Rebirth 2004

Chapter 232

Liu Yuan couldn't figure out how capable a village was?

"I wonder if you can take me to that village now?" Liu Yuan asked curiously.

Now, Liu Yuan is also very interested in the village and wants to see the legendary village.

If it is such an awesome village, it should be very famous, but Liu Yuan hasn't heard of it until now.

"Really want to see?" Huang Hao asked uncertainly.

Seriously, if Liu Yuan hadn't asked for it, Huang Hao couldn't have let Liu Yuan go to that village.

It's too dangerous. If you're not careful, you may get hurt. This is not what Huang Hao wants to see.

"Some things still need to be solved. I'll try if I can solve it," Liu Yuan said.

If others say these words, no one will believe them, but they are said in Liu Yuan's mouth, which is different. Huang Hao believes what Liu Yuan said a little. After all, he has seen Liu Yuan's ability.

"Well, since you want to have a look, we'll go there now," Huang Hao said.

The mayor wanted to say something, but he didn't say it in the end.

Because what this town wants most now is to solve the troubles in this town.

And the trouble in this town is that in that village.

If the village continues like this all the time, the town won't have to develop. It can't develop at all.

Along the way, they found a strange problem. The roads around them were rotten.

But the way into the village is a little good. It's just a day by day.

"Did you see something? The village is very rich, but their money... Hey, don't talk about it." Huang Hao sighed and said that he didn't want to advance some things.

Since Huang Hao doesn't want to say it himself, Liu Yuan naturally can't continue to talk about it.

But Liu Yuan is a little curious. Since the village is so rich, why is the town so backward?

But at this time, Liu Yuan's car stopped and didn't continue to drive forward at all.

Seeing that the car stopped, Liu Yuan naturally had no way. They naturally wanted to stop.

"Why do you stop here? Don't drive in?" Liu Yuan couldn't help asking.

"You can't continue to drive in. If you drive in again, something will happen," said the mayor on one side.

Hearing the mayor's words, Liu Yuan was also very curious. How could an accident happen for no reason?

But the mayor obviously didn't want to say anything more. Since he didn't want to say anything, Liu Yuan didn't ask.

As for what it is, just go to the village directly, because at this time, there is no way.

As time passed, Liu Yuan and his family also entered the village, but as soon as they wanted to enter, five or six people appeared in front of them.

"Do you want to enter the village?" one of them asked directly.

"That must be going in, otherwise what are we doing here?" one of them, who should be the first time, said these words, which made the mayor a little helpless. It was just looking for abuse.

"Sorry, you are not welcome in our village. You can't go in." the man standing in front said directly.

Hearing what the villager said, Liu Yuanmeng and the people who came here for the first time were also hoodwinked.

Seeing what the man wanted to say, the mayor stopped him and said, "Xiao Liu, just wait here!"

After that, the mayor took a step forward and directly took out hundreds of pieces and handed them to the leader.

"After you go in, you should pay attention to your behavior. If there is anything wrong, you will be in trouble." after that, you directly turn around and leave, leaving only three people watching Huang Hao and them.

Seeing this situation, Liu Yuan couldn't help frowning. This is the leader. How can he give money to the village?

"Haven't you solved this phenomenon before? It's not the way to go on like this!" Liu Yuan couldn't help saying.

Hearing Liu Yuan's words, Huang Hao naturally knows what Liu Yuan means. Huang Hao has thought of a way to solve this kind of thing, but it can't be solved. He has also acted many times, but the result is not obvious.

"A group of people have been arrested, but they will still do such things when they come back," Huang Hao continued.

If you really say that like Huang Hao, it's really a little troublesome.

To solve this problem, we must first find the person here.

As long as he is persuaded, the matter will be well solved, but Liu Yuan knows that Huang Hao and they have failed.

"This time it's mainly to see if you have any way. If you really have no way, I have to give up." Huang Hao said reluctantly. In fact, he felt a little sorry to find Liu Yuan.

"I'll try. I don't know if I can succeed," Liu Yuan said. Liu Yuan doesn't have many ways to do everything here. He can only try. Liu Yuan can't guarantee whether he can succeed.

After entering, Liu Yuan knew that Huang Hao had nothing to do with this place, because those people inside were totally unreasonable. No matter what it was, they wanted money. If they didn't give money, they would directly surround a group of people.

So up to now, they dare not touch things, touch some things, and even bleed their wallets.

"The villagers here are very united. As long as they say a word, it must be surrounded by a group of people. If it's one or two villagers, I can directly take them away, but if it's all like this, what else can we do?" Huang Hao said helplessly. He really has no way to deal with things here.

Hearing what Huang Hao said, Liu Yuan also knows what's going on. If this is true, the problem here is difficult to solve.

"Don't worry! I'll help you find a way then," Liu Yuan said.

Liu Yuan had encountered this situation before, so Liu Yuan thought of a way to tell them about it.

As long as how to solve it, Liu Yuan still has to think about it and think about the method.

When they got back to the car, Liu Yuan saw his car and was immediately covered. It was actually scratched.

The man who stayed here to watch the car was beaten. The whole man lay on the ground, with footprints and fist marks on his face and body.

"Xiao Liu, what's the matter with you?" the mayor immediately came to Xiao Liu and asked.

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