Rebirth 2004

Chapter 201

Cheng Ying supports Liu Yuan's idea very much. In any case, it's very bad to be able to develop effectively. The reason why she said this just now is to speak out her idea and let Liu Yuan think about it. Because Cheng Ying doesn't see through the development of this kind of thing very well, it's better for Liu Yuan to decide.

Hearing Liu Yuan's method, Liu Yuan couldn't help smiling bitterly. He also knew why Cheng Ying thought so, because Cheng Ying didn't know what the future development would be like, or how fast it would develop over a period of time. More importantly, there were many opportunities in the near future. If she didn't grasp them, Then the development will be much slower.

"Just trust me. I'm sure I can make money. How can I be the richest man in the world without any ideal?" Liu Yuan said naturally, as if he was talking about a very casual thing. He seemed to know the result long ago, and Cheng Ying was a little speechless.

Before, she knew that Liu Yuan was very confident, but she never thought that Liu Yuan would be so confident that she would say such words directly. If people don't know Liu Yuan, they will certainly feel that Liu Yuan is arrogant. A arrogant person will certainly have no good results. Many people know this.

But who would have thought that Liu Yuan has real talent. He really knows what the future development trend is. Naturally, he should seize this opportunity. This is Liu Yuan's advantage, and this advantage is not available to others. Liu Yuan may be the only one in the world to have this advantage.

"Well, since you have decided, how can I not support you? You can do it!" Cheng Ying finally said firmly. She fully supports Liu Yuan. Liu Yuan can do it directly. No matter how she does it, Cheng Ying supports it unconditionally. Cheng Ying doesn't want to change back to the previous life mode!

After receiving Cheng Ying's support, Liu Yuan is also very satisfied. Especially after receiving Cheng Ying's trust, Liu Yuan feels that his future development will be smoother. After all, it is a completely different concept to have support and no support. Especially now Liu Yuan knows that Cheng Ying's management talent is very powerful.

In the future, even if some companies are handed over to her for management, Liu Yuan can rest assured. At least Liu Yuan won't worry. Liu Yuan is a little confused. Cheng Ying's management talent is so good that no one found it? If it had been discovered long ago, the previous life would not have been so bitter.

"What are you going to do then? You'll just get a Liu's group soon?" Cheng Ying is the most curious. She wants to know how Liu Yuan plans. If such a big thing is not planned well, it must be impossible. It's to establish a group, not a small workshop.

Hearing Cheng Ying's question, Liu Yuan couldn't help smiling. In fact, Liu Yuan had already planned this matter for a long time. He must have had his own idea. He directly brought Cheng Ying to his computer and told Cheng Ying his plan in detail. In addition, he wrote about some management matters and development conditions.

Cheng Ying looked at the computer very seriously and saw that the key points written by Liu Yuan were all about development planning. Cheng Ying couldn't understand many professional words, but she knew that Liu Yuan was very powerful. Even these plans could be written. It was certainly impossible for ordinary people to do it, which surprised Cheng Ying even more.

"You know exactly how your head is made and how it is. Even if I am a layman, I know it's great. If I develop according to this development model in the future, it must be very good." Cheng Ying looked at Liu Yuan with surprise and said with emotion. She was completely convinced of Liu Yuan.

Liu Yuan couldn't help showing a satisfied expression when he was praised by Cheng Ying. After all, it's a good thing to praise his wife. At least Liu Yuan thinks it's good. If he praises it more in the future, Liu Yuan may work harder.

"Now you have a very serious thing to think about. If the problem is not solved, you will certainly not be able to achieve your goal." Cheng Ying suddenly said, as if she had seen some problems, she directly told Liu Yuan, and Liu Yuan also saw a kind of helplessness in Cheng Ying's face.

"What's the problem? Just say it directly. I think I'm ready for everything. There's no problem." Liu Yuan frowned and asked directly. So far, Liu Yuan hasn't found any problem with his plan. This is very good for development. There will be no problem at all.

"Is there really no problem? What about your development funds? You are ready. You have so much money?" Cheng Ying said directly, telling the problem he saw. As soon as the problem appeared, Liu Yuan immediately got confused, because what Cheng Ying said is really a problem, and it is still a very serious problem.

Up to now, Liu Yuan still hasn't solved the problem of money. If it's a small amount of money, Liu Yuan may be able to deceive, but a large amount of money, even if it's flickering, has no effect. It can't deceive at all. After all, it's not a small sum of money. It's a lot of money, which ordinary people can't get.

"I'll figure it out myself. Don't worry! I already have my own plan. I'll go and have a look tomorrow. It shouldn't be difficult." Liu Yuan vowed, as if he already knew how to deal with it, but Liu Yuan really didn't know whether he could get so much money.

Hearing Liu Yuan's vows, Cheng Ying is still a little confused. She doesn't know whether Liu Yuan has really thought of a way, because Cheng Ying also knows that this matter is not easy to solve. It's a lot of money. Even if it's a loan, it's impossible to get so many loans. Cheng Ying is also very curious about Liu Yuan's way.

"Well, let's go to bed early!" Liu Yuan didn't want to continue to entangle in this matter. He looked at Cheng Ying with a very aggressive look. The meaning was very obvious, which made Cheng Ying a little unable to respond. Then an indescribable voice began to ring.

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