Rebirth 2004

Chapter 161

Zhu Xiaojuan was really moved. She didn't expect Liu Yuan to be so good to herself. She was a college student who had just graduated. She thought her first job must be very difficult to do and couldn't do well at all. But now it seems that this is not the case. She will be so good and smooth because she thought she met a good boss.

"Well, when I go out, I'll come to you. You'll be busy first. I'll go to the breeding base." after that, Liu Yuan turned and left directly. There was no muddle at all, because Liu Yuan knew that if he continued to stay here, he would encounter something very afraid, especially Liu Yuan had seen Zhu Xiaojuan's eyes turn red.

Looking at Liu Yuan's back, Zhu Xiaojuan has decided to work hard here in the future. She will never disappoint ang Liuyuan. She also knows that she must have a future when she meets such a good boss. More importantly, Zhu Xiaojuan knows. Liu Yuan knows a lot, and he may learn something from him.

Liu Yuan came to the breeding base and saw that Feng Hai had begun to work. Obviously, he was also a very diligent person. He couldn't stay idle at all. He could start to work early in the morning. Moreover, he took the initiative to study the breeding technology of these fish species. These two days, he had some experience, and these fish ponds are different from ordinary fish ponds, Nature is hard to master.

"Master Feng, it's hard for you to get up so early and have to work." when he came to Feng Hai, Liu Yuan was a little embarrassed and said that it really caused Feng Hai's white eyes. Obviously, he knew that Liu Yuan buried him here and got a little upset about Feng Hai. He knew that he worked hard here and didn't arrange a person for himself.

"Know I'm hard? You just can talk with your mouth, and you won't be practical at all." after seeing Liu Yuan, Feng Hai disdained and said that it was a little unfair for him, but Feng Hai was not angry because he knew that he could come here entirely because of Liu Yuan.

After coming here, Feng Hai is very satisfied. At least it can give him more opportunities to contact other fish, and some rare fish. These fish are simply fatal attraction to Feng Hai. He has liked here. Now even if Liu Yuan wants to drive him away, he can't go.

Hearing Feng Hai's words, Liu Yuan was stunned. He didn't know what Feng Hai meant in the end. Why did he say these words all of a sudden? He was not satisfied with what he had done, but soon Liu Yuan saw some differences, because there was no one near these fish ponds, only Feng Hai.

To put it simply, there are so many fish ponds managed by Feng Hai alone. For ordinary people, this is a little too much. If other people come here, one person must be uncertain, but if there are more than a few people, it's better, but Feng Hai has done a good job. If he can do this, it can prove that Feng Hai's ability is very powerful

"Master Feng, I'm really sorry. It's my fault. I'll hire someone for you now. I'll certainly help you find a few people at that time." Liu Yuan vowed. This is also Liu Yuan's negligence. Fortunately, Feng Hai is managing these fish ponds. If it's others, many fish may die here.

When he heard Liu Yuan say this, Feng Hai couldn't help but give Liu Yuan a pair of white eyes. He was convinced by Liu Yuan. He didn't think of this problem until now. He was too eager to be a boss, but he was still very satisfied. After all, he knew that there were not enough people. He recruited people directly, which is impossible for ordinary bosses.

"I thought you couldn't see it at all. If you really don't recruit people, I must be too busy. If there is any accident in the fish pond at that time, it's not my problem." Feng Hai said faintly, which shows that Feng Hai is a little angry because of the shortage of manpower. It's really Liu Yuan's fault.

"I'll go to recruit people later. Tell me how many people you need. It will certainly satisfy you." Liu Yuan continued, giving Feng Hai a face, and Liu Yuan was a little sorry. It's very easy to recruit people now, but it's not so easy to find the right person.

Hearing Liu Yuan's words, Feng Hai has fallen into thinking. He is thinking about how many talents are suitable. If there are too few, it will certainly not work. If there are too many, it is also very unfair to Liu Yuan, because hiring too many people will waste a lot of money. Feng Hai naturally knows this.

"Then find eight or ten people! That's the most suitable. But you'd better find people who have experience in fish farming. You know, your varieties are very precious. If you die, you'll lose a lot." Feng Hai said seriously. Now he's saving money for Liu Yuan.

Hearing Feng Hai's words, Liu Yuan already knew what was going on. Naturally, he was a little grateful, but Liu Yuan was thinking about how to find talents better? Moreover, Liu Yuan felt that this time to recruit people, not only those who can raise fish, but also some security guards. If no one looks at such a large place, it must be impossible.

Liu Yuan immediately went to recruit people accurately, and when Liu Yuan left zhangjiacun, he found Zhu Xiaojuan and asked Zhu Xiaojuan to go with him. After all, Zhu Xiaojuan rarely went to the city. Today, she must take her to see it. Anyway, she is also a college student. If she is far away from the city, it is impossible, We must take Zhu Xiaojuan to the street seriously.

"Xiaojuan, you go change your clothes first. We'll go to the city later." Liu Yuan found Zhu Xiaojuan and said directly, let her go back and change her clothes quickly, or go out in a suit with mud. It must be very embarrassing. This is not that Liu Yuan despises muddy clothes, but Liu Yuan thinks that even if she is going to recruit people, she should have some appearance.

Hearing Liu Yuan's words, Zhu Xiaojuan was stunned and couldn't believe her ears. However, seeing Liu Yuan still standing here, she knew that Liu Yuan was not joking with herself. She left here immediately and changed into a relatively new set of clothes at the fastest speed.

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