Rebirth 2004

Chapter 167

"Those people I called must be very familiar with the fish pond, which I can guarantee." brother Jun immediately stood up and said seriously at this time. He seemed to know that he was not joking, but what did he want to guarantee? Brother Jun has to think about this himself. Anyway, Liu Yuan doesn't know what to guarantee.

Feng Hai couldn't help showing a look of disdain when he heard brother Jun's words. He naturally knew how difficult it was to cultivate fish ponds. If it was an ordinary fish pond, the difficulty was not very high, but unfortunately, the fish pond Liu Yuan wanted to cultivate now was not an ordinary fish pond. The fish species in the inside were very rare, not just ordinary breeding methods.

"You promise? What do you want to guarantee? I can't say I can guarantee. Why can you promise?" Feng Hai looked at brother Jun incredulously and said with disdain. Obviously, he didn't believe what brother Jun said. Some talents with high technology would say these words. He didn't know what to say.

Liu Yuan watched while he didn't say one more word, because Liu Yuan couldn't say anything about these things at all. After all, Liu Yuan still had to listen to Feng Hai's words about farming. Although Liu Yuan was very familiar with the principle of farming, he still didn't dare to say one more word. It was embarrassing to avoid saying something wrong when he got it.

"Well, you don't have to say much about this. You can follow master Feng first these two days! If master Feng is not satisfied, you can only be your security captain." Liu Yuan directly turned his eyes to brother Jun and said seriously. This is an opportunity for brother Jun, and Liu Yuan also believes that brother Jun will grasp it.

"Don't worry, Mr. Liu. I'm sure I know what to do. I'm still very confident about fish farming." brother Jun vowed, as if fish farming is a very simple thing. Even if Feng Hai heard brother Jun's words, he couldn't help showing a contemptuous expression and obviously looked down on brother Jun.

Since it was arranged, Liu Yuan did not continue to stay here, because it was impossible to have any hair quality if he continued to stay here. They were allowed to solve the contradictions themselves. If such things could not be solved, they would not be worthy to work here. After all, brother Jun was also one of the team leaders.

Brother Jun didn't leave, but stayed in the fish pond. He also wanted to study it. After all, brother Jun has always liked fish and wanted to study it. If there were such conditions in the past, brother Jun might not go on the road of being a gangster. Sometimes his fate is like this, which makes people feel very helpless.

"Well, how are the fish ponds here different from the usual fish ponds?" seeing these fish ponds, brother Jun finally showed a surprised expression on his face. He also knew that the fish ponds here are a little different from the usual fish ponds. The fish species cultured there are naturally very unusual and must be very rare.

Seeing brother Jun's surprise, Feng Hai couldn't help laughing again, but brother Jun ignored him and began to study these fish species. The more he studied, the more familiar, the more familiar, and the more surprised. Now Brother Jun has become extremely surprised. He can't imagine that these fish ponds will cultivate such fish species.

Liu Yuan is not clear about what happened in the fishpond. Liu Yuan just took three other people to take a serious look at the surrounding situation and let them start duty on this time. As for how to arrange work, they should discuss it with themselves, as long as someone is on duty. As for several people, they has the final say, but the premise is to do well.

What has the final say for Liu Yuan is that they have no idea, but they still have to ask brother Jung's advice. Anyway, Jung is their captain. Everything is Jung's brother's final rule. And Liu Yuan will not tell them directly. What matters is he directly talking to Jung brother. Jung is only responsible for Liu Yuan.

"How? Are you used to using computers?" back in the office, Liu Yuan saw Zhu Xiaojuan start to operate in front of the computer and looked very serious. Liu Yuan couldn't help asking curiously. He also seemed to know how much Zhu Xiaojuan knew about computers. If he didn't understand it, Liu Yuan could still teach her.

Hearing Liu Yuan's words, Zhu Xiaojuan immediately stood up in her seat, which seemed a little embarrassing, because she was not used to it so far. After all, this is Liu Yuan's computer. It's a little inappropriate for her to use it now, so she wanted to escape the scene, but Liu Yuan won't easily let her leave.

"This computer will be used by you in the future. If you are not familiar with it, you won't use it next time. I will say you. If you are free now, operate it first and let me have a look." Liu Yuan said seriously, as if she was a little angry, which made Zhu Xiaojuan more afraid, but she still sat down and began a series of operations.

Seeing Zhu Xiaojuan's operation, Liu Yuan is still quite satisfied. Although Zhu Xiaojuan's operation is not very familiar, it is barely passable. In this era, the computer operation ability is very good. Of course, compared with Liu Yuan, it is still far from good.

"The technology is OK. In the future, you should be more familiar with it. Later, someone may come to install the network cable. Just follow it yourself." Liu Yuan directly handed it over to Zhu Xiaojuan and asked Zhu Xiaojuan to discuss with those who installed the network cable. I believe Zhu Xiaojuan can do a good job in how to install it.

There was really nothing to do. Liu Yuan went to Yuanhao company. During this period, Chen Haoqiang was not here. It seemed that he would be home. Liu Yuan didn't know when he would come back, but what Liu Yuan knew was that Chen Haoqiang must have something to do. Otherwise, it seemed that he had been missing for so long.

"Why are you here? Don't you watch in your base?" seeing Liu Yuan coming here, Cheng Ying couldn't help giving Liu Yuan a pair of white eyes. She was very upset and said that she hid in the base all day and didn't see anyone. She didn't even return home. Naturally, Cheng Ying was a little upset.

"Didn't I miss you? Let's see you." Liu Yuan smiled and said some words that made people feel shy. Cheng Ying blushed and was too shy.

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