Rebirth 2004

Chapter 182

Liu Yuan is also a little speechless about the practice of director Zhang. He doesn't know anything and directly grabs people. What's the director? Liu Yuan also doesn't understand it. Even Cheng Ying on one side can't see it. This is completely inconsistent with the process. They do it entirely based on their personal interests.

When you see those people, you have to cuff yourself directly. Liu Yuan's face is a little ugly. You can't cuff them. These guys completely don't comply with the legal process. Even if Liu Yuan does it directly, there is no problem, but Liu Yuan won't do so, because Liu Yuan knows that Huang Hao will come here soon.

"You have to figure out whether it's really legal for you to do this yourself. If you break the law yourself, how can you make it?" Liu Yuan looked at director Zhang and said it seriously, as if it was a reminder to Director Zhang. Unfortunately, director Zhang can't listen to Li Yuan. Now he just needs to take Liu Yuan directly back to the police station.

"I'm the law here. I'm going to catch you now. Does anyone dare to stop it?" the director Zhang was extremely arrogant, as if he didn't take Liu Yuan as one thing. Indeed, what has the final say in this place is the one who has the final say. No one will dare to stand up if she does anything. If he stands up, he will offend him, and no one will dare to offend him.

Hearing Liu Yuan's words, Cheng Ying's so-called second brother had a disdainful smile on his face, as if he wanted to see Liu Yuan's jokes. He knew that Liu Yuan must be unlucky this time. He slapped Liu Yuan just now. Naturally, he wanted to teach Liu Yuan a lesson. It was a little cheap to let him go to prison directly.

He couldn't help but turn his eyes to yuruyi in the hands of the old man. Although it was rotten, it was also very valuable. He was very curious. How could Cheng Ying be so rich? Since they were so rich, why didn't they ask for a sum of money at this time? He wants money at this time. They won't refuse.

"Take it away directly!" director Zhang said directly, asking his men to take Liu Yuan away directly. As for Cheng Ying, there is no way to stop her even standing here. She wants to stop it, but she doesn't know how to stop it. She can only stand and watch. She can only be anxious, but she didn't do it.

Originally, Liu Yuan wanted to resist, but Liu Yuan hasn't started to resist. A person's voice has sounded at this time. The person talking is Cheng Ying's second brother. He directly said: "director Zhang, wait a minute, let me talk to him first, and then deal with the matter."

Hearing this guy's words, director Zhang frowned. What's going on? I have begun to catch people. Is it a little unreasonable to stop myself at this time? But director Zhang didn't say much. He nodded directly and agreed to his request.

"Thank you, director Zhang. We'll talk later." Cheng Ying's second brother said deeply. As for what they have to say privately, only they guess. As for others, they don't know what they have to do privately, but Liu Yuan knows that they must have nothing good to do.

Cheng Ying's second brother came to Liu Yuan with a smile on his face. Looking at Liu Yuan with that smile on his face, Liu Yuan was very annoying. What did this guy want to say to himself at this time? Liu Yuan was very curious, but Liu Yuan didn't say much, just waiting here.

"Well, that brother-in-law, you have also seen this thing. There is a misunderstanding. Now director Zhang has come. He will certainly catch you at that time. I think you know the consequences after catching you." Cheng Ying's second brother said with a deep face. Liu Yuan thought a little and knew what it meant.

"What do you want? Do you want me to beg you? So that you can help me beg for mercy? Or do you have a better way?" Liu Yuan looked at Cheng Ying's second brother with deep meaning and asked, wondering what way he had. It was a little confusing to say such a thing at this time.

Hearing Liu Yuan's words, the guy's face also showed that kind of trick succeeded smile, as if he was very embarrassed. Finally, he directly said his requirements and said: "in fact, this thing is easy to solve. As long as you take out 300000, it can be regarded as nothing."

Hearing this, Liu Yuan also knows what's going on. It turns out that this guy wants money, 300000. Liu Yuan naturally has it, but may Liu Yuan give it to him? That's impossible. In Liu Yuan's hands, he can't expect to get a penny. Even if he distributes the money to others, he can't give it to the guy in front of him.

"It turns out that 300000 can solve this problem! I don't know how you solve this problem? Do you want to directly give director Zhang a sum of money so that he won't catch me?" Liu Yuan asked curiously. Liu Yuan still wants to know how he wants 300000 to solve this problem.

"You don't have to worry about it. I'm sure I'll handle it for you. I can solve everything else. I'll negotiate with director Zhang in person." Cheng Ying's second brother said very seriously, as if he had seen Liu Yuan take out 300000 and call it directly into his own hands. He was already a little excited.

But the words Liu Yuan said in the following words have made Cheng Ying's second brother a little angry. He can't react and doesn't know what to say, because these words can't be said by ordinary people, because what Liu Yuan said is a little loud and said, "thank you for letting me use 300000 to solve this matter."

The voice was loud and fell directly into director Zhang's ear, which attracted director Zhang's attention. He hurried to Liu Yuan's side and asked with a puzzled look: "what did you just say? Did you want to use 300000 to solve this matter? Do you have 300000? If you really have 300000, this matter is easy to solve."

Cheng Ying's second brother's face changed at this time. If director Zhang intervened in this matter, he might not get a penny. This is not the result he wants.

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