here.

Originally, Feng Hai thought that working in this breeding base did not meet his requirements at all, but now it seems that it is very suitable for him. Now even if Feng Hai is asked to leave, he will stay. He can't drive away anyway, because Feng Hai thinks he can't find a better place.

"Then find some workers to help! You need some workers. Just talk to Uncle Niu directly and I'll arrange it for you." Liu Yuan said directly. He handed it over to Uncle Niu. After all, uncle Niu is more familiar with personnel. As for talent, only Liu Yuan can find it himself.

After all, a talent is not so easy to find. So far, Liu Yuan has only found two, one is Feng Hai and the other is Zhu Xiaojuan. If it were not for chance, Liu Yuan might not find Zhu Xiaojuan. Now it seems that Zhu Xiaojuan is a little more powerful than he imagined, especially in planting, Liu Yuan has felt that the output has increased during this period.

It must be Zhu Xiaojuan who can increase the output. Liu Yuan didn't ask how Zhu Xiaojuan did it. After all, some things are Zhu Xiaojuan's secret, and Liu Yuan can't ask directly. If Zhu Xiaojuan said it himself, Liu Yuan is still happy to listen. If Liu Yuan asked it himself, it must be impossible.

"By the way, as for what you want, you can tell me directly. I will give you money directly for fish and other things. Just buy it." Liu Yuan knows that Feng Hai is an honest man. Even if he gives the money to him, it is very safe. He will certainly not embezzle anything. This is Liu Yuan's trust in Feng Hai.

Hearing what Liu Yuan said, Feng Hai was still very moved. It was a feeling of being trusted. This feeling was very good. Feng Hai also liked this feeling. He couldn't help looking at Liu Yuan with grateful eyes. Liu Yuan didn't know how to talk to him. Two big men actually looked at him with such eyes.

Liu Yuan couldn't help it and said directly, "I may breed some other fish at that time. I don't know whether he belongs to fish, but it must be very expensive. It takes a long time to breed and the technology should be very high." Liu Yuan looked at Feng Hai very seriously and said.

Hearing Liu Yuan's words, Feng Hai couldn't help but show a surprised expression on his face. Unexpectedly, Liu Yuan still had this idea. He still doesn't know what species Liu Yuan wants to breed. He actually said he doesn't know whether it belongs to fish. Does this world really have these things?

"What's going on? Can't you make it clear?" Feng Hai couldn't help being curious and asked directly. Liu Yuan said half and didn't say half, which made Feng Hai a little uncomfortable. He always felt very uncomfortable in his heart, so he asked Liu Yuan directly.

But Liu Yuan doesn't intend to tell Feng Hai now, because Liu Yuan hasn't done some things yet. If he says it now, he will certainly be laughed at. Liu Yuan doesn't want to see himself laughed at, and he is still Feng Hai, but he can say some things.

"Do you see these open spaces? I'll get them here and build some houses. In these houses, I'll breed another variety. You must have never bred this variety, and it's rare, but the price of this variety is very expensive." Liu Yuan said with deep meaning.

Feng Hai couldn't help but turn his eyes to the direction pointed by Liu Yuan's fingers. At first glance, he couldn't help frowning. This land is still large. If it is used to build houses, it would be a little large, and the investment should be very large. Ordinary people can't hold on at all, but Liu Yuan has this idea, which is really unexpected.

If other people say these words, Feng Hai can't believe them, but when these words are said in Liu Yuan's mouth, Feng Hai chooses to believe them, because up to now, he knows what kind of person Liu Yuan is. Since he has this idea, he will certainly do it. Liu Yuan is a doer, and generally wants facts to say things.

"That is to say, you arranged these lands separately to build houses? Have you ever thought about how much these investments would be? If you lose money, you will lose a lot." Feng Hai couldn't help reminding Liu Yuan to think of Chu and do it again. After all, Feng Hai couldn't imagine how much money it would cost here.

"Don't worry! I've thought about it. It must be no problem. I'll do it directly at that time. I'm very good at the breeding technology of that variety." Liu Yuan vowed, but Liu Yuan didn't do it himself at all. All he knew was those theories. The reason why he said so was to deceive Feng Hai.

Since Liu Yuan has said so, it is useless for Feng Hai to remind him again. He can only nod his head. He is fully cooperating with Liu Yuan to do these things. No matter what variety Liu Yuan wants to cultivate, Feng Hai will give full support and work hard for Liu Yuan to cultivate better fish.

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