Rebirth 2004

Chapter 206

Hearing Huang Hao's words, President Qian was still a little confused. He didn't know why Huang Hao said so, but he vaguely guessed what was going on. He asked himself out for the young man in front of him. As for what it was, President Qian still wasn't sure, but President Qian knew that he couldn't refuse some things.

"I don't know what's the matter with you, mayor Huang? Just say it! I can do it and I won't refuse you." President Qian vowed. At a glance, he knew that he was not joking. He was very serious and wanted to be a sincere leader Huang Hao, but what was the truth? Maybe only president Qian himself knows.

Qian Xingchang has said so. What else can Huang Hao do? He said what he wanted to say directly, but after hearing what Huang Hao said, President Qian was surprised. He didn't believe that these words were said in Huang Hao's mouth. If he didn't have a deep relationship, he wouldn't be such a guarantor at all.

Now Huang Hao guarantees Liu Yuan, and the amount of guarantee should be a lot. If it is a small amount, Huang Hao doesn't have to come forward in person at all. It's just to let some of his people deal with the matter. Since he comes out in person, it must be not easy. As for how much money to borrow, the money manager is not very clear.

"I don't know mayor Huang, how much do you want to borrow?" President Qian asked carefully. Although President Qian is a president, he still has his own bottom line in some things. He will never let the bank lose money. If the bank loses money, President Qian will be in big trouble, so he must deal with this matter well.

Since President Qian has asked this question, Huang Hao knows that this matter is about to become. He can only turn his eyes to Liu Yuan. It is obvious that Liu Yuan has to do the rest. As for how they communicate, Huang Hao should not interfere too much. He has done these things now, which is very good.

After receiving Huang Hao's instructions, Liu Yuan naturally knew that he was going to start his own business now. As for whether he could borrow so much money, Liu Yuan was not sure, but Liu Yuan still wanted to try and fool president Qian. It was uncertain that he could really borrow so much money. Anyway, he still wanted to try.

"President Qian, in fact, the lender is me. The amount I want to borrow may be a little large, but it will certainly be returned to your bank on time, and your bank still has interest to collect." Liu Yuan hurriedly said, directly saying some benefits that banks can get. This is some skills of negotiation. Liu Yuan must grasp it well.

Hearing Liu Yuan's words, President Qian frowned as if he were thinking about something. As for what he was thinking, President Qian himself knew. Liu Yuan saw president Qian thinking and didn't disturb him. He sat quietly and waited until President Qian took the initiative to speak.

After a while, President Qian finally spoke. He looked at Liu Yuan directly with a pair of eyes, as if he wanted to see something in Liu Yuan. This is an investment. He must have a good look. If he knew he would lose money, he would not do it, but if Liu Yuan had potential, he would lend it to him.

"How much do you want to borrow?" there must be a number. "The money chief looked at Liu Yuan and said directly," I want to know how much money Liu Yuan wants to borrow. If he has a small number of loans, he himself can not make any decisions. After all, he is only a manager. He is not the only one who has the final say. "

"One hundred million, I want to borrow one hundred million now." Liu Yuan didn't talk nonsense and directly said the figures in his heart. This is Liu Yuan's bottom line. At least he has to borrow so much. If there is no one hundred million, he can't attack at all, so Liu yuan must borrow one hundred million. As for whether he can get it, he's not sure yet.

President Qian was stunned when he heard Liu Yuan's words. He couldn't believe the number he heard. It was 100 million. It wasn't 10 million. If it was 10 million, he could promise Liu Yuan, but even he couldn't promise 100 million. He had to find out what was going on.

"Mr. Liu, aren't you kidding me?" up to now, President Qian still can't believe what he heard. He couldn't help staring at Liu Yuan and asked again. He wants to hear Liu Yuan's positive answer. If he really wants to borrow 100 million, there must be enough reasons. After all, this risk is too big.

"I really want to borrow 100 million yuan. I want to start a company. This company will certainly make money, and the development prospect is very good. I believe it will become a big enterprise soon." Liu Yuan vowed. Obviously, Liu Yuan looks very confident now.

Seeing such a confident Liu Yuan, President Qian is still a little confused, but Huang Hao believes it. Huang Hao thinks that since Liu Yuan is so sure, he must know something and it is likely to happen in the future, so he must support Liu Yuan more now, so that Liu Yuan can develop better.

"President Qian, don't worry! I'll be the guarantor of this matter. I think my face should be OK." Huang Hao also spoke at this time and directly said that Liu Yuan was a little grateful to be the guarantor of Liu Yuan. With Huang Hao as the guarantor, it must be a lot easier to do.

Originally, President Qian wanted to refuse, but Huang Hao has said so. If he refused at this time, it would be a little unreasonable. He said directly: "let me think about it. There are too many 100 million. I can't make up my mind for a moment. After all, it's not small money." President Qian said seriously.

Hearing what President Qian said, Liu Yuan and Huang Hao didn't speak, because they all know that this is not a small number. They must think about it. After all, in this world, no one wants to do business at a loss. Even Liu Yuan doesn't want to do business at a loss.

"Our bank can lend you 100 million yuan, but you may want some assets to mortgage. I don't know if you have so many assets to mortgage." bank chief Qian stared directly at Liu Yuan and said his thoughts and conditions.

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