Rebirth 2004

Chapter 189

"There must be fish farming. If I don't raise fish, I'll invest so much in fish ponds?" Liu Yuan couldn't help saying. Indeed, if I didn't want to make money, how could I invest so much? The investment in these fish ponds is not small, and most people can't afford it. Liu Yuan's acquisition of these is also relatively expensive.

Hearing Liu Yuan's words, county magistrate Qi couldn't help nodding. He still agreed with Liu Yuan's idea. Agriculture and aquaculture should also be vigorously developed. In fact, aquaculture is also a kind of agriculture, which is also very important for development and must be strongly supported. Of course, county magistrate Qi will support it very much.

"What kinds of fish are there? I see that there should be more than one kind of fish, and your fish pond seems a little different from other fish ponds!" county magistrate Qi couldn't help asking curiously. County magistrate Qi would like to know about them. If such breeding is more useful, he will certainly promote it.

Liu Yuan naturally knows what county magistrate Qi means, but at this time, Liu Yuan doesn't want to tell county magistrate Qi for the time being. After all, Liu Yuan is still a little selfish in this matter. Can he have a better effect? Liu Yuan decides to try it first, wait until his side is mature, and then teach others experience, so that he can make better money and make his reputation.

"I'll buy a pass first. When the fish is big enough, I'll give you a try for two days. When you think it suits your taste, I'll tell you about it." Liu Yuan said mysteriously, and couldn't help but show a mysterious smile on his face. Seeing the smile on Liu Yuan's face, county magistrate Qi immediately stopped asking about it.

After studying in the fish pond for a long time, county magistrate Qi still hasn't gained anything. He has a lot to do and doesn't continue to stay here. He wants to leave. He doesn't want to stay in Zhangjia village for more time, but he really doesn't have so much time. Now he comes here to see Liu Yuan and see if Liu Yuan has any news to tell himself.

"Well, county magistrate Qi, there's something I want to tell you." seeing that county magistrate Qi is leaving, Liu Yuan immediately said what he just wanted to say, so that he can't find a chance to say it. It's very embarrassing, and Liu Yuan thinks it's better to let county magistrate Qi know about it.

Hearing that Liu Yuan had something to say to the shelf, county magistrate Qi was naturally very happy to listen. He also wanted to know what he wanted to say to himself. He looked at Liu Yuan directly and wanted to see something on Liu Yuan's face. Unfortunately, he couldn't see anything different on Liu Yuan's face and said, "just say it directly."

Since the head of Qi county has to say it himself, Liu Yuan naturally won't hide anything. He said directly: "in fact, I have a plan and I'm ready to implement it during this period. I think I'd better tell you first that I want to raise chickens and pheasants in the surrounding orchards. However, I don't raise them myself, but I'm assigned to the villagers here."

Although Liu Yuan said his ideas at will, county magistrate Qi couldn't help frowning when he heard what Liu Yuan said, as if he were thinking about something. Finally, county magistrate Qi nodded and said, "this breeding method is very good, which can drive the development of local economy. It's very good."

Hearing the words of county magistrate Qi, Liu Yuan knew that the county supported this very much. Since he supported it, Liu Yuan could do whatever he was afraid of. Although county magistrate Qi didn't say it clearly, Liu Yuan still knew what county magistrate Qi meant. A smile had appeared on his face and said, "I know what to do."

After seeing off county magistrate Qi, Liu Yuan immediately came to Uncle Niu's house and began to discuss this matter with Uncle Niu. Uncle Niu didn't think about Liu Yuan's suggestions at all. He agreed directly and was very supportive. He wanted to inform the villagers immediately and hold a meeting to decide this matter at that time.

But Liu Yuan still stopped uncle Niu. Don't be impulsive for the time being. There's no good plan yet. If you go out now, few people will believe it. If no one believes it, it's a very embarrassing thing. Liu Yuan doesn't want to face this embarrassing picture!

"It's better to think about how to do it and how to tell them. It doesn't make sense to talk to them like this." Liu Yuan said directly, asking uncle Niu to think about it, so as to avoid being asked by those villagers when facing them, and don't know how to answer their questions.

"That's right. We'd better come up first. What should we do? I'm a little rash." Uncle Niu was also a little embarrassed. Just now he knew he was too anxious. Although it was very helpful to the villagers' income, he didn't have to be so anxious. This kind of thing must be considered in the long run.

"I don't know if you have a good way, Xiao Liu. If you have a good way, you can make it clear to me now, and I can talk to them." Uncle Niu looked forward to Liu Yuan. In Uncle Niu's eyes, Liu Yuan is omnipotent and knows everything. He already felt that Liu Yuan must have his own ideas.

But soon, uncle Niu was a little confused. Liu Yuan didn't think about it seriously. Now he suddenly remembered it. However, it shouldn't be difficult to operate when he went back to think about it. However, it takes a little time. After all, uncle Niu will certainly feel that he is lying if it's too long.

"I have to go back and think about it. I'll talk to you tomorrow." after that, Liu Yuan turned directly and left. He really didn't dare to continue here, because Uncle Niu has been asking himself those questions. Liu Yuan doesn't think he can answer them.

Uncle Niu was reluctant to see Liu Yuan leaving, but he couldn't find a reason and excuse to keep Liu Yuan. He had to watch Liu Yuan leave in front of him. However, when Liu Yuan was about to reach the door, Liu Yuan stopped, turned around, faced uncle Niu and said: "By the way, uncle Niu, you can deposit a little for my small bungalow, especially those under the ground. I must make them thicker. Those things I breed will be very expensive at that time, and I will lose a lot if I run one."

Uncle Niu was stunned when he heard Liu Yuan's words. Up to now, uncle Niu still didn't know what Liu Yuan built those bungalows for.

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